Felecia had waited three years for a donor heart to save her son, Dario. Shockingly, her husband, Erasmo, donated it to his first love Daniela's son instead. Devastated after Dario's passing, Felecia confronted Erasmo but was met with contempt. With her son's ashes in hand, a mother's vengeance began.
A mãe de Caio a adorava, e Caio era gradualmente atraído por Renata e a defendeu muitas vezes durante o tempo em que estão juntos. Renata obteu a carreira e o amor. Mas amiga de infância de Caio, que se faz passar pela esposa dele, apareceu...
Angela, a primeira General da fronteira do Norte, retorna de uma missão para participar da festa de noivado de sua irmã mais nova, Ana. Por vestida com a roupa de faxineira na missão, ela é desprezada. Ana, ignorando as críticas, defende Angela com determinação, revelando a forte ligação entre as duas irmãs. Angela, por sua vez, dá o troco com seu talento, humilhando a família do noivo de Ana e apresentando a ela Pedro, um homem ideal e de alta qualidade, como novo namorado. Mais tarde, Angela e Ana acabam encontrando, por coincidência, seus pais biológicos, que as abandonaram no passado devido à preferência por filhos, Angela decide dar o troco no dia do aniversário de Ana, lançando um plano de vingança para fazer com que os pais arrependam-se amargamente pelo resto de suas vidas.
Cuando Isabel tenía cinco años, su madre falleció y fue abandonada en el campo sin que nadie se hiciera cargo de ella. Más tarde, la recogieron para que se casara con Miguel. Se decía que Miguel era cruel y feo, aunque su familia era extremadamente rica. Sin embargo, en realidad, Miguel resultó ser un hombre apuesto y poderoso. Así fue cómo Isabel contrajo matrimonio con él. Miguel pensaba que Isabel no sabía hacer nada y la consideraba inútil, al igual que los demás, que solían burlarse de ella. Pero, en verdad, Isabel no solo era una médica extraordinaria, sino también una maestra de la pintura tradicional, una reconocida diseñadora de moda, pianista, y directora de una empresa tecnológica internacional. En resumen, Isabel es una mujer excepcional.
Titan Sholl, the billionaire Yance Frix's undercover intern bride, hoped to make it on her own merits. However, her classmate Yusra Lane falsely assumed Titan's identity, using it to bully her at the workplace until Yance intervened. Publicly revealing Titan as his true bride, Yance punished Yusra at the company's annual meeting. Meanwhile, Titan uncovered and defeated a sinister family scheme that her father wanted to use for his own good.
Mia Faure est née dans une famille qui jugeait un fils préférable à une fille. Pour financer les études universitaires de son frère, qui coûtaient 14 000 de dollars, son père et sa grand-mère ont vendu la maison où elle et sa sœur cadette vivaient. Mia était déterminée à entrer dans une des meilleures universités pour se débarrasser de cette situation difficile. Cependant, quand elle a reçu la lettre d’admission, son père et sa grand-mère l’ont empêchée d’y aller et lui ont demandé de se marier. Grâce à l’aide de sa mère et sa sœur, Mia a pu s’enfuir. Sept ans plus tard, Mia a réussi dans la vie. Pourtant, elle a appris que sa sœur cadette est également forcée de se marier…
Five years ago, Charlotte Shaw, under the provocation of Eve Smith, had no choice but to break up with Yale Ball who was down and out by then. Soon after this break-up, Charlotte lost her memory and gave birth to her child with Yale later. Five years later, Yale returned to his motherland as the No. 1 rich person nationwide. Fate also brought him to Charlotte who was at the lowest point of her life. Somehow, their destines tangled together and composited a music full of twists and turns.
Gina Amran, gadis yang sederhana dan rendah hati, ternyata adalah anak tunggal dari Perusahaan Besar, Grup Outlet. Meskipun keluarganya kaya raya, dia tidak mau pamer dan jadi pusat perhatian. Ia mau bersinar dengan caranya sendiri. Namun, hidup tidak selalu berjalan lancar. Tanpa sengaja teman sekelasnya, Maria Jola, pura-pura menjadi anak Grup Outlet, mencuri identitasnya. Maria adalah gadis yang sangat mementingkan penampilan dan status sosial, dia menikmati pujian dan perhatian yang tidak seharusnya ia miliki. Ia mau menyembunyikan rahasia ini selamanya, tapi nafsu dan rasa serakah, membawanya ke kehancurannya. Awalnya, Gina memilih untuk diam dan membiarkan Maria, menganggap bahwa itu hanya keisengan yang akan segera berlalu. Namun, Maria semakin berani, bahkan sering menindas dan memfitnah Gina. Akhirnya Gina tak bisa tinggal diam lagi. Dalam sebuah malam amal, ia mengungkapkan identitas aslinya dan membongkar kebohongan Maria. Semua orang yang hadir terkejut, tidak menyangka bahwa gadis yang rendah hati dan sederhana ini ternyata bukan orang biasa.
Jamie witnessed the tragic death of her husband Ethan. With grief, she uses her magic to travel back five years and vows to save Ethan's life. To do so, she must make Ethan the heir to the Volckoski family, but things are far more difficult than she imagined.There are many sinister people in the family who want the money, including Ethan's aunt, Gloria Volckoski, who killed Ethan.Jamie and Ethan go through a lot of trouble to fall in love again and hold on to the heirship, but then fate plays tricks on them, and the two lovers face a life and death test again.
A family conspiracy put Molly’s life in danger, but mafia boss Jack helped her survive and rise from the ashes. Little did they know, a greater conspiracy was awaiting them...
The story follows Katya Jagger’s quadruplets who secretly sneak out to find their daddy. During their search, the eldest brother and the younger sister discover that the billionaire CEO, Gael Wilde, in the luxury car by the roadside is the daddy they've been looking for. The younger sister stops the CEO's car and immediately calls him "Daddy," even pulling out a strand of his hair for a paternity test.
Jayden was born into an incredibly wealthy family. His mother is the world's richest woman, and his three sisters are powerhouse leaders in finance, the military, and healthcare. Despite all this, Jayden finds himself in love with his childhood friend, Xenia. One day, when Xenia is about to be hit by a car, Jayden rushes to save her, but in the process, he sustains a severe injury to his sciatic nerve. Doctors initially declare him permanently paralyzed, but his mother spares no expense, hiring a top-tier medical team to help him recover. To test whether Xenia truly loves him, Jayden's mother encourages him to fake his paralysis and continue his relationship with her. Just before their wedding, Jayden decides to stand up from his wheelchair in front of everyone. However, to his shock, he catches Xenia in a compromising situation with his best friend, John, just days before their big day...
Son père étant infidèle et sa mère décédée, sa belle-mère a amené son fils illégitime dans la maison, depuis, Julieta mène une vie opprimée et mouvementée ! Afin que son fils étudie à l’étranger, sa belle-mère lui suggère de quitter l'école pour se marier, la dot servirait aux études de son demi-frère. La tenace Julieta n'est pas prête à abandonner sa propre vie et enchaîne divers petits boulots, jusqu'au jour où elle sauve une vieille dame. Elle se marie dans un étrange concours de circonstances avec le petit-fils de cette dernière, elle, qui voulait travailler dur pour subvenir à sa famille, découvre soudainement que son mari est PDG. C'est juste qu'il est un peu bizarre, il se fait passer pour un employé ordinaire ! Au vu de la situation, Julieta joue le jeu. Une farce hilarante s'ensuit !
In her past life, Cici was killed by her husband, Yates. However, she miraculously reincarnated and returned to the day she first met Yates's family. This time, Cici decisively chose Yates' uncle, Benson. Despite rumors claiming that Benson was sterile, Cici found herself pregnant with triplets and was spoiled by Benson!
Na celebração do quinto aniversário de casamento do Gabriel Costa e a Natália Gomes, a meia-irmã da Natália, Carolina Gomes, apareceu de repente e exigiu que a Natália entregasse o Gabriel para ela. A Carolina empurrou a Natália de propósito, causando um aborto espontâneo. Gabriel, então, abraçou a Carolina e foi embora primeiro, deixando a Natália em desespero. Ela decidiu se divorciar do Gabriel e se suicidar no mar. Após o desaparecimento da Natália, o Gabriel achou que fosse uma encenação conjunta dela com todos, mas logo começou a perceber os mal-entendidos do passado, a trama da Carolina Gomes, e que a mulher que mais o amava no mundo havia partido para sempre.
Candela Pérez, la hija ilegítima de la familia Pérez, aceptó casarse en lugar de su hermana con un joven pobre que había estado en prisión, con el fin de pagar el tratamiento médico de su madre. Sin embargo, nunca imaginó que este joven pobre resultaría ser el multimillonario Raúl García, el magnate oculto de Ciudad Central. A partir de ese momento, comenzaron una vida dulce pero peligrosa juntos.
Na vida anterior, Felipe Cristo ignorou sua filha biológica Ana Cristo para uma viúva Sana Paiva. Mas ele criou dois filhos de Sana Paiva. O resultado foi que ele estava doente e ninguém cuidou dele. Na sua segunda vida, Felipe Cristo não será mais padrasto. Ele quer ganhar dinheiro para sustentar sua filha biológica.
Untuk membalas budi, putri keluarga kaya itu menyamar sebagai "Ivy Glade" untuk menikahi Adi Zon. Setelah menemaninya selama tiga tahun, dia akhirnya diusir, setelah bercerai, dia kembali ke keluarga kayanya dan jalani hidup sebagai dirinya sendiri tapi dia perlahan-lahan mulai sadar dan menyesalinya...