
adiós amor mío

Enamorarte Nunca Es Tarde

Enamorarte Nunca Es Tarde


Tras volver a la vida, Susana tendrá que recuperar la familia y la carrera que le pertenecían originalmente, hacer que quienes intentaron asesinarla paguen las consecuencias de sus actos y quedarse con su amado esposo el resto de su vida...

Pembalasan Untuk Sang Adik

Pembalasan Untuk Sang Adik


Kisah kakak adik kembar yang harus terpisah karena salah satunya diadopsi, tadinya sang adik, Juni, yang ingin diadopsi oleh paman kaya. Tetapi dia malah menyuruh kakaknya yang diadopsi agar penyakit kakaknya bisa sembuh. Saat dewasa pun sang kakak mencari adiknya dan mengetahui adiknya disiksa oleh sang suami. Akhirnya sang kakak, Nanda Setya, melakukan pembalasan untuk sang adik...

A Mother's Self-salvation

A Mother's Self-salvation


Fifteen years ago, an earthquake struck, trapping the young Yara Grant and Miles Grant. Facing an impending aftershock, their mother made the heart-wrenching decision to save Miles over Yara. Fortunately, a scavenger named Dick Harris found Yara and rescued her. He adopted her and renamed her Claire Harris. Now, fifteen years later, Claire unexpectedly reunited with her biological parents, setting off a series of twisted yet touching events. What decisions will Claire and her family make? Where will Claire's future lead?

Rescued and Betrayed: Wenny's Story

Rescued and Betrayed: Wenny's Story


Wenny, from the largest family in the country, was saved by Jason, and in gratitude, she married him. In order to relieve Jason from pressure, Wenny concealed her identity while being with him, helping him rise to fame. Just as Wenny was about to confess her identity, Jason cheated on her and betrayed her. After seeing Jason's true colors, Wenny took back everything she gave him, returned to being single, and attracted the attention of many outstanding individuals who pursued her relentlessly.

Wedded to My Twin Sister's Betrothed

Wedded to My Twin Sister's Betrothed


Cecilia dropped out of a top university for her boyfriend Federico and stayed at his company as a low-level cleaner, but Federico proposed to the wealthy heiress Shawna. Cecilia was deeply hurt and felt disheartened, but then her life took a turn when her never-before-seen twin sister, Harriet, who was the behind-the-scenes head of Joy Group, found her and asked her to impersonate her...

Heart's Maze: The Boss vs. Her Brothers

Heart's Maze: The Boss vs. Her Brothers


Raised in the wrong family due to a mistake, Peggy was kicked out by her adoptive parents after they reclaimed their real daughter. However, she soon discovered her biological parents were the wealthiest in town, and she had three adoptive brothers who adored her. As she fell for a prince-like man, her adoptive brother Michael also vied for her love. Who did Peggy ultimately choose?

El acuerdo

El acuerdo


Valentina, una muchacha americana, pensó que podría empezar una nueva etapa de su vida tras graduarse de la universidad; sin embargo, se encontró con una desgracia para toda su familia debido a las deudas de juego de su hermano. Habían ofendido a una de las familias de la Mafia: los Romano. Para evitar que asesinaran a su hermano, Valentina aceptó casarse con Alessandro, el líder de la familia Romano. Luego de una dramática boda, encerraron a Valentina como un canario en la mansión Romano, de donde tratará escapar continuamente. Un día recibe una amenaza de muerte y, aterrorizada, trama un plan secreto de escape con la ayuda del primo de Alessandro, sin ni siquiera darse cuenta de que ya está enamorada del capo de la mafia Romano.

Aku Mau Kembali Jadi Triliuner

Aku Mau Kembali Jadi Triliuner


Tiga tahun menikah, Teddy nggak pernah bekerja, hanya di rumah mencuci dan masak untuk istri dan mertuanya. Saat karirnya mulai naik, Erika istri Teddy memutuskan untuk bercerai karena malu dengan Teddy yang pengangguran dan selalu dihina teman dan keluarga besarnya. Teddy yang ternyata adalah Presdir perusahaan besar merasa kecewa dan kembali ke perusahaannya dengan niat membalas ucapan keluarga besar Erika. Saat rencana hampir berhasil, ayah Erika kembali dengan berita yang menjanjikan bagi keluarga Erika.

The Financial Queen Michelle's Journey

The Financial Queen Michelle's Journey


After stepping down as the Asia Financial Queen, Michelle worked in a restaurant, where she unwittingly confronted a con artist. Her courageous actions caught the attention of Vincent, president of Green Group, who became a devoted admirer and pursued her despite their age gap. Michelle secretly supported her daughter, Ruby, in building her company into a leader in the domestic smart vehicle industry, but her sacrifices went unnoticed and Ruby dismissed her waitress job. When a foreign invasion threatened Cathaland's stock market, putting Ruby and other companies at risk, Michelle stepped in to turn the tide. Together, they repaired their relationship and united to defeat the Yamaguchi Corporation, restoring the honor of Cathaland's financial sector.

Life's Breath: Struggles of the Heart

Life's Breath: Struggles of the Heart


Twenty-eight years ago, Connor Daly faced a heart-wrenching decision when his wife, Dahlia Bell, experienced complications during childbirth. Choosing to save the baby, he inadvertently caused the death of his father-in-law, Harold Bell. This tragedy ignited a deep-seated hatred in his mother-in-law and brother-in-law, Andrew Bell. Fast forward eighteen years, Connor's son, Valor Daly, is accepted into college, but the family struggles financially. Desperate, Connor attempts to borrow money from the village but fails and is forced to turn to Andrew for help. Initially met with Andrew's cold refusal, Connor reveals that the decision to save the baby had been Dahlia's. Valor, overhearing this revelation, steps in to mediate, leading Andrew to eventually lend the money for Valor's education. Years later, Valor becomes a successful entrepreneur and plans to invest back in his hometown. However, his efforts are thwarted by a local bully, stirring unrest among the villagers. In a moment of crisis, Valor returns to confront the bully and the villagers. When Dahlia gets injured, the villagers even consider expelling Connor from the village. Valor steps in, fights for his parents' justice, and transforms the villagers' attitudes. One evening, Scarlett Ross demands that Valor break off his engagement with her niece, Fay Ross, citing pressure from Joe Payne's powerful family. Valor travels to Ecrin county to speak with Fay. Upon learning the truth, he decides to challenge Joe at the engagement party, determined to protect Fay and their future together.

Esposa Sustituta: Adicto a mimarte

Esposa Sustituta: Adicto a mimarte


¡Es un matrimonio por error! Ella fue obligada a casarse con él en silla de ruedas, en lugar de su hermana, y envuelta en una conspiración de la familia rica. ¡Así se iniciaba una historia de amor y lástima entre el dominante presidente y su encantadora esposa! "Mario, ¿no tenías discapacidad en las piernas? ¡Me engañaste!" "¡Nunca les he dicho nada!" suplicó ella, incapaz de escapar de su encierro. "¡Mario, solo soy un sustituto, libérame!" Él la cargó en sus piernas y susurrando: "¡Tranquila."

Under the Dusk's Veil

Under the Dusk's Veil


There were two best friends who, in an effort to provide companionship for their single parents, came up with an ingenious plan to facilitate their whirlwind marriage. The elderly pair, wary of the town's prying eyes and wagging tongues, donned disguises so elaborate that the day they exchanged their vows, they resembled characters from a spy novel rather than a romantic tale. Without their reading glasses, they didn't even see each other's faces clearly...

A Mother's Dark Awakening

A Mother's Dark Awakening


Irene Chandler is a dedicated doctor who, on her wedding anniversary with Sylvan Hendricks, works late into the night performing surgery. Left feeling neglected and frustrated, Sylvan turns to alcohol and ends up in a reckless affair with Azalea Davenport. When Azalea gives birth to a daughter with a congenital heart condition a few months later, Sylvan shifts the blame to Irene, accusing her of failing as a wife and mother. Yet, the real truth is that Sylvan’s infidelity has brought about a karmic twist of fate, revealing his own shortcomings.

Presdir dan Gadis Pembunuh

Presdir dan Gadis Pembunuh


Sonia dipekerjakan oleh seseorang untuk membunuh Charlie. Namun, pada akhirnya dia justru diserang balik hingga mengalami koma. Pada saat ini, Charlie mengetahui bahwa Sonia adalah pembunuh bayaran, sehingga ingin menghabisi Sonia. Sementara Sonia yang tersadar dari koma, ternyata telah hilang ingatan. Tanpa alasan jelas, dia malah meminta pertanggungjawaban kepada Charlie. Demi bisa mengontrol Sonia, Charlie pun menjadikan Sonia sebagai pengawal pribadinya. Seiring perjalanan mereka berdua, perlahan-lahan terungkaplah fakta bahwa mereka berdua dulunya adalah teman masa kecil di panti asuhan. Kedua orang yang dulunya pernah saling menolong itu, pada akhirnya kembali bersama.

Batal Nikah Menjadi Awal Bertemu sang Pujaan

Batal Nikah Menjadi Awal Bertemu sang Pujaan


Seorang genius desain bernama Cindy, karena penampilannya yang buruk, ditolak oleh tunangannya dan diusir dari rumah oleh ibu tirinya dan keluarganya yang menganggapnya tidak berguna. Dalam keputusasaan, Tommy muncul dan membawanya ke rumah sakit saat dia keracunan. Setelah mendapatkan kembali kecantikannya, Cindy dan Tommy menikah secara tiba-tiba dan bersama-sama membalas dendam pada orang-orang yang telah menyakitinya!

Jenderal Jadi Tukang

Jenderal Jadi Tukang


Garry Marti, Master Gamma yang dulunya sangat berkuasa, jatuh ke dasar hidupnya setelah hilang ingatan. Dia bekerja keras sebagai tukang angkat barang di tempat konstruksi, tapi malah diperlakukan tidak adil. Sofia Risma yang pernah dijodohkan dengannya menepati janji untuk menikah dengannya. Mereka berdua yang mengatasi perbedaan status dan larangan keluarga, serta melewati banyak rintangan,akhirnya saling mencintai dan menjalani hidup baru bersama...

Cambio de sentido

Cambio de sentido


Antes de esa caótica y memorable noche, Madeline nunca imaginó que acabaría realmente con Jeremy, pero su inesperado matrimonio les separó aún más. Sin embargo, cuando todo parecía perdido, Madeline descubre que ya se había hecho con el corazón de Jeremy sin ni siquiera darse cuenta.

Mi multimillonario envuelto en regalo

Mi multimillonario envuelto en regalo


En una catastrófica noche de San Valentín, Vanessa, una actriz en apuros, se tropieza con Daniel Jones, un apuesto y adinerado magnate del mundo del espectáculo de Los Ángeles, quien finge tener amnesia después de un accidente ocurrido por un conflicto hereditario. Por capricho del destino, Vanessa se lo lleva a casa sin saber nada sobre esto y comienzan una inesperada convivencia… A medida que estrechan sus relaciones, Daniel teme que llegue el día en el que Vanessa descubra su fingida amnesia, lo cual podría desmoronarlo todo, incluso su recién comenzado romance. ¿Será su amor capaz de soportar la realidad?

Bienvenido a nuestra página de adiós amor mío Short Play Series, donde encontrarás una cautivadora colección de obras cortas para entretener e inspirar. Cada obra está elaborada con meticulosa atención al detalle, ofreciendo actuaciones poderosas y narrativas atractivas que te dejarán deseando más. Explora nuestras obras cortas adiós amor mío a continuación y descubre la magia de nuestra serie de obras cortas hoy.
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