
a heart's untold truth

Under the Dusk's Veil

Under the Dusk's Veil


There were two best friends who, in an effort to provide companionship for their single parents, came up with an ingenious plan to facilitate their whirlwind marriage. The elderly pair, wary of the town's prying eyes and wagging tongues, donned disguises so elaborate that the day they exchanged their vows, they resembled characters from a spy novel rather than a romantic tale. Without their reading glasses, they didn't even see each other's faces clearly...

A Farewell to All

A Farewell to All


Nicole's daughter clung to life as husband Zack chose Yolanda's child over hers. After learning of Zack's deceptions, Nicole sought justice, leading to a public fallout with Yolanda. Amidst grief and Zack's infidelities, Nicole fought for her daughter's legacy. Zack's realization of his mistakes came too late, ending in his tragic demise. Nicole found new purpose in charity and love with Harrison.

Atardecer de Amor

Atardecer de Amor


En un desafortunado incidente médico, los espermatozoides del presidente de Grupo Owen, Diego, fueron implantados inadvertidamente en el cuerpo de su empleada Anita, quien quedó embarazada como resultado. La novia de Diego, Cristina, se acercó repetidamente a Anita para intentar convencerla de que renunciara al bebé. Mientras tanto, Diego descubrió durante una investigación privada el embarazo de Anita y le sugirió que simulara un aborto para engañar a todos. Ante la abrumadora carga económica de las facturas médicas de su hermano, Anita aceptó ocultar tanto su embarazo como su matrimonio. A medida que compartían su vida cotidiana, también comenzaron a surgir sentimientos entre ellos...

Masks of Golden Hearts

Masks of Golden Hearts


Olivia Carter and Nathan Watson, heirs to elite fortunes, hide their true identities to marry each other. This decision ignites a whirlwind of humorous and unexpected revelations. Their secrets are finally revealed as they band together to outsmart a scheming woman, and with their bond stronger than ever, they continue their journey, deeply in love.

A Companheira Rejeitada do Alfa

A Companheira Rejeitada do Alfa


Mira mata o irmão do seu alfa em seu 18º aniversário. Para piorar, o alfa é o companheiro da Mira e ele presencia o ato. Mira é relegada a ser uma escrava e trancada em uma masmorra. Ela está em grande angústia. Será que a visita do rei alfa trará uma reviravolta inesperada?

Gorgeous Turn-back: The Nanny's Path to Wealth

Gorgeous Turn-back: The Nanny's Path to Wealth


On the day of the heiress of Lind Family, Wendy Lind's wedding to Jack Young, tragedy struck when Jack was brutally harmed and left in a coma. That same night, the Lind family's maid, Sasha Jones, found herself in a drunken fling with billionaire Xavier Knowles. Her personal items were discovered at the crime scene, making her the prime suspect in Jack's assault. Wrongfully imprisoned for five years, Sasha gave birth to a son behind bars. Upon her release, Sasha reunited with her son, Cole, and unexpectedly married Xavier. As she navigated her new life, Sasha began to unravel the shocking truths behind Jack's attack and the hidden secrets of her and Cole's origins.

Mr. Wilson's Path: Driving to the Summit

Mr. Wilson's Path: Driving to the Summit


Ten years ago, Wilson's newlywed wife, Whitney, mysteriously vanished. In his search, he adopted a daughter who later became the world's richest person. Now, after finally locating Whitney, Wilson discovered she had amnesia and was a renowned CEO. Taking a job as her driver, he dedicated himself to helping her regain her memories. After overcoming challenges together, they reunite as lovers.

A Bond Beyond Farewell

A Bond Beyond Farewell


Childhood friends Stanley McNeil and Madison Snider are bound by a family-arranged marriage, but they’ve never met or even seen each other’s faces. As they navigate a series of misunderstandings and obstacles, their journey to love is fraught with challenges. Will they be able to overcome the hurdles and find their way to each other?

Quando a Verdade Veio à Toa

Quando a Verdade Veio à Toa


No dia do aniversário de Caio, Iara dirigia com Lara para celebrar a ocasião, mas no caminho sofreram um acidente com Vera, que também estava indo para a festa de Caio. Iara ficou ferida, Lara estava à beira da morte e, quando Caio, que é médico, chegou ao local, ignorou o pedido de socorro de Iara e decidiu primeiro salvar sua amante Vera e seu filho Davi. Devido à negligência de Caio, Lara perdeu a oportunidade de receber atendimento médico a tempo e faleceu. Enquanto Iara estava devastada pela dor, Caio achou que ela estava apenas com ciúmes, não acreditou que Lara havia morrido e até quis se divorciar de Iara. Ao mesmo tempo, no hospital, Vera descobriu a morte de Lara e, para forçar o divórcio entre Caio e Iara, escondeu intencionalmente a notícia e causou um escândalo no funeral de Lara, até que a polícia descobriu a verdade e a levou. Caio também encontrou a certidão de óbito de Lara no hospital e, ao confirmar a realidade, caiu na dor e no arrependimento, mas já era tarde demais.

Nada se compara contigo

Nada se compara contigo


Para vengar a su padre, Javier Sánchez decidió humillar y torturar a Elena Martínez internándola vilmente en un hospital psiquiátrico. Pero dos años después, él la tomó como esposa: "No te hagas ilusiones, solo estás redimiéndote de otra manera".

El retorno de mamá

El retorno de mamá


Julia Rosales, proveniente de una familia en ruinas, se vio obligada a aceptar la propuesta de la familia Cisneros y divorciarse de Mateo Cisneros para salvar a su gravemente enfermo abuelo. Según el acuerdo, su hijo sería criado por la familia Cisneros. Cinco años más tarde, tras el fallecimiento de su abuelo y un accidente automovilístico que dejó a Mateo sin memoria, Julia se postuló para ser la niñera de su hijo en la familia Cisneros. Con la ayuda del niño, la verdad de aquellos años salió a la luz, los malentendidos entre los protagonistas se aclararon y finalmente, se reunieron para vivir felices juntos.

Vuelta a la ciudad: La madre con cinco hijos sesudos

Vuelta a la ciudad: La madre con cinco hijos sesudos


Después de una noche de pasión con Fernando Martínez, con quien había estado saliendo durante años, la hija de la familia García, Sofía García, descubre que Fernando ha desaparecido misteriosamente. La hija de su madrastra, Clara García, llega con su padre para atraparlos en el acto, afirmando que Sofía ya había sido prometida a otra persona. La acusan de ser infiel, de deshonrar a la familia García, y la expulsan de la casa familiar. Sofía, creyendo que había sido engañada, regresa al campo y estudia medicina bajo la tutela del médico milagroso. Sorprendentemente, descubre que está embarazada y finalmente da a luz a quintillizos, ¡cuatro niños y una niña! Seis años después, Sofía regresa a su país con sus hijos y abre una clínica comunitaria. Sin embargo, estos cinco adorables niños están decididos a encontrar a su padre...

Guapo Durmiente, ¡A formar pareja!

Guapo Durmiente, ¡A formar pareja!


Guapo durmiente, ¡A formar pareja! Amelia, una trabajadora sexual en apuros, aprovecha la oportunidad de casarse con el único heredero de la rica familia Valverde para ganar dinero y pagar las facturas médicas de su madre. Sin embargo, su futuro esposo, Elías, está en estado vegetativo. ¿Podrá Amelia cumplir con su compromiso en esta inesperada situación?

Fate Reunites our Hearts Once More

Fate Reunites our Hearts Once More


Wealthy heiress Yamilet Shea and tycoon Chay Lawson's arranged engagement is thwarted when Yamilet swaps identities with classmate Ladi Shea, leading to misunderstandings and intrigue. Secrets unravel as Yamilet fights back against Ladi's deception. In a high-stakes rescue, Yamilet and Chay resolve their differences and marry. Mistaken identities, misunderstandings, and romantic entanglements unfold, causing chaos and eventual reconciliation between the families.

El Camino Tortuoso del Amor

El Camino Tortuoso del Amor


Laura Castro fue amenazada por Diego Castro (padre) con la fuente del corazón para salvar a Ana(madre) y se vio obligada a casarse con Antonio López(su padre fue rescatado una vez por el Sr. Castro). Pero en la noche de bodas, Laura se quedó sola en una habitación vacía porque a él no le gustó. Más tarde, Elena Ortega la llamó para sustituirla en el hospital. Inesperadamente, Laura encontró a Antonio que estaba siendo perseguido. Después que tuvieran relaciones, pero Elena se llevó todo el bienestar. Por responsabilidad, Antonio decidió casarse con Elena y confió en ella. Inicialmente Antonio, considerando a Laura como un espía enviado por su madrastra Lucía, solicitó el divorcio. Más tarde, a medida que se llevaba bien con Laura, su visión iba cambiando. Por otro lado, debido a la instigación secreta y las acciones despreciables de Elena, el malentendido entre Laura y Antonio se intensificó, e incluso abortaron a un niño, así que casi se separaron. Al final, Antonio descubrió que Elena hacía las malas acciones, la despertó a Laura con su amor, que estaba en coma causado por un accidente automovilístico, y vivieron felices juntos.

빌리어네어 CEO의 옵세션

빌리어네어 CEO의 옵세션


나오미는 금수저 집안에서 태어났지만, 누군가의 계략으로 아무도 모르게 출생을 바꿔치기 당한다.

Embrace Me, My Sweetheart

Embrace Me, My Sweetheart


Edward Allen, the CEO of Allen Group, happens to run into his old classmate, Abbie Howard, one day. At that moment, a pompous blind date humiliates Abbie, leaving her completely shattered. Edward can't stand to see his former classmate treated this way, so he strides forward and skillfully rescues her from the situation. In that moment, Abbie sees a glimpse of the brave, fearless boy she once knew in school. Warmth floods her heart, and her gratitude toward Edward is undeniable. Back in their school days, Edward was a quiet, unassuming boy who was often bullied by school thugs. It was Abbie who, one day, courageously grabbed his hand and helped him escape those troublemakers. From that moment on, Edward felt a deep sense of gratitude and respect for Abbie. Now, back in the present, Edward learns that Abbie is under pressure from her parents to get married. Seeing the helpless look in her eyes, he comes up with a plan—he offers to pose as her boyfriend to fool her family. Hiding the fact that he's a powerful CEO, he moves into her home and pretends to be just an ordinary guy. From that moment on, they begin a life of love after marriage, living in a romantic world of their own. As her husband, Edward cares for Abbie, making her feel warmth and happiness she's never known before. Gradually, Abbie is moved by Edward's genuine heart and starts to develop deep feelings for him. Their love, like dazzling fireworks, illuminates both their lives.

Cute Baby Helps Out, CEO Dad's Wild Chase for Wife

Cute Baby Helps Out, CEO Dad's Wild Chase for Wife


Rachel Jenson's story of how she finds herself in love, family, and career after experiencing family betrayal, memory loss, and mistaken identity, ultimately achieving self-redemption and growth.

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