
a woman scorned

Thorns of Love: A Marriage of Triumph

Thorns of Love: A Marriage of Triumph


Wealthy heiress Sheryl, in hiding her identity, supported her beloved Tom in his entrepreneurial endeavors. However, after three years, she was met with Tom's betrayal. In a fit of anger, Sheryl impulsively married Ryan, a stranger who happened to pass by. To her surprise, Ryan turned out to be the CEO of a conglomerate. Over time, they protected and grew to love each other, navigating the challenges of their unexpected marriage.

The Rose's Fall: A Dance with Destiny

The Rose's Fall: A Dance with Destiny


Three years ago, Rebecca Johnson discovered her foster family took her in for her utility, intending her to protect Sara Johnson, their heiress. Unaware, Rebecca's beauty bred resentment in Sara, who manipulated her father into sending Rebecca to an older man. In self-defense, Rebecca stabbed him, leading the Johnsons to confine her to Grotom Island's asylum under the guise of mental illness. After enduring three years of hardship, Rebecca survived. Unbeknownst, the Johnsons sought to eliminate her to avoid scandal when allying with Andrew Moore. Andrew, rumored to have visited Grotom Island, mistook Rebecca for his deceased sister upon meeting her. Returning, Rebecca used this error to stay with Andrew temporarily, focused on avenging the Johnsons. Despite repeated close encounters, Andrew's probing spared her, not knowing he'd already seen through her facade. Her true self intrigued him deeply.

I Became a Stepmother in the 1980s

I Became a Stepmother in the 1980s


Nora Seth woke up to find herself time-traveled to the 80s. Not only was she a fake heiress kicked out of the house, but she also had to marry a divorced old man who had two children on behalf of the real heiress. What? Becoming a mom without the delivery pain? Hooray! She decisively chose to marry him. It turned out her husband was a tall and handsome man who kept giving her money. When facing relatives' harassment, real heiress's ridicule, and foster parents' scolding, she counterattacked with no mercy! Her manners were saved for decent people only!

Ex esposa: una multimillonaria poderosa.

Ex esposa: una multimillonaria poderosa.


Ella, una heredera multimillonaria, se casó por gratitud con un esposo en estado vegetativo. Pero el día en que él despertó, la despidió para dar la bienvenida a su amante. Después del divorcio, su verdadera identidad fue revelada, humillando a su ex y a su nueva pareja. Su ex esposo lamentaba su decisión, pero era demasiado tarde; ella ya había tenido un joven atractivo..

A Mother's Self-salvation

A Mother's Self-salvation


Fifteen years ago, an earthquake struck, trapping the young Yara Grant and Miles Grant. Facing an impending aftershock, their mother made the heart-wrenching decision to save Miles over Yara. Fortunately, a scavenger named Dick Harris found Yara and rescued her. He adopted her and renamed her Claire Harris. Now, fifteen years later, Claire unexpectedly reunited with her biological parents, setting off a series of twisted yet touching events. What decisions will Claire and her family make? Where will Claire's future lead?

A New Dawn: The Zenith Awakening

A New Dawn: The Zenith Awakening


Just before his wedding, Caelus Yach, the Lord of the Dragon Palace, falls into a coma due to a blood sacrifice. For ten years, his wife, Niamh Jacoby, remains unwavering in her devotion, working tirelessly day and night to keep him alive. After a decade, Caelus finally awakens. To make up for Niamh's years of suffering, Caelus invites the powerful and influential from all corners of the world to host a grand wedding banquet in her honor.

Matchmakers: My Quadruplets' Roles in Healing a Broken Marriage

Matchmakers: My Quadruplets' Roles in Healing a Broken Marriage


After an unexpected encounter in a bamboo forest, Wendy Jonas became pregnant and later gave birth to quadruplets, two boys and two girls. Her love rival's mother, intent on keeping Wendy and Jake Ethan apart, erased Wendy's memory and left the babies in four distant lands. Eight years later, Wendy, now an amnesiac, crossed paths with Jake once more. Their bond was rekindled and they were about to get married. However, Cecilia Xavier, her love rival, framed her as a deceitful scammer. In the end, Jake punished her to sweep the streets. Meanwhile, the four forsaken babies had grown up into four formidable children. Could their reemergence mend the rift between their Mommy and Daddy, steering their story toward a harmonious and sweet conclusion?

From a Jilted Loser to a Big Deal

From a Jilted Loser to a Big Deal


Seven years ago, Jessica was a wealthy heiress who ruthlessly abandoned Seymour, a poor boy. Later, Jessica's family went bankrupt, and her parents passed away, causing her to lose everything overnight. In her desperation to make money, she resorted to any means necessary. Meanwhile, Seymour transformed into a business magnate. Seymour believed that Jessica was trying to approach him to reconcile, but Jessica only wanted to work hard and earn money. Unbeknownst to them, their genius child was actually a millionaire...

Gemelos ingeniosos: ¿Dónde está nuestro papá?

Gemelos ingeniosos: ¿Dónde está nuestro papá?


Amelia Sánchez, en vísperas de su compromiso, fue engañada por su hermanastra Yolanda Suárez, lo que la llevó a tener una relación con Juan García y quedar embarazada accidentalmente. Cuatro años después, regresó a su país con sus dos hijos e ingresó a la empresa de Juan. Una noche, en un bar, reconoció a Juan con una máscara como el padre biológico de sus hijos, sin saber que también era su jefe. Amelia se debatió constantemente entre estas dos relaciones, desarrollando amores tanto hacia Juan, el presidente de la empresa, como hacia Juan, que trabajaba en un nightclub. Todo comenzó a cambiar cuando Juan invitó a Amelia a hacerse pasar por su novia, con la ayuda constante de sus dos adorables hijos, que actuaron como sus hermanitos. Finalmente, se resolvieron los malentendidos y la familia de cuatro vivió felizmente junta.

La Esposa Culpable Del Sr. Ortiz

La Esposa Culpable Del Sr. Ortiz


Toda la familia de Emma fue incriminada, por lo tanto, sufrió mucha tortura de Diego, y obligada a casarse con él. Su vida era dolorosa. Diego: "¡Emma, incluso si quieres morir, necesitas mi permiso!"

A Mother's Dark Awakening

A Mother's Dark Awakening


Irene Chandler is a dedicated doctor who, on her wedding anniversary with Sylvan Hendricks, works late into the night performing surgery. Left feeling neglected and frustrated, Sylvan turns to alcohol and ends up in a reckless affair with Azalea Davenport. When Azalea gives birth to a daughter with a congenital heart condition a few months later, Sylvan shifts the blame to Irene, accusing her of failing as a wife and mother. Yet, the real truth is that Sylvan’s infidelity has brought about a karmic twist of fate, revealing his own shortcomings.

Oh No! My Sugar Baby Is Actually a CEO!

Oh No! My Sugar Baby Is Actually a CEO!


On what was meant to be the happiest day of her life, Anya Aldridge's wedding turns into a nightmare. Her father is imprisoned, her fiancé calls off the wedding, and in her despair, she is betrayed by her cousin and ends up spending a night with an escort. By a twist of fate, the man she accidentally ends up with is the powerful CEO, Grayson Haley. Five years later, Anya and her child, Rory, unexpectedly reunite with Grayson, who continues concealing his CEO status and pretending to be an escort. Despite his hidden identity, Grayson showers them with love and affection as they navigate their new life together.

La identidad Impactante de mi ex-esposa

La identidad Impactante de mi ex-esposa


Por un accidente, ella y él tuvieran relaciones sexuales. Noa Serrano finalmente se casó con Alex López después de amarlo durante diez años. Durante los tres años de matrimonio, Noa, ocultada su identidad, soportando todo el humillamiento y la tortura, solo esperaba que pudiera enamorarse de ella. Hasta que Alex quería retirarle las córneas por Cayetana Durán, Noa terminó completamente desalentada y dejó el acuerdo de divorcio antes de regresar a casa para heredar cientos de millones de propiedades. La vez que volvieron a encontrarse, él era el presidente del Grupo de la familia López, mientras que ella era la señorita de la familia más poderosa de la Ciudad de México, era también una diseñadora de joyas mundialmente reconocida, directora ejecutiva de la Compañía de Entretenimiento Sol... Noa lo miraba desde arriba: Presidente López, te gustaría que fuera contigo?¿Por qué?

El acuerdo

El acuerdo


Valentina, una muchacha americana, pensó que podría empezar una nueva etapa de su vida tras graduarse de la universidad; sin embargo, se encontró con una desgracia para toda su familia debido a las deudas de juego de su hermano. Habían ofendido a una de las familias de la Mafia: los Romano. Para evitar que asesinaran a su hermano, Valentina aceptó casarse con Alessandro, el líder de la familia Romano. Luego de una dramática boda, encerraron a Valentina como un canario en la mansión Romano, de donde tratará escapar continuamente. Un día recibe una amenaza de muerte y, aterrorizada, trama un plan secreto de escape con la ayuda del primo de Alessandro, sin ni siquiera darse cuenta de que ya está enamorada del capo de la mafia Romano.

Te Quise Tarde, Pero No a Deshora

Te Quise Tarde, Pero No a Deshora


Ana ha amado a Carlos durante muchos años, pero él nunca la correspondió solo por su primer amor. Así que Ana se divorciará dejándoselo todo y cediéndole el puesto a su amante. Carlos creía que sin Ana sería muy feliz hasta que recibió el diagnóstico de su enfermedad… “Carlos, en los últimos días de mi vida ya no quiero seguir amándote”.

A Farewell to All

A Farewell to All


Nicole's daughter clung to life as husband Zack chose Yolanda's child over hers. After learning of Zack's deceptions, Nicole sought justice, leading to a public fallout with Yolanda. Amidst grief and Zack's infidelities, Nicole fought for her daughter's legacy. Zack's realization of his mistakes came too late, ending in his tragic demise. Nicole found new purpose in charity and love with Harrison.

Atardecer de Amor

Atardecer de Amor


En un desafortunado incidente médico, los espermatozoides del presidente de Grupo Owen, Diego, fueron implantados inadvertidamente en el cuerpo de su empleada Anita, quien quedó embarazada como resultado. La novia de Diego, Cristina, se acercó repetidamente a Anita para intentar convencerla de que renunciara al bebé. Mientras tanto, Diego descubrió durante una investigación privada el embarazo de Anita y le sugirió que simulara un aborto para engañar a todos. Ante la abrumadora carga económica de las facturas médicas de su hermano, Anita aceptó ocultar tanto su embarazo como su matrimonio. A medida que compartían su vida cotidiana, también comenzaron a surgir sentimientos entre ellos...

A Companheira Rejeitada do Alfa

A Companheira Rejeitada do Alfa


Mira mata o irmão do seu alfa em seu 18º aniversário. Para piorar, o alfa é o companheiro da Mira e ele presencia o ato. Mira é relegada a ser uma escrava e trancada em uma masmorra. Ela está em grande angústia. Será que a visita do rei alfa trará uma reviravolta inesperada?

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