Claire Gould, the heiress of a billion-dollar conglomerate, conceals her identity to repay a life-saving favor by marrying a commoner. Little did she know that after personally guiding her husband's company to become a multimillion-dollar conglomerate on the brink of going public, he callously casts her aside, opting to marry the niece of the wealthiest man in town.Post-divorce, Claire's true identity is exposed, leading to a satisfying comeuppance for the deceitful ex-husband and his conniving new wife. Despite his regret, it's too late for him to reclaim what he lost. Claire finds herself adored and cherished by three influential and eligible bachelors, leaving her ex-husband to rue the day he let go of the woman now embraced by the affections of powerful suitors.
In a calculated move to align herself with the illustrious Grey family, Baird Grey's former lover, Muriel Will, drugged him. However, her plan backfired when Baird eluded her trap and found himself slept with Tess Yule. Fearing exposure, Muriel bribed Ken Aly to falsely claim responsibility for what happened. Unaware of the deception, Tess brought forth a set of quadruplets, only to have three of them callously discarded by Muriel, while the remaining child, Joy, was placed under Ken's guardianship. For seven long years, Ken deceived Tess, exploiting her trust until, upon his promotion, he heartlessly cast her aside and seized her new home. Luckily, in a twist of fate, Tess's act of kindness towards Baird's grandfather led to a reconnection with Baird. In this unexpected reunion, she made a startling realization: the one she had tirelessly sought for years had been a constant presence in her life.
On her wedding night, Olivia Parker becomes a victim of betrayal by her husband and step-sister, leading to a scandalous encounter. After false rumors and a staged death, Olivia returns five years later with a plan for revenge. Unexpectedly, she crosses paths with Noah Cooper, the powerful leader of the Cooper family, who happens to be the father of her twins from that fateful night.
Mónica se somete a un examen prematrimonial, pero, por un capricho del destino, acaba con una inseminación artificial que la lleva a quedar embarazada del bebé de Gabriel. Este inesperado embarazo transforma radicalmente su tranquila vida y le permite ver con claridad a quienes la rodean. Su novio, malinterpretando la situación, intenta golpearla, mientras que su jefe, un hombre desagradable, trata de abusar de ella. Afortunadamente, Gabriel está ahí para ayudarla. La sencilla Mónica se convierte en su secretaria y, con su apoyo, decide abortar para comenzar una nueva vida. A medida que se transforma en una mujer más fuerte y hermosa, la atención de Gabriel se convierte en interés romántico.
After a car accident that left Brook in a coma, Natalie concealed her identity to marry the man. Together, the married couple faced challenges from Fiona and her son and took down the two-faced James as they navigated through their marriage and started a happy life together.
In a calculated move to align herself with the illustrious Grey family, Baird Grey's former lover, Muriel Will, drugged him. However, her plan backfired when Baird eluded her trap and found himself slept with Tess Yule. Fearing exposure, Muriel bribed Ken Aly to falsely claim responsibility for what happened. Unaware of the deception, Tess brought forth a set of quadruplets, only to have three of them callously discarded by Muriel, while the remaining child, Joy, was placed under Ken's guardianship. For seven long years, Ken deceived Tess, exploiting her trust until, upon his promotion, he heartlessly cast her aside and seized her new home. Luckily, in a twist of fate, Tess's act of kindness towards Baird's grandfather led to a reconnection with Baird. In this unexpected reunion, she made a startling realization: the one she had tirelessly sought for years had been a constant presence in her life.
Para casarse con Raúl, Linda, su exnovia, le hizo una trampa. Pero, Raúl se escapó y tuvo relaciones con Carla. Temiendo que se enterara de eso, dio dinero a Luis para que asumiera la consecuencia. Carla dio a luz a cuatro hijos. Linda tiró a tres, y la hija la dejó a Luis. Durante 7 años, Luis maltrató a Linda e incluso la abandonó al ser nombrado como subdirector. Para ayudar al abuelo de Raúl, Carla se casó con Raúl y se conocieron de nuevo.
Hace 3 años, como médica sin frontera, Alicia fue salvada por Víctor y se enamoró de él. Ella ocultó su identidad como la señorita cuarta del Grupo Alba, que es el mejor grupo médico nacional. Al regresar al país, se casó con Víctor y lo ayudó a conseguir muchos éxitos en su carrera en secreto.
George, l'héritier d'une riche famille, a été sauvé par Melody lorsqu'ils étaient enfants. Il lui a offert un collier porte-bonheur et a promis de la retrouver en grandissant pour lui rendre la pareille. Après des années de recherche infructueuse, George épouse une femme avec une jambe paralysée. Il la laisse se faire maltraiter par les autres, la rendant même incapable d'assister aux derniers instants de sa mère. Elle demande le divorce, et George découvre trop tard qu'elle était Melody depuis le début. Réalisant à quel point il l'a maltraitée, George décide de la reconquérir. Mais Melody se retrouve également en difficulté en revenant chez son père qui l'a toujours méprisée, ainsi que sa belle-mère et sa belle-sœur tyranniques. Melody parviendra-t-elle à retrouver ce qu'elle mérite ?
On her wedding night, Olivia Parker becomes a victim of betrayal by her husband and step-sister, leading to a scandalous encounter. After false rumors and a staged death, Olivia returns five years later with a plan for revenge. Unexpectedly, she crosses paths with Noah Cooper, the powerful leader of the Cooper family, who happens to be the father of her twins from that fateful night.
Née sous une bonne étoile, Naomi finit dans la pauvreté après avoir été secrètement échangée à la naissance par un traître. Malgré les abus et le mépris constants, elle devint une femme indépendante et forte. Le jour où elle sauva l'héritier en danger, le destin se mit en marche. Six ans plus tard, leurs chemins se croisèrent à nouveau. Ils tombèrent amoureux mais furent séparés par une querelle familiale lorsque Naomi découvrit la vérité sur sa naissance... Ainsi se tisse une histoire d'amour aussi tourmentée que haletante.
Lúcia fez um exame pré-nupcial e, por engano, acabou passando por uma inseminação artificial, ficando grávida do filho do CEO Luís. A vida pacífica da Lúcia mudou completamente ao carregar um filho sem pai, o que também a fez enxergar algumas pessoas com clareza. Seu namorado, desconfiando de traição, a agrediu, e seu diretor abusivo a assediou, mas ela foi várias vezes ajudada pelo CEO. A humilde Lúcia tornou-se secretária do Luís e, com seu apoio, decidiu enfrentar um novo começo, corajosamente optando por interromper a gravidez. Ela se transformou, ficando mais bonita e mais forte, e ao mesmo tempo o cuidado do CEO por ela foi aos poucos mudando de natureza.
Quiana Sullivan is a beautiful CEO worth billions of dollars. But she dressed up as a college student and went on a date with her boyfriend to test whether his love for her was related to money and status. However, she was harshly ridiculed by her boyfriend's mother...
¡Anna fue traicionada por su hermana y su prometido! En un momento de intensa emoción, se casa inesperadamente con un magnate empresarial, iniciando así una racha de éxitos. ¡Destroza a los traidores y funda su propia empresa! Lo que se llevaron de mí, tendrán que devolvérmelo; lo que tomaron de mí, tendrán que restituirlo. Cuando ella fue acosada, él apareció de la nada para protegerla. Cuando fue oprimida por su familia, él eliminó todos los obstáculos. El ex-prometido se arrepiente y ruega de rodillas por una reconciliación, pero el hombre lo despacha de un puntapié. "A quien se atreva a tocar a mi mujer, ¡lo pagarán con su vida!" El hombre lo proclama con total dominio.
Claire Gould, the heiress of a billion-dollar conglomerate, conceals her identity to repay a life-saving favor by marrying a commoner. Little did she know that after personally guiding her husband's company to become a multimillion-dollar conglomerate on the brink of going public, he callously casts her aside, opting to marry the niece of the wealthiest man in town. Post-divorce, Claire's true identity is exposed, leading to a satisfying comeuppance for the deceitful ex-husband and his conniving new wife. Despite his regret, it's too late for him to reclaim what he lost. Claire finds herself adored and cherished by three influential and eligible bachelors, leaving her ex-husband to rue the day he let go of the woman now embraced by the affections of powerful suitors.
Hugo Lecomte, le PDG du Groupe Lecomte, a arpenté chaque coin de la terre à la quête d'une femme avec une marque de naissance en forme de fleur de pêche, qui est dotée d'un corps pur Yin unique. Né avec un corps pur Yang, Hugo doit s'unir à ce corps pur Yin pour éliminer le poison Yang qui le ronge, car sans cela, ses jours seraient vraiment comptés.
In their childhood, Rebecca and Marcus were once neighbors. Rebecca's world crumbled when her father was betrayed and perished in flames, while Marcus, taken in by the affluent Lewis family, grew into a scion of wealth. Over a decade later, Rebecca uncovers the shocking truth that the man behind both her misfortune and fortune is none other than Marcus. Their fates, entwined since youth.
C'est une histoire de quadruplés qui partent à la recherche de leur papa à l'insu de leur maman. Au cours de la recherche, Michel (fils aîné) et Lola (benjamine) découvrent que le PDG valant des milliards, qui se trouve dans une voiture de luxe au bord de la route, est le papa qu'ils recherchent. Lola arrête le PDG de la voiture, l'appelle papa, et arrache un cheveu pour que le PDG le prenne et fasse un test ADN.