
big bad husband, please wake up! 2

Dragon Soaring over the Sea

Dragon Soaring over the Sea


Felix, betrayed by his former wife Quincy and suffering from dementia, witnessed his daughter Nancy being taken away by Quincy and her lover. After the ancestral tablet was destroyed, an ancestor manifested and restored Felix's spiritual wisdom, granting him power. In order to rescue his daughter, Felix accidentally encountered female CEO Yancey and demonstrated his abilities to save his daughter. However, to completely heal his daughter, Felix needed a Viridblood Plant. Yancey, in order to get rid of Dario's pursuit, gave Felix the herb for the condition that Felix save someone and then they created chaos at an auction. Later, Felix went alone to Yancey's ancestral ceremony, even offering three incense sticks to Yancey's ancestors, embarrassing everyone present. This, however, aroused jealousy from Dario's family, who kidnapped Felix's daughter and set up traps for Felix, all of which he managed to overcome. Eventually, Felix married Yancey, and the two lived happily ever after.

Unseen Goodbye, Unspoken Lies

Unseen Goodbye, Unspoken Lies


In her past life, Vivian Walker forced Isaac Lowe to marry her, only to live in loneliness and regret. On her deathbed, deceived by Isaac's first love, Gigi Smith, she died believing he had never cared for her. But when Vivian opens her eyes again, she's back forty years in the past—right at the moment she threw away her future for Isaac. This time, she doesn't think twice. With a deep breath, she tears up the withdrawal form, choosing herself and the life she deserves.

가슴 깊이 묻힌 사랑

가슴 깊이 묻힌 사랑


허진희는 부유한 집안 출신이지만 가족들에게 사랑받지 못하는 딸이었다. 집안의 결정으로 재벌 2세 심태범과 정략결혼을 하게 되나 서희원이라는 여자가 끼어들어 허진희를 음해하면서 상황이 복잡해지기 시작했고, 심태범은 허진희를 품행이 의심스러운 여자로 오해하게 된다. 이 치열한 재벌가 권력 다툼 속에서 허진희는 굴하지 않는 강인한 정신력으로 심씨 가문과 친정 허씨 가문 양쪽의 압박을 이겨내며 서희원의 치밀한 계략을 밝혀낸다. 진실을 알게 된 심태범은 뒤늦은 후회를 하지만, 오해와 배신, 그리고 교통사고로 인한 기억 상실까지 겪은 허진희는 새 삶을 찾아 떠나기로 결심한다. 결국 허진희는 쌍둥이 아들딸을 데리고 미국으로 건너가 새 삶을 시작하는데, 그곳에서 의학계에 혁신적인 연구 성과를 내며 세계적인 명성을 얻게 되고, 자신만의 성공 스토리를 써내려가게 된다.

Two Wrongs Makes One Right

Two Wrongs Makes One Right


Linden Barrow and Lena Wells were arranged to marry by their families without ever meeting each other. After Lena unexpectedly becomes pregnant, she raises their son, Asher Barrow, on her own. Six years later, Linden returns to the country and unknowingly rescues his own son, unaware of the truth, and mistakenly believes Lena has been unfaithful. However, as they work together, they become attracted to each other, the misunderstandings gradually clear up, and they eventually reconcile, leading to a happy life together.

The Rise of the Betrayed Wife

The Rise of the Betrayed Wife


Six years ago, Winni and Chester were a loving couple, until Chester's old friend Ruth returned to the country. Ruth disguised herself with a kind face and became friends with Winni, secretly plotting to replace Winni as Chester's wife. Not long after, Winni became pregnant, but the doctor informed Chester that the child had no blood relationship to him. Chester iced out Winni and gradually grew closer to Ruth. Six years later, Winni's son, Ron, was critically ill with leukemia. Only Chester's bone marrow could save him. In order to please Chester, Winni had to bow down to Ruth. However, during their interaction, she gradually uncovered why Chester thought Ron was an illegitimate child.

Sir, My Mommy's Your Wife!

Sir, My Mommy's Your Wife!


Linden Barrow and Lena Wells were arranged to marry by their families without ever meeting each other. After Lena unexpectedly becomes pregnant, she raises their son, Asher Barrow, on her own. Six years later, Linden returns to the country and unknowingly rescues his own son, unaware of the truth, and mistakenly believes Lena has been unfaithful. However, as they work together, they become attracted to each other, the misunderstandings gradually clear up, and they eventually reconcile, leading to a happy life together.

A New Dawn: The Zenith Awakening

A New Dawn: The Zenith Awakening


Just before his wedding, Caelus Yach, the Lord of the Dragon Palace, falls into a coma due to a blood sacrifice. For ten years, his wife, Niamh Jacoby, remains unwavering in her devotion, working tirelessly day and night to keep him alive. After a decade, Caelus finally awakens. To make up for Niamh's years of suffering, Caelus invites the powerful and influential from all corners of the world to host a grand wedding banquet in her honor.





Mis diez años robados

Mis diez años robados


La protagonista estuvo admitida por la mejor universidad, pero su amiga le robó la Carta de admisión, mató a su padre. Diez años después, se reencontraron las dos, su amiga ya es la novia del ex-novio de la protagonista, y ella hace todo lo posible para matar a la protagonista por tener miedo de que la portagonista sepa la verdad. La protagonista cree firmemente que lo que le pertenece no se lo quitarán, paso a paso se convierte en la ganadora final de la vida.

결국 우리는

결국 우리는


가난한 주해진은 결혼기념일 밤 아내 강희연과 재벌 2세의 불륜 현장을 목격하고 강희연의 모욕을 듣고 이혼한다. 7년 후 주해진은 재벌로 되고 우연히 경찰서에서 초라한 모습의 강희연과 재회한다. 하지만 강희연은 재혼했을 뿐만 아니라 그녀에겐 7살 아이까지 있다. 주해진은 강희연에게 복수하려 일부러 그녀를 회사에 두고 괴롭히려 한다. 하지만 주해진이 알지 못한 게 있었으니... 싫어하던 아이는 사실 주해진의 아이였던 것. 자신을 배신했던 강희연을 증오했지만 다시 만나던 중 사랑의 감정을 느끼는데...

우린 새드엔딩일까

우린 새드엔딩일까


남소희, 한때 화려했던 남씨 가문의 꽃. 그녀의 삶은 잘못된 결혼 한 번으로 비극의 나락으로 떨어졌다.가문은 망하고 사랑하는 아버지마저 억울한 죽음을 맞이했다. 그 모든 비극의 시작은 바로 전남편과 그의 첫사랑 때문이었다.출소와 함께, 그녀는 복수의 칼날을 갈기 시작했다. 전남편과 그의 첫사랑에게 복수하고 2년 전 그날의 비밀을 세상에 드러내 아버지의 명예를 회복하는 것이 그녀의 유일한 신념이다.

회장님의 사생활

회장님의 사생활


네 번째 결혼기념일, 은지아는 기자회견에서 도망친지 4년이 된 남편 차준현의 사망신고를 하려 한다고 발표하지만 차준현이 여배우 유미와 함께 자리에 나타난다! 은지아의 친구 이다미는 은지아를 짝사랑하고 교통사고에서 그녀를 구해준 후 성형의 아픔을 겪게 된 엄진우를 소개해 주는데... 은지아는 차준현과 이혼 후 엄진우와 함께 '2세 계획'을 진행하게 되고 차준현의 끈질긴 시달림을 받게 된다. 수많은 오해와 시련 끝에 진실이 밝혀졌고 차준현도 벌을 받게 된다. 그리고 은지아와 엄진우도 행복의 길을 걷게 된다!

Haunted By Undying Love

Haunted By Undying Love


Seven years ago, Yorath Clark was a wealthy young woman. For reasons unknown, she broke up with a penniless man named Yasser Sidney. Soon after, her family went bankrupt, and her parents tragically took their own lives. Yorath lost everything overnight and, in the eyes of many, became a gold-digger to survive. Meanwhile, Yasser unexpectedly inherited an immense fortune. Now, seven years later, their paths cross once again. What will happen next? Watch to find out!




安倍沢は、義母である(安倍家の私生児)安倍雄太と清水綾花の同級生、小林愛の策略により、安倍グループに入社したばかりの大学三年生のインターン、清水綾花と関係を持ってしまった。二人は当時お互いに全く知らない間柄だったが、この出来事がきっかけで縁が結ばれることになる。清水綾花は何も分からずに妊娠し、自分が妊娠していることに気づいたのは3ヶ月後のことだった。しかし、彼女は中絶を選ばず、家族にも隠して仕事を辞め、姉の清水雪乃の助けを借りて外で生活し、出産した。 安倍沢の母親は安倍家の子供が外にいることを忍びなく思ったが、清水綾花の出自が良くないと感じており、さらに清水綾花が子供を密かに産んだのは、金持ちの家に嫁ぐための策略だと誤解していた。そこで彼女は清水雪乃から1億円で子供を買い取ることにした。清水雪乃は金に目がくらみ、清水綾花には子供が夭折したと嘘をついた。子供を失った清水綾花は結婚する意欲を失い、大学も中退し、卒業証書もなく、安倍グループの仕事も失い、良い仕事を見つけることができず、以降は様々なアルバイトで生計を立てながら、夭折した子供を悼むために孤児院に寄付を続けていた。そのため、彼女の生活は非常に地味で貧しいものだった。そのまま平凡な生活が続くと思われたが、6年後、すでに小さな屋台を経営していた清水綾花は、再び清水雪乃に売られてしまう。清水雪乃は2千万円の結納金を受け取り、清水綾花を60歳の引退した老人に嫁がせようとした。お見合いの中で、清水綾花は偶然にも退役して戻ってきた安倍沢と再会し、電撃結婚してしまう。こうして二人は再び縁を結ぶことになった。安倍沢は初めから清水綾花がかつて自分と関係を持った相手だと気づいていたが、清水綾花が当時のことを思い出して自分を恨むのではないかと心配し、自分が安倍グループの社長であることを隠していた。 一方、清水綾花は当時の男性のことを覚えておらず、安倍沢がただの見知らぬ普通の男性だと思っていた。彼女が結婚したのは、清水雪乃が手配した老人との縁談から逃れるためだった。しかし、安倍沢との生活を通じて、彼女は次第にこの男性に惹かれ、さらには安倍沢が隠している秘密にも気づいていく。そして、偶然にも清水雪乃に隠された子供の真実を知ることになる......

Moving On: No Looking Back

Moving On: No Looking Back


Yulia's parents forced her to marry John Hooper for money. She suffered from domestic violence for years, got serious injuries many times, and ended up in hospital. When the violence involved her daughter, Yulia decided to fight back.

Until We Meet Again, Dad

Until We Meet Again, Dad


Esther Yale grew up relying solely on her father, Edmund Yale, after her mother, May Dayne, left the family. Years of overwork took a toll on her health, and Esther developed cancer. Struggling to afford her father's medical expenses, she reluctantly sought help from her estranged mother, who had built a new life for herself. However, her attempt to reconnect was met with staunch opposition from her grandfather. After Edmund's tragic passing, Esther, burdened by grief and resentment, accepted a job as a caregiver in the Dayne Residence. Immersed in her mother's world, she began to uncover the depths of May's hidden love and sacrifices. Slowly, Esther's hatred gave way to understanding and forgiveness. When faced with a terminal diagnosis, Esther made the ultimate sacrifice to save her younger brother, leaving behind a legacy of love and reconciliation.

The Heiress Switch: Who Wears the Crown?

The Heiress Switch: Who Wears the Crown?


Celeste Sawyer is the true heiress of Sawyer Group. However, she went missing when she was little and was adopted by June Jensen, a scavenger. When she grows up, she returns to her family to inherit her position as CEO of the company, while also helping June search for her missing daughter. On her first day of work, Celeste bumps into Holly Farke and notices that Holly bears the same birthmark on her wrist as June. Consequently, Celeste arranges for a paternity test between them. Meanwhile, Holly pretends to be the heiress of Sawyer Group. Celeste receives assistance from Kieran Scott, a Javoska tycoon, while Holly enlists help from Yves Graham. Gradually, Celeste's true identity begins to surface, and Holly's lies start to unravel.

Falling Again, Falling for You

Falling Again, Falling for You


Six years ago, Luke Kranz gave his life to protect Ava Ewing. Ever since, she has carried the weight of both her family and career alone, tirelessly struggling to save enough for her daughter Ellie’s heart surgery. Just when she thought she had no time for anything else, Evan Foster returns after years abroad, reentering her life with unresolved resentment and buried emotions. Unable to let go of the past, he keeps pushing her, testing her boundaries, and stirring up everything she tried to leave behind.

Welcome to our big bad husband, please wake up! 2 Short Play Series page, where you'll find a captivating collection of short plays to entertain and inspire. Each play is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, offering powerful performances and engaging narratives that will leave you wanting more. Explore our big bad husband, please wake up! 2 playlets below and discover the magic of our short play series today.
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