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Istri Pak Liam Magang?

Istri Pak Liam Magang?


Nenek Mia sakit dan dirawat di rumah sakit. Untuk biaya operasi, Mia menikah atas saran Bibi Farah, tapi salah pasangan dan menikah kilat dengan pewaris Grup Hossy, Liam. Setahun kemudian, mereka bertemu lagi tanpa mengenali satu sama lain. Setelah berbagai cobaan, mereka jatuh cinta dan sadar bahwa mereka menikah setahun lalu. Kesalahpahaman ini mempererat hubungan mereka, dan mereka menjalani sisa hidup bersama.

100% Destined for Your Love

100% Destined for Your Love


Nina and Adam are both trying to flee from an arranged marriage tailor-made for them, but by the hand of fate, they end up meeting each other unprompted and making the spur-of-the-moment decision to get hitched. Adam, secretly a billionaire, goes all out to spoil Nina, leading to funny and sweet surprises on a daily basis as he tries to keep his uber-rich true identity under wraps. Adam doesn’t just pamper Nina; he stands up for her against her greedy stepmother and stepsister, and anyone else who’s hurt her, while helping her achieve career dreams in the happy-ever-after.

Wed to the Unknown Heir

Wed to the Unknown Heir


After her father had an affair and her mother passed away, Clara's stepmother moved in with her illegitimate son, throwing Clara into a world of trouble. The scheming stepmother wanted her own son to study abroad, so she pressured Clara to drop out of school and get married, using the dowry to fund her son's education. But Clara, determined not to give up on her dreams, took on all sorts of part-time jobs. One day, she saved an elderly lady, and through a twist of fate, ended up marrying the woman's grandson. Clara was ready to keep working hard to support herself, only to find out her new husband was actually a super-rich tycoon pretending to be a poor employee! Deciding to play along with his charade, a hilarious and absurd drama ensued!

The Later Us

The Later Us


Henry caught his wife Victoria cheating with a rich man and divorced her after she insulted him. Seven years later, Henry became a bigwig and bumped into Victoria at the police station, who was now hitched and with a seven-year-old kid. To get back at her, Henry purposely made life tough for Victoria at his own company. Little did Henry know, the child he despised was actually his flesh and blood. Initially fueled by anger for Victoria's betrayal, Henry's feelings took a turn as they spent more time together, sparking some old flames...

Si Kembar Genius dan Ayah Dingin

Si Kembar Genius dan Ayah Dingin


Setelah memendam rasa sepuluh tahun lamanya, dia dikhinati. Usai dijebak, seorang pria kaya raya bernama Alex Pam menyelamatkannya. Lima tahun kemudian, dia bertemu lagi dengan pria itu saat kembali bersama sepasang anak kembarnya yang menggemaskan. Meski berusaha menghindar, dia tetap tertangkap oleh Alex. "Dulu aku bersumpah. Begitu aku menemukanmu, aku nggak akan pernah melepaskanmu."

Esposa Substituta do CEO

Esposa Substituta do CEO


Após a trágica morte da sua irmã gêmea Alice, Ariel assume sua identidade para se vingar do noivo traidor da Alice e da manipuladora família adotiva dela. No entanto, a missão da Ariel se complica quando ela conhece e se casa com o bilionário Vincent e precisa esconder sua verdadeira identidade dele.

My Gift-Wrapped Billionaire

My Gift-Wrapped Billionaire


On a fateful Valentine's night, Vanessa, a struggling actress, stumbles upon Daniel Jones, a dashing and wealthy entertainment mogul from Los Angeles, who is pretending to have amnesia after an accident amidst an inheritance dispute. As fate would have it, Vanessa unknowingly takes him in and they begin an unexpected cohabitation... As their bond deepens, Daniel's fears the day Vanessa discovers his feigned amnesia, which could unravel everything, including their blossoming romance. Will their love withstand the truth?

[ENG DUB] Love's Dance Through Time

[ENG DUB] Love's Dance Through Time


When they first met, he was a beggar, and she was wealthy. Years later, he became a CEO, and she, a humble employee. A twist of fate brought them together through an arranged marriage, revealing hidden connections. Misunderstood feelings and missed chances led to separation until a revelation prompted a second chance...

Ciuman Mesra, Padu Kasih

Ciuman Mesra, Padu Kasih


Suaminya berselingkuh. Demi membalas dendam, dia menyinggung seorang pria yang tidak seharusnya dia singgung sebelum bercerai. Awalnya dia mengira ini hanya kesenangan sesaat. Tak disangka, pria itu malah tidak mau melepaskannya dan bersamanya setiap malam...

Dual Identity: CEO's Commanding Love

Dual Identity: CEO's Commanding Love


In order to defend herself, Fiona decided to marry a comatosed man. However, never did she expect that she would be surprised by a mysterious man in her husband's home. This distraught her greatly as not only would she have to endure constant humiliation by her in-laws during the day, she would be bothered by the mysterious stranger at night. The only support she had was her comatosed husband. Everything seemed like a huge conspiracy to her and this sent her into a downward spiral until finally, she found out that the mysterious man turned out to be.....

My Flirtatious Substitute Husband

My Flirtatious Substitute Husband


He marries an unattractive substitute bride as part of a plot. To his surprise, not only does this wife of his have no boundaries, but she also constantly showers him with affection.Unable to endure it any longer, he presses his wife against the wall and says, "Seducing me comes at a price."

Hangat Mentari di Udara

Hangat Mentari di Udara


Shani Sanjaya belajar keras selama 4 tahun hanya agar bisa hidup tenang bersama pacarnya Yono di Kota Awanan. Namun tidak disangka, dia dikhianati oleh sahabatnya sendiri. Saat Shani memutuskan untuk mengakhiri hubungan dengan pacarnya, mengusir sahabat dari rumahnya, dan fokus pada kariernya, dia secara tidak sengaja menjalani pernikahan kilat dengan Kapten Maison Gunawan yang terkenal dari Cahaya Air. Nyonya Besar Gunawan sangat menyayangi Shani, dan Maison juga perlahan-lahan mulai menaruh hati pada Shani, sering membantu dan melindungi dia. Saat Shani telah mendapatkan hasil yang baik dalam percintaan dan kariernya, tiba-tiba muncul seorang wanita yang mengaku sebagai teman masa kecil dan istri Maison…

Doni, Aku Akan Selamanya Bersamamu

Doni, Aku Akan Selamanya Bersamamu


Setelah bangun, Dini menyadari dirinya kembali ke satu tahun lalu, bahkan menemukan kalau pria tercintanya belum meninggal. Saat itulah, Dini baru menyadari kalau dirinya terlahir kembali. Dini bahkan merasa ini adalah kesempatan terbaik untuk mengubah semua hal yang terjadi dalam satu tahun ini dan dia ingin terus bersama dengan suaminya, Doni.

Oh No! My Sugar Baby Is Actually a CEO!

Oh No! My Sugar Baby Is Actually a CEO!


On what was meant to be the happiest day of her life, Anya Aldridge's wedding turns into a nightmare. Her father is imprisoned, her fiancé calls off the wedding, and in her despair, she is betrayed by her cousin and ends up spending a night with an escort. By a twist of fate, the man she accidentally ends up with is the powerful CEO, Grayson Haley. Five years later, Anya and her child, Rory, unexpectedly reunite with Grayson, who continues concealing his CEO status and pretending to be an escort. Despite his hidden identity, Grayson showers them with love and affection as they navigate their new life together.

Pernikahan Penuh Misteri

Pernikahan Penuh Misteri


Tiga tahun lalu, Wanda Suarna, anak pertama dari Keluarga Suarna menangkap basah Malvin Gunawan dan adik tirinya, Anna Suarna sedang berselingkuh di klub Teluk Jian. Kala itu, tiba-tiba terjadi kebakaran besar. Ketika tengah melarikan diri, Wanda menolong Leo Lumanto yang merupakan anak dari Keluarga Lumanto. Sayangnya dia kehilangan giok peninggalan ibunya. Tiga tahun kemudian, Leo yang kedua kakinya kehilangan kemampuan untuk bergerak karena kejadian kebakaran tersebut masih tidak bisa melupakan Wand. Perempuan itu menjadi bodoh karena kejadian kebakaran tersebut. Dia memutuskan untuk melamar perempuan itu. Setelah itu, Wanda dan Leo memulai kehidupan mereka yang saling mencari tahu dan saling membantu.

Adorable Kids Alliance: Billionaire Daddy, Surrender!

Adorable Kids Alliance: Billionaire Daddy, Surrender!


Seven years ago, a chance encounter led to the billionaire CEO unknowingly fathering five adorable kids. Now, the mother returns with the quintuplets, but she's not looking for their billionaire father. However, the five cute children find their daddy. Let's see how these adorable kids gradually bring their daddy and mommy together to live a happy family life?

My Adorable Quintuplets

My Adorable Quintuplets


Reeling from her fiancé Fred's betrayal before their engagement, Lora drowns her sorrows, leading to a one-night stand with John Shawn, the tycoon of Sense Corporation. Following a pregnancy and a harsh break-up, she single-handedly raises quintuplets away from her oppressive family. Years later, Lora returns, unexpectedly reuniting with John, the children's father.

Mewakili Kakakku Nikah Dengan Pria Kaya

Mewakili Kakakku Nikah Dengan Pria Kaya


Putri di luar nikah Keluarga Jumadi yang bernama Clara mewakili kakaknya menikah dengan pria miskin yang pernah masuk penjara.Tak disangka, pria miskin ini menyembunyikan status aslinya, ternyata dia adalah orang terkaya di Kota Jangga yang bernama Johan.Sejak saat itu, mereka berdua memulai cerita hidup yang romantis, serta penuh bahaya.

Selamat datang di laman Seri Drama Pendek bos/ceo kami, tempat Anda akan menemukan koleksi drama pendek yang memikat hati untuk menghibur dan menginspirasi Anda. Setiap drama dibuat dengan perhatian cermat terhadap detail, menawarkan pertunjukan yang luar biasa dan narasi menarik yang akan membuat Anda menginginkan lebih. Jelajahi playlet bos/ceo kami di bawah ini dan temukan keajaiban serial drama pendek kami hari ini.
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