In a humble village, a poor man marries a woman with a mental illness, and they have depended on each other ever since. Unable to have children, they become the subject of gossip among the villagers. One day, the wife discovers an abandoned baby at the village entrance and brings her home. Despite the villagers' disdain and attempts to dispose of the child, the wife insists on keeping her, naming her Sunshine. Years later, Sunshine earns admission to the most prestigious university, and the wife believes their luck is finally changing. However, life continues to present new challenges...
After an unexpected encounter, Adelyn slept with Trent. Adelyn intended to forget everything, but Trent re-entered her life as her fiancé's uncle. To make matters even more complicated, Adelyn discovered she was pregnant with Trent's child. This set off a tangled web of emotions, leading them both into a passionate and reckless love affair.
For five years, Yvette Scott, Capital City's most celebrated heiress, lived under the control of a sojourner soul. When she finally regained her body, she awakened to betrayal and ruin. Determined to rebuild her life, she clung to her powerful husband she once took for granted, ready to reclaim her place at the top.
Il y a quinze ans, Amélie a été sauvée par Mme Sinclair, qui l’a ensuite adoptée. En signe de gratitude, Amélie, désormais Éminent, a soutenu la famille Sinclair dans l'ombre. Grâce à elle, Victor est devenu l'homme d'affaires le plus influent de Fluvence, Gaston s'est vu décerner le titre de Guerrier Sublime, et Rémy s'est forgé une réputation de guérisseur aux talents prodigieux. Pourtant, le jour où Sophie, la véritable fille des Sinclair, est revenue, Amélie a découvert avec amertume que tous ses sacrifices n'avaient été qu'une cruelle illusion.
The eldest legitimate daughter Libby Wolfe is reborn and returns to a life that will be completely different this time.
On a blind date, Tina unexpectedly married a stranger. She anticipated a polite and ordinary life, but her husband turned out to be an affectionate and omnipresent support. Whenever she faced challenges, he effortlessly resolved them, attributing it to luck. It wasn't until later that she discovered he was the wealthiest man in Jackson City, and his love for her knew no bounds.
In a devastating fire, a stepmother and her stepdaughter become trapped in an elevator, and Evelyn sacrifices her life in a desperate attempt to save Heidi. Unbeknownst to her husband, Vincent Clarke, Evelyn's tragic death occurs while he stands by the side of Heidi's biological mother, Fiona Lawson. Grief-stricken, Heidi cries out, "I only have one mother, her name is Evelyn Glover!"