
ceo's flash-marriage frenzy

Presdir dan Gadis Pembunuh

Presdir dan Gadis Pembunuh


Sonia dipekerjakan oleh seseorang untuk membunuh Charlie. Namun, pada akhirnya dia justru diserang balik hingga mengalami koma. Pada saat ini, Charlie mengetahui bahwa Sonia adalah pembunuh bayaran, sehingga ingin menghabisi Sonia. Sementara Sonia yang tersadar dari koma, ternyata telah hilang ingatan. Tanpa alasan jelas, dia malah meminta pertanggungjawaban kepada Charlie. Demi bisa mengontrol Sonia, Charlie pun menjadikan Sonia sebagai pengawal pribadinya. Seiring perjalanan mereka berdua, perlahan-lahan terungkaplah fakta bahwa mereka berdua dulunya adalah teman masa kecil di panti asuhan. Kedua orang yang dulunya pernah saling menolong itu, pada akhirnya kembali bersama.

Serenade of Fateful Journey

Serenade of Fateful Journey


Julia Sunny was misdiagnosed with cancer. Then, she realized that she had never even been in a relationship, so in a twist of fate, she ended up sleeping with a man. The next day at work, she was shocked to discover that the man she had slept with was her boss. When they met for the first time, her boss looked at her and asked, "Miss, have we met before?"

Switched: From First Lady to First Fortune

Switched: From First Lady to First Fortune


Zoey Sheridan and the mega-rich Julian Lukin were hitched five years back. From sweet to sour, they accidentally body swap.While Zoey enjoys the lavish life, Julian's stuck doing chores, handling his harsh mom, and facing off with Sherra Vickery and a crazy crew, flipping his view of the household. After antics like fake pregnancies and roles, they end up trusting and working together. Swapping back, they resolve things. Julian aims to mend, but Zoey's ready to call it quits.

Sir, Ma'am Is No Longer Yours

Sir, Ma'am Is No Longer Yours


On a snowy night, Catherine Smith, despite battling a serious illness, humbly pleads for forgiveness from the man who expelled her from her home. She has never once regretted her love for Irvin Holt...

Misi Rahasia Balita: Mencari Ayah Tampan

Misi Rahasia Balita: Mencari Ayah Tampan


Ini menceritakan kisah anak kembar empat yang menggemaskan pergi mencari ayah mereka tanpa sepengetahuan ibunya. Selama proses pencarian, kakak pertama, Leo Benard dengan adik bungsu, Rika Benard, menemukan bahwa CEO yang kaya raya yang berada di dalam mobil mewah di pinggir jalan adalah ayah yang mereka cari. Oleh sebab itu, Rika sang bungsu menghentikan mobil CEO dan langsung memanggil ayahnya yang tampan. Dia pun mencabut sehelai rambutnya agar CEO tersebut melakukan tes DNA.

Ternyata Dia Tidur di Sebelahku

Ternyata Dia Tidur di Sebelahku


George, seorang pewaris keluarga kaya, dibantu oleh Melody saat mereka masih kecil. George memberikan Melody sebuah kalung keberuntungan dan berjanji akan menemukannya dan balas budi setelah mereka dewasa. Setelah bertahun-tahun mencari tanpa hasil, George menikahi seorang wanita dengan kaki pincang. Dia membiarkan orang lain menindasnya, bahkan membuatnya kehilangan saat-saat terakhir untuk bertemu ibunya. Dia meminta cerai dan George terlambat menyadari bahwa wanita itu adalah Melody. Menyadari betapa buruk perlakuannya pada Melody, George memutuskan untuk mendapatkannya kembali. Tapi Melody juga mendapat masalah saat dia kembali bertemu dengan ayahnya yang selalu tidak menyukainya, serta ibu tiri dan adik tirinya yang suka menyiksanya. Bisakah Melody mendapatkan kembali segala hal miliknya?

Masks of Golden Hearts

Masks of Golden Hearts


Olivia Carter and Nathan Watson, heirs to elite fortunes, hide their true identities to marry each other. This decision ignites a whirlwind of humorous and unexpected revelations. Their secrets are finally revealed as they band together to outsmart a scheming woman, and with their bond stronger than ever, they continue their journey, deeply in love.

Double-Faced Wifey With a Wild Side

Double-Faced Wifey With a Wild Side


Avery's younger brother, Owen Cooper, has fled to escape his debts. To seek help, Avery impersonates her brother and turns to Wilson for assistance. Wilson Collins, the heir of Collins Corporation, blushes in front of her and asks for her medical help as he confesses that he has fallen for a man. Little does Wilson know that the man he's fallen in love with is, in fact, Avery herself.

Cinta yang Terjebak Dalam Dendam

Cinta yang Terjebak Dalam Dendam


Setelah ikut dengan Fendi selama tiga tahun, semua orang di sekeliling Indri berkata bahwa Indri dan Fendi adalah pasangan serasi yang luar biasa. Begitu banyak orang yang berkata demikian, sampai-sampai Indri sendiri menganggapnya serius. Namun, kemudian Indri baru sadar bahwa seseorang mestinya memahami diri sendiri dan kelemahan sendiri, tetapi Indri tidak. Itulah sebabnya, Indri kemudian mengalami kegagalan dalam hidupnya.

Batal Nikah Menjadi Awal Bertemu sang Pujaan

Batal Nikah Menjadi Awal Bertemu sang Pujaan


Seorang genius desain bernama Cindy, karena penampilannya yang buruk, ditolak oleh tunangannya dan diusir dari rumah oleh ibu tirinya dan keluarganya yang menganggapnya tidak berguna. Dalam keputusasaan, Tommy muncul dan membawanya ke rumah sakit saat dia keracunan. Setelah mendapatkan kembali kecantikannya, Cindy dan Tommy menikah secara tiba-tiba dan bersama-sama membalas dendam pada orang-orang yang telah menyakitinya!

The Financial Queen Michelle's Journey

The Financial Queen Michelle's Journey


After stepping down as the Asia Financial Queen, Michelle worked in a restaurant, where she unwittingly confronted a con artist. Her courageous actions caught the attention of Vincent, president of Green Group, who became a devoted admirer and pursued her despite their age gap. Michelle secretly supported her daughter, Ruby, in building her company into a leader in the domestic smart vehicle industry, but her sacrifices went unnoticed and Ruby dismissed her waitress job. When a foreign invasion threatened Cathaland's stock market, putting Ruby and other companies at risk, Michelle stepped in to turn the tide. Together, they repaired their relationship and united to defeat the Yamaguchi Corporation, restoring the honor of Cathaland's financial sector.

A Mother's Dark Awakening

A Mother's Dark Awakening


Irene Chandler is a dedicated doctor who, on her wedding anniversary with Sylvan Hendricks, works late into the night performing surgery. Left feeling neglected and frustrated, Sylvan turns to alcohol and ends up in a reckless affair with Azalea Davenport. When Azalea gives birth to a daughter with a congenital heart condition a few months later, Sylvan shifts the blame to Irene, accusing her of failing as a wife and mother. Yet, the real truth is that Sylvan’s infidelity has brought about a karmic twist of fate, revealing his own shortcomings.

Life's Breath: Struggles of the Heart

Life's Breath: Struggles of the Heart


Twenty-eight years ago, Connor Daly faced a heart-wrenching decision when his wife, Dahlia Bell, experienced complications during childbirth. Choosing to save the baby, he inadvertently caused the death of his father-in-law, Harold Bell. This tragedy ignited a deep-seated hatred in his mother-in-law and brother-in-law, Andrew Bell. Fast forward eighteen years, Connor's son, Valor Daly, is accepted into college, but the family struggles financially. Desperate, Connor attempts to borrow money from the village but fails and is forced to turn to Andrew for help. Initially met with Andrew's cold refusal, Connor reveals that the decision to save the baby had been Dahlia's. Valor, overhearing this revelation, steps in to mediate, leading Andrew to eventually lend the money for Valor's education. Years later, Valor becomes a successful entrepreneur and plans to invest back in his hometown. However, his efforts are thwarted by a local bully, stirring unrest among the villagers. In a moment of crisis, Valor returns to confront the bully and the villagers. When Dahlia gets injured, the villagers even consider expelling Connor from the village. Valor steps in, fights for his parents' justice, and transforms the villagers' attitudes. One evening, Scarlett Ross demands that Valor break off his engagement with her niece, Fay Ross, citing pressure from Joe Payne's powerful family. Valor travels to Ecrin county to speak with Fay. Upon learning the truth, he decides to challenge Joe at the engagement party, determined to protect Fay and their future together.

[ENG DUB] Atop the Ruins: Revenge For My Precious Daughter

[ENG DUB] Atop the Ruins: Revenge For My Precious Daughter


Jessica Shaw's daughter loses her life under the rubble during a fire, while her husband, Zachary Yandell, saves another mother and daughter. Throughout their marriage, Jessica has been the one caring for their family, while Zachary continually makes excuses and sides with that pair of mother and daughter. This tragic loss has pushed Jessica to her limit. Determined to seek justice, she vows to make those who have wronged her and her daughter pay for their actions.

Blessing: My Lover back

Blessing: My Lover back


Shirley Stone, the clandestine girlfriend of wealthy heir Felix Goodwin, faces heartbreak when Felix abruptly proposes to Sara Lane. Feeling used and unloved, Shirley decides to move on. However, Felix, realizing his mistake and the depth of his feelings for Shirley, sets out to win her back. As they navigate their tumultuous relationship, Shirley is torn between the past and a possible future with Felix...

Puzzles of Love

Puzzles of Love


When a disagreement arises between the CEO and his wife, what happens when a sales director becomes entangled in the situation?

Kawin Kontrak dengan Bos

Kawin Kontrak dengan Bos


Seorang wanita bernama Melani dicampakkan oleh kekasihnya Wahyu saat mengetahui bahwa dia ternyata bukan putri kandung dari keluarga kaya. Di saat yang sama, seorang pengusaha kaya, Malvin di Kota Yuslo ingin membatalkan pertunangannya. Dia akhirnya bertemu dengan Melani, lalu bertunangan dengan kontrak.Karena tidak terima diputuskan, mantan kekasih Malvin yang bernama Elani menindas Melani dan terus memfitnahnya. Di samping itu, Malvin terkena terkena penyakit misterius yang hanya bisa sembuh jika berada dekat dengan Melani. Melani pun menjadi sekretaris Malvin sambil mencari orang tua kandungnya.

A Love Hindered by Misunderstandings

A Love Hindered by Misunderstandings


Brayden and Selena are a couple, but Brayden harbors feelings for Selena's disabled sister. Selena falls into a trap set by Julian and is caught in bed by Brayden, accused of adultery. At the same time, her sister is pushed into a lake and drowns. Everyone believes Selena is responsible for her sister's death, and Brayden shares this belief. Thus begins a series of disputes and entanglements that will unravel their lives...

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