
PDG Charmant du Mariage Éclair

PDG Charmant du Mariage Éclair


Trahie par sa sœur et son fiancé, Aurélie Dupont, emportée par l’émotion, a épousé dans un élan spontané un puissant homme d’affaires ! Sa vie est désormais devenue un enchaînement de triomphes. Elle s’est lancée dans un combat sans merci : vengeance contre ce couple adultère, création d’entreprise, récupération de ce qui lui avait été volé. « Je reprendrai ce qui m’appartient ! »Quand elle était dans le pétrin, un homme, tombant du ciel, l’a défendue. Quand elle était confrontée à la pression familiale, il l’a soutenue, balayant tous les obstacles. Son ex-fiancé, rongé par le regret, a imploré son retour, mais il a été rejeté d’un revers de pied par cet homme protecteur.« Il est hors de question de toucher à ma femme, gare à celui qui essaierait ! » a-t-il proclamé avec une fierté dominatrice.

Love Unattainable

Love Unattainable


Tara Blake, who grew up in the countryside, learned that her biological parents were still alive and was soon brought back to them in the city. On the eve of her departure, she saved Sam Fox, only to be forcibly raped by him. Unbeknownst to her, he was none other than the CEO of the Fox Group in Valewood City. When Sam awoke and sought her out, Tara had already been sent to prison by her parents to serve a sentence on behalf of her sister, Lia Blake. Her existence, once brimming with promise, was now steeped in the depths of desolation.





Thread of Fate: Towards You

Thread of Fate: Towards You


Five years ago, Ella Cain ended up spending a night with Liam West after being set up by someone, resulting in the birth of her son, Oliver Cain. Fast forward five years, Ella's grandfather insists she get married to inherit the family business. Reluctantly, Ella agrees. In an unexpected twist of fate, she crosses paths with Liam once again. After navigating various challenges, Liam falls in love with Ella and discovers that Oliver is his son, a fact he had not acknowledged due to family matters. Ultimately, with Oliver's help, they clear up their misunderstandings and come together in the end.

La vida sin Luz.

La vida sin Luz.


Hace seis años——   Luz Soto era la hija caprichosa y mimada de una familia adinerada.   Sebastián Rivera era un joven talentoso e inocente de una familia humilde.   Seis años después——   Luz Soto es una humilde madre soltera que lucha por llegar a fin de mes.   Sebastián Rivera es una influyente figura que aparece en la Revista Forbes con una riqueza sin parangón.   Al volver a encontrarse, clavándole los ojos, le dijo: «Luz, gracias a ti me convertí en este Sebastián».   Luz levantó la cabeza para contener las lágrimas y, sonriendo sin miedo, contestó: «Entonces, deberías darme las gracias. Si no fuera por mí, ¡habrías seguido siendo un pobretón sin futuro!».   Después, Sebastián la arrinconó en una esquina y le dijo dolido y enojado: «Luz, ¿cómo te atreves a casarte con otro hombre y tener hijos?».   Más tarde, ella saltó hacia las profundidades del océano y dijo: «Sebastián, te pagaré con mi vida. Ya no te debo nada». A continuación, Sebastián se volvió loco buscándola. No podía ser alguien con una voz parecida, con una apariencia similar o con una personalidad semejante. Tenía que ser ella. Solo podía ser ella. Y dijo: «Luz, vuelve. Estoy dispuesto a tropezar con la misma piedra, pero, esta vez, puedes matarme si quieres».

Embrace Me, My Sweetheart

Embrace Me, My Sweetheart


Edward Allen, the CEO of Allen Group, happens to run into his old classmate, Abbie Howard, one day. At that moment, a pompous blind date humiliates Abbie, leaving her completely shattered. Edward can't stand to see his former classmate treated this way, so he strides forward and skillfully rescues her from the situation. In that moment, Abbie sees a glimpse of the brave, fearless boy she once knew in school. Warmth floods her heart, and her gratitude toward Edward is undeniable. Back in their school days, Edward was a quiet, unassuming boy who was often bullied by school thugs. It was Abbie who, one day, courageously grabbed his hand and helped him escape those troublemakers. From that moment on, Edward felt a deep sense of gratitude and respect for Abbie. Now, back in the present, Edward learns that Abbie is under pressure from her parents to get married. Seeing the helpless look in her eyes, he comes up with a plan—he offers to pose as her boyfriend to fool her family. Hiding the fact that he's a powerful CEO, he moves into her home and pretends to be just an ordinary guy. From that moment on, they begin a life of love after marriage, living in a romantic world of their own. As her husband, Edward cares for Abbie, making her feel warmth and happiness she's never known before. Gradually, Abbie is moved by Edward's genuine heart and starts to develop deep feelings for him. Their love, like dazzling fireworks, illuminates both their lives.

Mr. Leigh, Miss Jones Quits

Mr. Leigh, Miss Jones Quits


During the office party, tipsy Summer mistakenly wandered into her boss Calvin's room. Rumor has it that Calvin steers clear of women and is all action, no talk. Any girl caught in his crosshairs ends up miserably. A month later, Summer eyes the pregnancy test with one thought on her mind: Run! She runs, he chases, but she's in over her head!

Omniscient Eyes

Omniscient Eyes


His mother is terminally ill, and his wife cheated on him! In his moment of despair, Fang Yuan obtained two all-powerful abilities. Watch as he turns the tides and takes the city by storm!

The Stand-In Wife: Love Meets Its Match

The Stand-In Wife: Love Meets Its Match


A strange marital misunderstanding lands her into marrying a man in wheelchair, sweeping her up into a whirlwind of scandals of the elite as a story of love, hate and revenge unfolds between a cold CEO and a stand-in wife! Love has met its match, and their love will certainly be a turbulent one!

Die Liebe meines Lebens

Die Liebe meines Lebens


Um den Tod seines Vaters zu rächen, schickte Lukas Sofia in eine Psychiatrie, wo sie gefoltert und gedemütigt wurde. Doch zwei Jahre später heiratete er sie ... „Sofia, mach dir keine Hoffnungen. Das ist nur eine andere Form der Bestrafung.“

Die glänzende Stella

Die glänzende Stella


In ihrer Hochzeitsnacht wurde Stella Lange vom Bräutigam und ihrer Stiefschwester zum Sex mit einem fremden Mann verführt und dabei gefilmt, um pornografische Gerüchte zu erzeugen. Sie haben Stella getötet, um die Versicherung zu erschleichen. Fünf Jahre später kehrte Stella Lange mit Zwillingen zurück, als der Mörder und die Mätresse durch Hype zu Online-Influencer wurden, der sich in die Unterhaltungsindustrie drängen wollte. Was sie nicht wussten, war, dass die Chefin der Filmfirma, der sie schmeicheln wollten, kein anderer als Stella Lange war. Sie ist entschlossen, sich zu rächen. Sie hatte nicht erwartet, an ihrem ersten Tag nach ihrer Rückkehr David Maier, das Oberhaupt der Familie Maier, der ersten der vier großen Familien in Haicheng, zu treffen. Er ist in Wirklichkeit der Mann aus jener Nacht vor fünf Jahren und der biologische Vater der Zwillinge. Um seine Frau zurückzubekommen, wurde der titelgebende Milliardär und CEO bereitwillig das Kindermädchen von Stella Lange...

結婚当夜 寝たきりの旦那が目を開けた

結婚当夜 寝たきりの旦那が目を開けた


白川悦美は継母に陥れられ、実父から脅迫され、義理の妹の代わりに1年間植物状態であった男と結婚させられた。 みんなが高橋家の三男との結婚は不幸だと思っていたが、新婚当日、姑が彼女に何気なく億単位の銀行カードを渡した。その夜、植物状態であるはずの高橋三男がゆっくりと目を開けた。

คุณกู้ อย่าเกินไป

คุณกู้ อย่าเกินไป


"ซินเดอเรลล่าแต่งงานกับครอบครัวที่รํ่ารวยและถูกรังแก หลังจากการหย่าร้าง สืบทอดทรัพย์สินหลายร้อยล้านและเปลี่ยนโฉมหน้าอย่างงดงาม"

Si Kembar Mau Punya Ayah

Si Kembar Mau Punya Ayah


"Kenapa anakmu sangat mirip denganku?" Mendengar kalimat ini, Lina terdiam. Lima tahun yang lalu, orang tuanya bercerai, dan ayahnya yang kejam mengusirnya dari rumah. Untuk membiayai pengobatan ibunya, dia setuju untuk menggantikan gadis lain untuk menemani tidur. Lima tahun kemudian, dia kembali ke negara asalnya dengan sepasang anak yang lucu, hanya untuk merebut kembali semua yang seharusnya menjadi miliknya, tetapi secara tak terduga bertemu lagi dengan pria dari malam itu... Rio.





Pasienku Berujung Jadi Suamiku

Pasienku Berujung Jadi Suamiku


Dokter andrologi, Intan Salomon, secara tak terduga bertemu dengan pewaris kaya, Sandi Unda. Untuk membersihkan nama ayahnya yang meninggal secara tidak adil, Intan menyembunyikan identitasnya sebagai putri mantan orang terkaya dan setuju untuk menikah dengan Sandi yang dipaksa menikah oleh neneknya. Meskipun awalnya saling membenci, keduanya secara bertahap mengembangkan perasaan satu sama lain saat mereka menghabiskan waktu bersama. Setelah melewati banyak kesulitan, mereka akhirnya bekerja sama untuk mengungkap kebenaran dan menyambut kebahagiaan...

Esposa por accidente

Esposa por accidente


Luego de la tragica muerte de Alice, su hermana gemela, Ariel, decide hacerse pasar por ella para vengarse de su prometido que le fue infiel y su manipuladora familia adoptiva. Sin embargo, la misión se complica cuando Ariel conoce al multimillonario Vincent y se casa con él, pero debe ocultarle su verdadera identidad.

Close as the Distant Horizon

Close as the Distant Horizon


In a quiet, peaceful town, Carmine Dunham lives a simple yet heartwarming life with her grandmother. Every inch of this place, every breath of air, is filled with their shared laughter and warm memories. However, the wheels of fate begin to turn, and unavoidable circumstances force Carmine to leave the beloved town where she grew up and start anew in an unfamiliar environment. At this critical turning point in her life, her grandmother’s advice becomes her guiding light. Following her grandmother’s wishes, Carmine quickly marries Cain Quigley, the grandson of her grandmother’s best friend. This should have been a time filled with sweetness and anticipation, but as soon as they receive their marriage certificate, Cain is called overseas for work, leaving Carmine to navigate newlywed life alone. The joy of marriage has barely bloomed in Carmine’s heart before it is overshadowed by loneliness and uncertainty. With no time to plan a future together, Carmine is left to face the ups and downs of life on her own. Without her husband’s support and companionship, she must be stronger and braver. Yet, Carmine is not defeated by her circumstances. With a glimmer of hope for the future, she strives to adapt to the sudden changes and courageously faces each challenge life throws her way. Although the road ahead is filled with uncertainty, she believes that as long as she holds on to the warmth and hope within her heart, a brighter tomorrow will eventually come.

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