
ex-husband unmasked: a man like no other

Maid to Majesty: A Life of Hidden Riches

Maid to Majesty: A Life of Hidden Riches


Birt and Wayva met in college, been married for twenty years. To save Birt's pride, Wayva hid her real identity, never letting on she was high society. She did janitorial work, silently aiding Birt’s company. Yet, Birt thought she was just a lame homemaker and janitor and hence asked for a divorce. By chance, Wayva found that Birt was cheating on her. Feeling disappointed, she agreed to split, reclaiming her heiress status at Cloud Group. After removing a tumor, Wayva, for Kain's custody, with her dad Zane at a banquet, announced her heiress status, claiming Cloud Group. Birt, drowning in regret, decided to get back together with Wayva but got rejected directly. Then Wayva brought Kain with her to travel around the world.

A Heart of Kindness: The Twisted Fate

A Heart of Kindness: The Twisted Fate


At five, Nina donated bone marrow to Quinn, saving her life. Tragically, Nina's parents died in a car accident, and she was rescued by a disabled scavenger, becoming Annie. Excelling in school, she interned at a major company, where she faced jealousy and bullying from fellow intern Angela. Unbeknownst to them, Angela was the adopted sister of CEO Quinn, who had long sought to repay the family that saved his life. When Quinn learned the truth—that the girl he'd favored was not the real Nina, but her bully—his world turned upside down.

Maaf, Ada Pria Lain Memanjakanku

Maaf, Ada Pria Lain Memanjakanku


Yelina adalah nona dari keluarga kaya raya! Namun, demi membalas budi, dia menikahi suami yang berada dalam kondisi vegetatif selama bertahun-tahun! Tak disangka, ketika suaminya sadar, suaminya mengusir Yelina dan menikahi wanita tercintanya! Setelah cerai, identitas Yelina terungkap! Yelina mulai membalas dendam pada mereka, bahkan membuat mantan suaminya menyesal. Sayangnya, semua sudah terlambat, karena Yelina sudah dimanjakan oleh pria muda…

Back in Town: The Mother of Five Prodigies

Back in Town: The Mother of Five Prodigies


After Miranda Quinn, the heiress of the Quinns, spent an intimate night with Daniel Jonas, he mysteriously vanished without a trace. Miranda's stepmother and stepsister conspire to catch her in the act and accuse her of promiscuity, leading to her expulsion from the house. Feeling betrayed, Miranda retreats to the countryside and apprentices under an expert doctor to learn medical skills. Discovering her pregnancy later on, she gives birth to quintuplets. Six years down the line, she returns to her homeland with her children and opens a clinic. Meanwhile, her five children are eager to find their father...

Beyond the Common: Ascension of a Legacy

Beyond the Common: Ascension of a Legacy


After enduring poverty for 28 years, Steve Ford is shocked to find out that he's actually the son of the richest man! Now, how will he deal with his wealthy wife, who has abandoned him for a man with a net worth of billions?

Alianza de los Cinco Hijos en Defensa de la Mamá Mimada

Alianza de los Cinco Hijos en Defensa de la Mamá Mimada


Narra la historia de unos adorables cuatrillizos que, sin que su madre lo sepa, deciden salir en busca de su padre. Durante su búsqueda, el hermano mayor y la hermana menor descubren que el multimillonario dueño de un lujoso carro que se ve en la calle es su padre. Entonces, la hermana menor, Alexa, detiene el carro y lo llama "papá guapo" al hombre, incluso se arranca un cabello para que haga una prueba de paternidad...

Into Starlight: A Girl's Salvation

Into Starlight: A Girl's Salvation


Three years ago, Sindy Simpson and her husband Jason Jaden came across her first crush on her wedding night. Starting from that night, the peaceful life became history. She also gradually saw through Jason's true colors. Three years later, Sindy found out Jason had drugged her and sent her as a gift to his boss right on her wedding night! Finally, she gathered enough courage, deciding to get rid of this awful marriage and chase after her true love.

Casada a toda prisa: El magnate se enamora de mí

Casada a toda prisa: El magnate se enamora de mí


Una joven repartidora a tiempo parcial, Coco Salinas, que perdió a su madre, ayudó por casualidad en la calle a un anciano, el Sr. Fernando, quien fue malinterpretado como alguien que no podía permitirse comprar unos bollos. El Sr. Fernando insistió en emparejar a su nieto, Fidelio Navarrete, el hombre más rico de la Ciudad Mar, con Coco Salinas. Para pagar las deudas contraídas por el tratamiento de su madre, Coco Salinas aceptó casarse con Fidelio Navarrete a cambio de una dote de 30 mil dólares. Como Fidelio Navarrete se casó bajo la presión de su abuelo, no confiaba en Coco Salinas y le ocultó su verdadera identidad de magnate. Sin embargo, después de que comenzaron a vivir juntos, su relación se fue calentando poco a poco. Aun así, la identidad de Fidelio Navarrete como un rico empresario siempre fue un punto de tensión en su relación. La visita de la madre de Fidelio Navarrete para conocer a su nuera, los banquetes del Grupo Navarrete, y el regreso al país de su primer amor de la infancia, hicieron que la protagonista comenzara a sospechar, lo que desencadenó una serie de historias tensas y cómicas.

Ciuman Mesra, Padu Kasih

Ciuman Mesra, Padu Kasih


Suaminya berselingkuh. Demi membalas dendam, dia menyinggung seorang pria yang tidak seharusnya dia singgung sebelum bercerai. Awalnya dia mengira ini hanya kesenangan sesaat. Tak disangka, pria itu malah tidak mau melepaskannya dan bersamanya setiap malam...

Doni, Aku Akan Selamanya Bersamamu

Doni, Aku Akan Selamanya Bersamamu


Setelah bangun, Dini menyadari dirinya kembali ke satu tahun lalu, bahkan menemukan kalau pria tercintanya belum meninggal. Saat itulah, Dini baru menyadari kalau dirinya terlahir kembali. Dini bahkan merasa ini adalah kesempatan terbaik untuk mengubah semua hal yang terjadi dalam satu tahun ini dan dia ingin terus bersama dengan suaminya, Doni.

A Love Hindered by Misunderstandings

A Love Hindered by Misunderstandings


Brayden and Selena are a couple, but Brayden harbors feelings for Selena's disabled sister. Selena falls into a trap set by Julian and is caught in bed by Brayden, accused of adultery. At the same time, her sister is pushed into a lake and drowns. Everyone believes Selena is responsible for her sister's death, and Brayden shares this belief. Thus begins a series of disputes and entanglements that will unravel their lives...

Dimanjakan Sama CEO Misterius

Dimanjakan Sama CEO Misterius


"Putri Keluarga Salva yang bersama Melly tinggal di kampung sejak kecil, karena orang tuanya membencinya, Melly bahkan sering ditindas oleh adik tirinya, juga dijual orang tuanya untuk menikah dengan pria tua.Untungnya Melly berhasil kabur dari pernikahan itu, juga tak sengaja menolong CEO misterius Grup Jira yang bernama Richard, lalu nikah kilat dengan Richard.Di bawah perlindungan Richard, Melly balas dendam pada semua perbuatan orang tua dan adik tirinya, akhirnya Melly baru tahu tentang identitas aslinya!"

A Promise to Save

A Promise to Save


Stella Hart, once a wealthy heiress, is lost and taken in by her foster mother, Serena Cook, who arranges a betrothal between her and her son, Jason Vale. After Jason suffers an accident, Stella sells herself to a childless couple to save him. However, once the couple adopts her, they later have twins and decide to abandon her. Stella’s grandmother, unable to bear her suffering, takes her in and cares for her with great love, leading a life of mutual dependence. Meanwhile, Jason and his mother work tirelessly to find Stella, and eventually, Jason becomes the president of a publicly listed company. On the other hand, Stella faces a series of misfortunes, including betrayal and mistreatment by a man she thought she loved. When Jason finally finds Stella, the person he has cherished since childhood, he vows to make up for all her suffering. As their story unfolds, Stella’s true identity gradually reveals itself, and they eventually reunite, with true love prevailing in the end.

Suami Nikah Kilatku Memanjakanku

Suami Nikah Kilatku Memanjakanku


Melani dikhianati adik dan tunangannya! Di bawah suasana hati yang impulsif, dia nikah kilat dengan pengusaha kaya. Sejak saat itu, dia mulai hidup senang, bahkan balas dendam pada mantan berengsek dan membuka perusahaan!Ketika Melani ditindas, pria itu seperti dewa yang turun dari langit untuk membantunya. Ketika Melani ditekani oleh keluarganya, pria itu membantunya menyelesaikan masalahnya.Ketika mantan Melani menyesal dan ingin minta rujuk, pria itu yang menendang pergi mantan Melani, bahkan mengumumkan dengan dominasi, "Siapa yang mengganggu wanitaku, akan dihukum mati!"

Double-Faced Wifey With a Wild Side

Double-Faced Wifey With a Wild Side


Avery's younger brother, Owen Cooper, has fled to escape his debts. To seek help, Avery impersonates her brother and turns to Wilson for assistance. Wilson Collins, the heir of Collins Corporation, blushes in front of her and asks for her medical help as he confesses that he has fallen for a man. Little does Wilson know that the man he's fallen in love with is, in fact, Avery herself.

Resilient Heiress: A Tale of Vengeance and Unlikely Allies

Resilient Heiress: A Tale of Vengeance and Unlikely Allies


Once an heiress, Summer Bryne's former life shattered amidst betrayal and manipulation. Now reborn, she decisively severs ties with her deceitful ex and outwits her scheming stepmother. However, fate reunites her with her old adversary, Logan Jones. Desperate for his aid in seeking revenge, Summer offers herself to him. As their alliance strengthens, love slowly blossoms between them.

Istri Kesayangan Presdir yang Manis

Istri Kesayangan Presdir yang Manis


Karena tanda lahir di wajahnya, sejak kecil Imelda Sudiro dibenci oleh orang tuanya. Tanpa sengaja, saat ia menolong Marko Saputra, tanda lahirnya pun menghilang secara ajaib. Marko Saputra pun berniat menikahinya.

Pak Daniel Hanya Memanjakannya

Pak Daniel Hanya Memanjakannya


Enam tahun lalu, Shisy Ruwana tak sengaja salah masuk kamar, bahkan berhubungan intim dengan Daniel.Tak sangka, sepuluh bulan kemudian, dia melahirkan sepasang anak kembar, melahirkan anak laki-laki dulu, baru melahirkan anak perempuan.Namun, ibu kandung Shisy langsung merampas anak laki-laki itu, bahkan mengatakan ini anak kakaknya.

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