
goodbye, my ceo

Doni, Aku Akan Selamanya Bersamamu

Doni, Aku Akan Selamanya Bersamamu


Setelah bangun, Dini menyadari dirinya kembali ke satu tahun lalu, bahkan menemukan kalau pria tercintanya belum meninggal. Saat itulah, Dini baru menyadari kalau dirinya terlahir kembali. Dini bahkan merasa ini adalah kesempatan terbaik untuk mengubah semua hal yang terjadi dalam satu tahun ini dan dia ingin terus bersama dengan suaminya, Doni.

Mewakili Kakakku Nikah Dengan Pria Kaya

Mewakili Kakakku Nikah Dengan Pria Kaya


Putri di luar nikah Keluarga Jumadi yang bernama Clara mewakili kakaknya menikah dengan pria miskin yang pernah masuk penjara.Tak disangka, pria miskin ini menyembunyikan status aslinya, ternyata dia adalah orang terkaya di Kota Jangga yang bernama Johan.Sejak saat itu, mereka berdua memulai cerita hidup yang romantis, serta penuh bahaya.

Hangat Mentari di Udara

Hangat Mentari di Udara


Shani Sanjaya belajar keras selama 4 tahun hanya agar bisa hidup tenang bersama pacarnya Yono di Kota Awanan. Namun tidak disangka, dia dikhianati oleh sahabatnya sendiri. Saat Shani memutuskan untuk mengakhiri hubungan dengan pacarnya, mengusir sahabat dari rumahnya, dan fokus pada kariernya, dia secara tidak sengaja menjalani pernikahan kilat dengan Kapten Maison Gunawan yang terkenal dari Cahaya Air. Nyonya Besar Gunawan sangat menyayangi Shani, dan Maison juga perlahan-lahan mulai menaruh hati pada Shani, sering membantu dan melindungi dia. Saat Shani telah mendapatkan hasil yang baik dalam percintaan dan kariernya, tiba-tiba muncul seorang wanita yang mengaku sebagai teman masa kecil dan istri Maison…

[ENG DUB] Quintuplets: Don't Mess with Mommy

[ENG DUB] Quintuplets: Don't Mess with Mommy


Lucille gave birth to quintuplets, but one of the children was taken away. Her four children secretly searched for their father, only to discover that their father was the billionaire tycoon Hendrix. They came up with a plan for little sister Leona to stop Hendrix's car and give him a hair for paternity testing...

Sugar-Kissed Affection

Sugar-Kissed Affection


Three years ago, Sandy Hunt entered a flash marriage with Darren York to resolve her father's company's financial woes. Displeased with the arrangement, Darren stormed out of home in anger, never once meeting Sandy. Now, fate brings them together again, and love begins to blossom between them.

Pernikahan Penuh Misteri

Pernikahan Penuh Misteri


Tiga tahun lalu, Wanda Suarna, anak pertama dari Keluarga Suarna menangkap basah Malvin Gunawan dan adik tirinya, Anna Suarna sedang berselingkuh di klub Teluk Jian. Kala itu, tiba-tiba terjadi kebakaran besar. Ketika tengah melarikan diri, Wanda menolong Leo Lumanto yang merupakan anak dari Keluarga Lumanto. Sayangnya dia kehilangan giok peninggalan ibunya. Tiga tahun kemudian, Leo yang kedua kakinya kehilangan kemampuan untuk bergerak karena kejadian kebakaran tersebut masih tidak bisa melupakan Wand. Perempuan itu menjadi bodoh karena kejadian kebakaran tersebut. Dia memutuskan untuk melamar perempuan itu. Setelah itu, Wanda dan Leo memulai kehidupan mereka yang saling mencari tahu dan saling membantu.

Suamiku Yang Misterius

Suamiku Yang Misterius


Sehari sebelum tunangan, Siska dicelakai oleh adik tirinya, Lina. Hal ini menyebabkan Siska melakukan hubungan intim dengan Yanto, bahkan hamil. Empat tahun kemudian, Siska kembali bersama sepasang anak kembarnya dan bekerja di perusahaan Yanto . Malamnya, Siska mengenali Yanto yang bertopeng di bar adalah ayah dari anaknya, tapi tak tahu dia adalah bosnya. Tak disangka, Siska malah jatuh cinta pada status Yanto yang di perusahaan, juga status Yanto yang di bar.

Forever at Rest, My Love

Forever at Rest, My Love


A fire suddenly breaks out, and Harper Sims calls her husband, but there is no answer. In the end, it is her adopted brother, Rye Alden, who risks his life to drag Harper and her son, Dash, out of the flames. Unfortunately, he is still too late. To honor his wife and son, Harper’s husband, Keaton Nash, changes his social media handle to “Beloved Wife and Son in Heaven,” sells off his late wife’s company shares, and establishes a fashion company in their names, vowing to live a life of vegetarianism and charity to pray for their souls. A year later, the fashion company is booming and is about to go public. But at the launch event, a familiar face suddenly appears, and Keaton is so shocked he nearly collapses. Who is this woman who has suddenly reappeared? What is her true motive for approaching Keaton? An adventure of revenge and uncovering the truth is about to begin...

Matchmakers: My Quadruplets' Roles in Healing a Broken Marriage

Matchmakers: My Quadruplets' Roles in Healing a Broken Marriage


After an unexpected encounter in a bamboo forest, Wendy Jonas became pregnant and later gave birth to quadruplets, two boys and two girls. Her love rival's mother, intent on keeping Wendy and Jake Ethan apart, erased Wendy's memory and left the babies in four distant lands. Eight years later, Wendy, now an amnesiac, crossed paths with Jake once more. Their bond was rekindled and they were about to get married. However, Cecilia Xavier, her love rival, framed her as a deceitful scammer. In the end, Jake punished her to sweep the streets. Meanwhile, the four forsaken babies had grown up into four formidable children. Could their reemergence mend the rift between their Mommy and Daddy, steering their story toward a harmonious and sweet conclusion?

Mindscape: The Daughter Who Sees Inside

Mindscape: The Daughter Who Sees Inside


Six years ago, Jane Soot was set up by her stepmother and stepsister, resulting in an accidental pregnancy. The shock led to her father's death, and her family business was taken over by her stepmother and stepsister, who then chased Jane out of the house. Now, six years later, Jane's daughter, Tina Soot, possesses mind-reading abilities and uses them to help her mother secure a job at Rich Corp, becoming CEO Hans Leed's assistant. Jane's exceptional design skills incite jealousy in designer Sue Ford. Although Sue attempts to frame Jane, Hans sees through the deception and fires Sue. Meanwhile, Zoe Soot fails to cover up her past misdeeds. Hans investigates and realizes Jane is the woman he fell in love with years ago. Zoe tries to keep Hans by her side by attempting to drug him and persuading Hans' grandmother to make Jane leave, but her efforts fail. Ultimately, Hans and Jane work together to expose the truth, and Jane successfully regains control of her company.

Calvin's Perilous Parenting Journey

Calvin's Perilous Parenting Journey


Calvin, along with his little daughter Quinn, leaves the Villain Valley for a peaceful life, only to be ambushed by its forces. After narrowly escaping the siege, he meets the beautiful CEO of Quinpar, Lacy Jewell. Believing that he can finally provide a stable life for Quinn, Calvin soon discovers that Lacy has already attracted the attention of the powerful Line family. Despite the Line family's relentless schemes against Lacy, Calvin and Quinn continually thwart their plans.

Lost Innocence, Found Love

Lost Innocence, Found Love


Yannick Zander and intern Yulia Surrey are tricked into a one night stand by Yannick's stepbrother and Yulia's classmate. Yulia gives birth to Yannick's child, but her sister sells the baby. Yannick's mother mistakenly believes Yulia is a scheming woman who secretly gave birth to marry into wealth, so she buys the child. Without a college degree, Yulia struggles to find a job and lives in poverty. Six years later, Yulia is forced into marriage but accidentally marries Yannick, rekindling their connection. Yannick recognizes her but hides his identity, while Yulia gradually falls in love with him and uncovers the truth about their child.

Kembalinya Putri Asli

Kembalinya Putri Asli


Anna adalah putri yang sebenarnya. Dia terpisah dengan ibunya saat masih kecil dan identitasnya digantikan oleh Rosa. Setelah Anna jadi desainer, Rosa tetap saja mempersulitnya. Di bawah permainan Rosa, ibu kandungnya juga salah paham pada Anna. Untungnya, Anna bertemu dengan Joshua yang selalu memercayainya.

¡Uy! Me casé con un CEO por error

¡Uy! Me casé con un CEO por error


Abigail casi estuvo muerta en el hospital, mientras su prometido Kyle y su hermanastra Chloe se regodean de haberla asesinado. Al enterarse de su malvado plan, Abigail vuelve a la vida e inmediatamente se casa con un modelo pobre llamado Henry como venganza. Abigail cree que su matrimonio es sólo una farsa. Pero cuando se enfrenta a las traiciones y dificultades, Henry la ayuda en secreto. Sin embargo, justo cuando su identidad real se revela, ella descubre un impactante secreto sobre Henry...

Tak Ada Yang Bisa Menandingimu

Tak Ada Yang Bisa Menandingimu


Karena ada dendam di antara mereka, Stefan pun memasukkan Kayla ke rumah sakit jiwa untuk disiksa dan dihina.Dua tahun kemudian, Stefan malah menikahi Kayla, bahkan mengatakan, Jangan harap aku mencintaimu. Kamu hanya menggunakan cara lain untuk menebus dosa.

Suami Nikah Kilatku Memanjakanku

Suami Nikah Kilatku Memanjakanku


Melani dikhianati adik dan tunangannya! Di bawah suasana hati yang impulsif, dia nikah kilat dengan pengusaha kaya. Sejak saat itu, dia mulai hidup senang, bahkan balas dendam pada mantan berengsek dan membuka perusahaan!Ketika Melani ditindas, pria itu seperti dewa yang turun dari langit untuk membantunya. Ketika Melani ditekani oleh keluarganya, pria itu membantunya menyelesaikan masalahnya.Ketika mantan Melani menyesal dan ingin minta rujuk, pria itu yang menendang pergi mantan Melani, bahkan mengumumkan dengan dominasi, "Siapa yang mengganggu wanitaku, akan dihukum mati!"

She's Back With Her Four Babies

She's Back With Her Four Babies


On the 7th day after her mom passed, Serena got handed off to some old man by her dad, but then ended up sleeping with St. Group heir Vincent. Fast forward 7 years, a kid grabs Vincent's leg, calling him 'Daddy'. Vincent's about to shove the kid away when the mom steps in. That's when Vincent recognizes her as Serena from way back... 'Wait, is this my offspring?' Meanwhile, fretting about his grandson's marriage, Vincent's grandma takes a shine to Serena and schemes to set them up. Come the blind date, the two meet, but Vincent's not just after a date. He's eyeing full custody of the little one...

Tales of the Tycoon and the Pet Shopkeeper

Tales of the Tycoon and the Pet Shopkeeper


Pet shop owner Vivien Jay accidentally ends up in a flash marriage with Shaun Gall, the No. 1 rich man in her city. Due to a misunderstanding, Shaun has to disguise his identity and keep his wealth a secret. What hilarious and unexpected stories will unfold between Vivien, who believes her husband is just an ordinary man, and Shaun, who is a real big shot?

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