Camron Fogg, the key player in the company, is abruptly fired by the chairman's daughter returning from abroad, leading to critical layoffs that nearly cripple the company. Amid the turmoil, an imposter posing as Camron Fogg takes advantage of the situation and begins to get close to the chairman's daughter.
Faye Grey, heiress to the legendary Draco Clan said to control half of the world’s fortune, keeps her identity hidden while being with Steve Pitt for three years to repay a life-saving favor. Secretly, she helps him achieve his success. However, Steve eventually grows disdainful of her and begins a relationship with Mary Cooper, the heiress of the Coopers. In a fit of anger, Faye grabs a beggar from the street and marries him on the spot. Unbeknownst to her, the beggar is actually Rolan Quinn, the top tycoon of Delinia. To avoid his family's pressure to marry, Rolan agrees to the arrangement. As time goes by, Faye and Rolan gradually fall for each other, and Faye eventually discovers that Rolan is the person who saved her years ago.
Seven years ago, at Nina and Chandler's wedding, a tragedy unfolded when Nina's father murdered Chandler's father, leading to a deep rift between their families. After a chance encounter, Nina saved Chandler from a drugging incident, resulting in her giving birth to his child. Now, desperate to save her daughter Tracy, who battled leukemia, Nina found herself in Chandler's bed once more. Despite Chandler's outward humiliation, his heart remained conflicted with love and resentment. As their complicated relationship unfolded, long-buried truths from the past began to emerge. Ultimately, Chandler came to Nina's and Tracy's rescue, and the family finally reunited when the truth was revealed.
Lily Walter, pregnant out of wedlock, was deemed a disgrace by her village. To ensure her child's survival, she fled with the baby, leaving behind a community that banished her deceased family from their ancestral records. Years later, Lily built the globally recognized environmental enterprise, Bluesky Group, and became the world's wealthiest individual.
Após ser enganada e perder todas as suas economias, ficando endividada por causa de seu ex canalha, Lisa substitui sua melhor amiga rica, Elsa, em um encontro às cegas para ganhar dinheiro rápido. Para sua surpresa, o encontro acaba sendo ninguém menos que seu CEO, Alex. A partir desse momento, Lisa se torna uma "fugitiva" no emocionante jogo de esconde-esconde no trabalho, enquanto equilibra sua vida dupla, passando mais tempo com Alex. Em meio a todo esse caos, as faíscas começam a surgir e o amor começa a florescer.
El primer día de regreso a su país, Cris es víctima de una trampa tendida por su hermanastro Sergio y casi muere en un accidente automovilístico. Sin embargo, Irene, que pasaba por allí, arriesgó su vida para salvarlo. Al despertar, Cris se esfuerza por encontrar a Irene para agradecerle. No obstante, cuando vuelve a ver a ella, la chica está pasando por el peor día de su vida, es que es traicionada por su mejor amiga Luna y su novio Ramiro. Descubre la traición de ellos. Sin embargo, no solo no recibe ninguna disculpa, sino que además es cruelmente humillada por ellos. Enfurecida, Irene decide casarse impulsivamente con el primer hombre que encuentra. Lo que no sabe es que su esposo repentino es nada menos que Cris, el heredero del Grupo Fernández, la mayor potencia económica de Asia.
Because their fates took them down different paths, the male and female leads are relentlessly pursued by the Sky League. When the female lead is critically wounded, the male lead sacrifices his life to save hers. Reincarnated into a new life, he ultimately ascends to become the Lord of Fairr Hall.
In her past life, Cici was killed by her husband, Yates. However, she miraculously reincarnated and returned to the day she first met Yates's family. This time, Cici decisively chose Yates' uncle, Benson. Despite rumors claiming that Benson was sterile, Cici found herself pregnant with triplets and was spoiled by Benson!
Ana Cruz, uma jovem rica que nunca foi a favorita de sua família, é obrigada a casar com Celso Alves, um herdeiro de uma família poderosa, por um acordo entre as famílias. No entanto, Eva Lima, uma mulher ambiciosa, deseja tomar o lugar de Ana e trama para incriminá-la, fazendo com que Celso acredite que Ana é uma mulher desonesta. Em meio a esse jogo de amor e ódio dentro do mundo dos ricos, Ana demonstra uma força inabalável, enfrentando a pressão de ambas as famílias Alves e Cruz, enquanto desvenda as armações de Eva. Quando Celso descobre a verdade, ele se arrepende profundamente, mas Ana, após passar por mal-entendidos, traições e até perder a memória, consegue se reerguer. Com seus dois filhos, ela parte para o exterior, onde constrói uma carreira de sucesso na medicina.
Quatre ans plus tôt, chassée par son père suite aux machinations de Chantal Martin, Amélie Martin fut contrainte à l'exil où elle sauva par hasard Luc Dubois. À son retour, elle démasqua l'infidélité de son fiancé, Fabien Chevalier, avec Chantal. Dans un geste impétueux, Amélie épousa en apparence son ami Alex Dubois mais, à cause d'un échange d'identités dû à l'ébriété d'Alex, elle se retrouva mariée à Luc. Lors de l'annonce officielle des fiançailles de Chantal et Fabien, Amélie fit une apparition spectacle qui tourna court quand son père tenta de la capturer. Luc intervint alors, devenant son bouclier contre les volontés paternelles. Sans toit, Amélie trouva refuge chez les Dubois. Face à un mariage arrangé par son père avide, elle faillit être compromise mais Luc sauva la situation, punissant les instigateurs. Ce mariage accidentel scella le destin d'Amélie et Luc, qui formèrent ainsi un couple sincère et amoureux.
Once destined for college, Violet Payne's life was stolen when her best friend took her admission letter, an act that ruined her future and led to her father's death. Ten years later, her friend became CEO, and she raised pigs in the countryside. Refusing defeat, she uncovers the truth and rises to become a successful entrepreneur, reclaiming her life and triumphing.
Ana ha amado a Carlos durante muchos años, pero él nunca la correspondió solo por su primer amor. Así que Ana se divorciará dejándoselo todo y cediéndole el puesto a su amante. Carlos creía que sin Ana sería muy feliz hasta que recibió el diagnóstico de su enfermedad… “Carlos, en los últimos días de mi vida ya no quiero seguir amándote”.
Amélie, fille aînée des Forestier, passe une nuit passionnée avec Xavier Moreau, son amour de longue date. Mystérieusement, Xavier disparaît le lendemain. Sophie, la fille de la belle-mère d’Amélie, arrive avec le père d’Amélie, l’accusant d’adultère. Elle révèle qu’Amélie a été promise à un autre homme et l’accuse d’avoir déshonoré la famille Forestier. Amélie est alors chassée de la maison. Croyant avoir été trompée, Amélie retourne dans son village natal où elle étudie la médecine auprès d’un légendaire maître. Elle découvre alors qu’elle est enceinte et donne naissance à des quintuplés : quatre garçons et une fille ! Six ans plus tard, Amélie revient en ville avec ses enfants et ouvre une clinique de quartier. Ses cinq petits trésors n’ont qu’une idée en tête : retrouver leur père...
Die Geschichte handelt von einem niedlichen Vierlingspaar, das sich heimlich aufmacht, um seinen Papa zu finden, ohne der Mama Bescheid zu sagen. Während ihrer Suche entdecken der große Bruder und die kleine Schwester am Straßenrand ein Luxusauto und erkennen, dass der Milliardärs-CEO darin der Papa ist, den sie suchen. Kurzerhand stoppt die kleine Schwester Leona das Auto des CEOs, nennt ihn „hübscher Papa“ und zupft ihm sogar ein Haar aus, damit er einen Vaterschaftstest machen kann.
Das Leben von der talentierten Schmuckdesignerin Leyla Jahn hat einen Tiefpunkt erreicht, nachdem ihr Freund sie betrogen und ihre Schwester sie beschuldigt hat, ihr Design gestohlen zu haben. Während sie sich in einer Bar betrinkt, trifft sie zufällig den Onkel ihres Ex-Freundes, David Kaiser, welcher der Erbe eines Milliardenunternehmens ist. Aus Versehen heiraten sie noch am gleichen Abend. Zuerst liebt Leyla David nicht und will sich scheiden lassen, aber mit der Zeit verliebt sie sich in den zuvorkommenden David. Denn eigentlich sind sie füreinander bestimmt. Leyla kann sich nur nicht mehr an ihre schicksalshafte Begegnung vor einigen Jahren erinnern, bei der sich David auf den ersten Blick in sie verliebte…
In ancient times, a divine spirit nourished by all creation was born into the mortal realm. This spirit split into two halves—one good and one evil. Should the evil half devour the remaining part, it would become the supreme ruler of heaven and earth, plunging the three realms into hellish torment. The only solution lies in its other half, which exists in mutual generation and restriction with it. Only by combining the power of a sacred artifact and the essence of the four ancient divine beasts can it be completely destroyed from this world. However, this also requires a person of unique bloodline. The tavern that Vyara Moonfell runs in the city of Shadowspire exists solely to await this destined one.
Dora Pérez, con su nombre, parece una chica suave y decente. Sin embargo, en realidad, es la valiosa heredera del magnate comercial Fabio Pérez, presidente del Grupo Outlets. A pesar de su poderoso trasfondo familiar, Dora ha llevado una vida discreta, sin querer ser limitada por su estatus social. Sin embargo, el destino le juega una broma ridícula. Su compañera, Luna Sánchez, una joven vanidosa y ambiciosa, ha comenzado a hacerse pasar por la heredera, buscando disfrutar del honor y la atención que no le pertenecen. Luna creía que podría ocultar su secreto para siempre, pero la codicia y la vanidad la han llevado a un pantano sin fondo.
Nina, auf dem Land aufgewachsen und oft gehänselt, verliebt sich in den wohlhabenden Jan. Doch am Tag der Hochzeit flieht Jan vor dem Altar. Wütend verlässt Nina die Hochzeitsfeier und trifft zufällig auf den geheimnisvollen Wunderknaben Nils. Bei einem absichtlich herbeigeführten Autounfall fordert Nils Nina auf, ihn als Entschädigung zu heiraten. Ohne zu zögern willigt sie ein und die beiden beginnen eine Ehe, die auf einem Vertrag beruht. Nach der Hochzeit verheimlicht Nils seine wahre Identität. Er behandelt Nina wie eine Prinzessin und sorgt dafür, dass sie in ihrer Familie den Respekt und das Ansehen bekommt, die sie verdient.