
never divorce a secret billionaire heiress

Taking Down the World

Taking Down the World


Five years ago, he was imprisoned out of a false accusation. Five years later, he returned in glory and controlled all the power. Finally, he would get back everything he had lost!

Counting Down False Days

Counting Down False Days


When Sarah Gale is diagnosed with terminal-stage stomach cancer, she decides to make the most of her remaining time. She quits her job, leaves her parasitic family behind, and crosses paths with Bryan Leigh at a bar. The encounter leads to an arrangement where she becomes his temporary wife. She accompanies him to his grandfather's birthday banquet, only to discover that Bryan is a powerful tycoon. Seizing the opportunity, Sarah asks him to acquire Prospero Group, and Bryan agrees, granting her full control of the company. Upon returning to the company, Sarah exacts revenge on her former boss and enjoys a generous salary from Bryan. During a cocktail party, when Sarah's identity is questioned, Casper Gale appears and reveals her true background. Later, Sarah is kidnapped, and Bryan rushes over to save her. It's only then that they realize they were each other's marriage partners. Moreover, her terminal-stage stomach cancer turns out to be a misdiagnosis.

Beneath the Golden Veil

Beneath the Golden Veil


International financial magnate Angelo returns to Drakelore, stepping back from the public eye. On the eve of his son's wedding, Angelo uncovers his future daughter-in-law's betrayal and learns that his son, Xavion, is being blackmailed. Simultaneously, Well Street launches a fierce assault on the international gold market. Juggling these crises, Angelo fights to preserve his family's honor. On the day of the wedding, as his son stands ready to marry, Angelo makes a pivotal decision that will change everything.

A Bond Beyond Farewell

A Bond Beyond Farewell


Childhood friends Stanley McNeil and Madison Snider are bound by a family-arranged marriage, but they’ve never met or even seen each other’s faces. As they navigate a series of misunderstandings and obstacles, their journey to love is fraught with challenges. Will they be able to overcome the hurdles and find their way to each other?

Intimate Deceit: Hidden Roles Revealed

Intimate Deceit: Hidden Roles Revealed


As Chairwoman of an international conglomerate, Nancy hid her identity to pursue her dreams and discreetly supported Raymond, who betrayed her. Rushing into a marriage of convenience with a painter, she unknowingly married her long-time fiancé, Stewart. Amid hidden identities, their love blossoms, leading to a battle against TV villains and betrayal. Nancy ultimately revealed her true self and found her real savior in Stewart, living happily ever after.

Quando a Verdade Veio à Toa

Quando a Verdade Veio à Toa


No dia do aniversário de Caio, Iara dirigia com Lara para celebrar a ocasião, mas no caminho sofreram um acidente com Vera, que também estava indo para a festa de Caio. Iara ficou ferida, Lara estava à beira da morte e, quando Caio, que é médico, chegou ao local, ignorou o pedido de socorro de Iara e decidiu primeiro salvar sua amante Vera e seu filho Davi. Devido à negligência de Caio, Lara perdeu a oportunidade de receber atendimento médico a tempo e faleceu. Enquanto Iara estava devastada pela dor, Caio achou que ela estava apenas com ciúmes, não acreditou que Lara havia morrido e até quis se divorciar de Iara. Ao mesmo tempo, no hospital, Vera descobriu a morte de Lara e, para forçar o divórcio entre Caio e Iara, escondeu intencionalmente a notícia e causou um escândalo no funeral de Lara, até que a polícia descobriu a verdade e a levou. Caio também encontrou a certidão de óbito de Lara no hospital e, ao confirmar a realidade, caiu na dor e no arrependimento, mas já era tarde demais.

Secrets of the Lass

Secrets of the Lass


Eric Carl, a food delivery rider, discovered during his work that he had found his long-lost family. Excited to reunite, he mistakenly believed they were wealthy due to the location of their reunion. Upon meeting, he realized his mother was a cleaner. Adjusting his mindset, Eric embraced the reunion with his mother. Julie Bell, daughter of the Bell family, approached Eric with an offer of one million yuan to pretend to be her boyfriend and the father of her child. After some consideration, Eric agreed. At the same time, Wilson Hawk, who had long admired Julie, confessed his feelings again. Julie publicly announced Eric as her boyfriend and claimed he was a descendant of a hidden noble family. Embarrassed and angry, Wilson declared he would propose publicly at Julie’s birthday banquet the next day and challenged Eric to do the same. Though intimidated, Eric was pressured by Julie to propose at the banquet. To appease Julie’s parents, Eric pretended to be a descendant of a hidden noble family. Eric later discovered a gift from the Leons at his mother’s place. Believing it to be a fake, he planned to use it as a betrothal gift. At the birthday banquet, Wilson confidently presented lavish betrothal gifts worth hundreds of millions, convinced Eric would not dare to show up. Just then, Eric appeared with his own gift.

Heart's Maze: The Boss vs. Her Brothers

Heart's Maze: The Boss vs. Her Brothers


Raised in the wrong family due to a mistake, Peggy was kicked out by her adoptive parents after they reclaimed their real daughter. However, she soon discovered her biological parents were the wealthiest in town, and she had three adoptive brothers who adored her. As she fell for a prince-like man, her adoptive brother Michael also vied for her love. Who did Peggy ultimately choose?

In Your Heart, Under a False Name

In Your Heart, Under a False Name


Alyvia Preston, the daughter of the Preston family, disguised herself as an ordinary girl named Alexia Townsend for love. She married a scumbag Pierre Carlson for three years and supported the listing of the Carlson Group in secret. However, after Pierre rose to fame, he not only planned to abandon his helpful wife, but also wanted marry the so-called Miss Preston, Stephany Preston. Alexia was kicked out of the Carlson family by her husband, her vicious mother-in-law, and Pierre's scheming mistress. In a moment of despair and embarrassment, her three brothers found her. Alexia decided to return to her life as Miss Preston. She kicked Pierre's ass, exposed the true color of Stephany while finding her true love.

Nada se compara contigo

Nada se compara contigo


Para vengar a su padre, Javier Sánchez decidió humillar y torturar a Elena Martínez internándola vilmente en un hospital psiquiátrico. Pero dos años después, él la tomó como esposa: "No te hagas ilusiones, solo estás redimiéndote de otra manera".

빌리어네어 CEO의 옵세션

빌리어네어 CEO의 옵세션


나오미는 금수저 집안에서 태어났지만, 누군가의 계략으로 아무도 모르게 출생을 바꿔치기 당한다.

El retorno de mamá

El retorno de mamá


Julia Rosales, proveniente de una familia en ruinas, se vio obligada a aceptar la propuesta de la familia Cisneros y divorciarse de Mateo Cisneros para salvar a su gravemente enfermo abuelo. Según el acuerdo, su hijo sería criado por la familia Cisneros. Cinco años más tarde, tras el fallecimiento de su abuelo y un accidente automovilístico que dejó a Mateo sin memoria, Julia se postuló para ser la niñera de su hijo en la familia Cisneros. Con la ayuda del niño, la verdad de aquellos años salió a la luz, los malentendidos entre los protagonistas se aclararon y finalmente, se reunieron para vivir felices juntos.

Vuelta a la ciudad: La madre con cinco hijos sesudos

Vuelta a la ciudad: La madre con cinco hijos sesudos


Después de una noche de pasión con Fernando Martínez, con quien había estado saliendo durante años, la hija de la familia García, Sofía García, descubre que Fernando ha desaparecido misteriosamente. La hija de su madrastra, Clara García, llega con su padre para atraparlos en el acto, afirmando que Sofía ya había sido prometida a otra persona. La acusan de ser infiel, de deshonrar a la familia García, y la expulsan de la casa familiar. Sofía, creyendo que había sido engañada, regresa al campo y estudia medicina bajo la tutela del médico milagroso. Sorprendentemente, descubre que está embarazada y finalmente da a luz a quintillizos, ¡cuatro niños y una niña! Seis años después, Sofía regresa a su país con sus hijos y abre una clínica comunitaria. Sin embargo, estos cinco adorables niños están decididos a encontrar a su padre...

Sisterhood Saga

Sisterhood Saga


After being separated from her sister Shirley in childhood, Daisy never gave up searching. With a successful career, she founded DS Group, becoming the wealthiest. Revealing "Shirley" as Cindy, she falls under false pretenses. Eventually unmasked by Michael, Daisy regains DS Group from Scott and saves Shirley. Tasked with finding the true Shirley, Daisy, with Michael's help, uncovers Cindy's deceit and reclaims her sister.

The Financial Queen Michelle's Journey

The Financial Queen Michelle's Journey


After stepping down as the Asia Financial Queen, Michelle worked in a restaurant, where she unwittingly confronted a con artist. Her courageous actions caught the attention of Vincent, president of Green Group, who became a devoted admirer and pursued her despite their age gap. Michelle secretly supported her daughter, Ruby, in building her company into a leader in the domestic smart vehicle industry, but her sacrifices went unnoticed and Ruby dismissed her waitress job. When a foreign invasion threatened Cathaland's stock market, putting Ruby and other companies at risk, Michelle stepped in to turn the tide. Together, they repaired their relationship and united to defeat the Yamaguchi Corporation, restoring the honor of Cathaland's financial sector.

Guapo Durmiente, ¡A formar pareja!

Guapo Durmiente, ¡A formar pareja!


Guapo durmiente, ¡A formar pareja! Amelia, una trabajadora sexual en apuros, aprovecha la oportunidad de casarse con el único heredero de la rica familia Valverde para ganar dinero y pagar las facturas médicas de su madre. Sin embargo, su futuro esposo, Elías, está en estado vegetativo. ¿Podrá Amelia cumplir con su compromiso en esta inesperada situación?




คุณหนูตระกูลร่ำรวยอย่างดารณีต้องมีชีวิตลำบากยากจนเพราะเธอโดนคนทรยศไม่รู้บุญคุณสลับตั้งแต่แรกเกิด ถึงจะโดนทารุณและดูถูกเหยียดหยาม แต่ดารณีก็โตมาเป็นสาวเก่งและแกร่งได้ นับตั้งแต่ที่เธอได้ช่วยเหลือทายาทมหาเศรษฐีที่ถูกตามล่าเอาไว้ กงล้อโชคชะตาของเธอก็เริ่มพลิกผันหกปีต่อมาหลังได้พบกันอีกครั้ง เขาและเธอก็ตกหลุมรักกันก่อนที่จะต้องแยกทางเพราะความบาดหมางในครอบครัวหลังจากที่ดารณีพบชาติกำเนิดที่แท้จริงของตน… นี่เป็นเรื่องราวความรักที่เต็มไปด้วยความพลิกผันตั้งแต่ต้นจนจบ…

El Camino Tortuoso del Amor

El Camino Tortuoso del Amor


Laura Castro fue amenazada por Diego Castro (padre) con la fuente del corazón para salvar a Ana(madre) y se vio obligada a casarse con Antonio López(su padre fue rescatado una vez por el Sr. Castro). Pero en la noche de bodas, Laura se quedó sola en una habitación vacía porque a él no le gustó. Más tarde, Elena Ortega la llamó para sustituirla en el hospital. Inesperadamente, Laura encontró a Antonio que estaba siendo perseguido. Después que tuvieran relaciones, pero Elena se llevó todo el bienestar. Por responsabilidad, Antonio decidió casarse con Elena y confió en ella. Inicialmente Antonio, considerando a Laura como un espía enviado por su madrastra Lucía, solicitó el divorcio. Más tarde, a medida que se llevaba bien con Laura, su visión iba cambiando. Por otro lado, debido a la instigación secreta y las acciones despreciables de Elena, el malentendido entre Laura y Antonio se intensificó, e incluso abortaron a un niño, así que casi se separaron. Al final, Antonio descubrió que Elena hacía las malas acciones, la despertó a Laura con su amor, que estaba en coma causado por un accidente automovilístico, y vivieron felices juntos.

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