
reconquistar a mi pareja

Reclaimed Kinship: A Father's Triumph Over Betrayal

Reclaimed Kinship: A Father's Triumph Over Betrayal


25 years ago, a sudden car accident struck Seth Shawn with a devastating blow. He lost his wife and daughter, the most important people in his life, a pain that could never be erased. Yet, to fulfill his wife's dream, Seth, with unyielding determination and exceptional business acumen, continued to grow the Solaris Group, a company he had founded with his wife. After years of relentless effort and struggle, he finally achieved his wife's last wish, turning the Solaris Group into the world's leading enterprise, and he became Elariland's richest person. At the pinnacle of his success, Seth felt a deep sense of exhaustion and a longing for the peaceful life he once had, leading him to retire. In his days of retirement, he was immersed in deep memories of his lost family. A twist of fate occurred on an ordinary day as he gazed at the river in contemplation. He noticed a child struggling in the water. Without hesitation and regardless of the danger, Seth bravely saved her. When the child smiled sweetly, he saw a reflection of his own daughter in her, reigniting the paternal love within him. He decided to adopt the child, naming her Tessa, and gave her his precious amulet as a symbol of peace and protection for her life. The arrival of this child was like a ray of light in the darkness, bringing new hope and warmth to Seth's life. He resolved to devote the rest of his life to providing Tessa with endless love, allowing her to grow in an environment filled with affection, making up for the familial bonds he had lost. Seth's story was a legend filled with sorrow and resilience, loss and hope, and Tessa's arrival might just be his chance to embrace happiness once again.

La Esposa Culpable Del Sr. Ortiz

La Esposa Culpable Del Sr. Ortiz


Toda la familia de Emma fue incriminada, por lo tanto, sufrió mucha tortura de Diego, y obligada a casarse con él. Su vida era dolorosa. Diego: "¡Emma, incluso si quieres morir, necesitas mi permiso!"

The Eternal Love of a Mother

The Eternal Love of a Mother


Over the past few years, Xena had been working hard to earn money, allowing her son, Leon Cale, to attend college. Leon promised to take his mother to the city to live once he got into college. Ten years later, Leon achieved great success and forgot about his mother who lived in the village, forgetting about his own humble beginnings. This play carries a profound positive energy, showcasing the greatness and selflessness of a mother's love. It also serves as a reminder to the audience to never forget gratitude and to cherish the silent sacrifices of their mothers.

The Daddy Quest: Three Kids On A Mission

The Daddy Quest: Three Kids On A Mission


Six years later, Elizabeth Dale returns to the country with her three kids. During that one-night stand back then, the man left behind a ring for her. Just when her three kids want to use the ring to look for their father, the ring surprisingly goes missing.

No Mercy: A Mother's Dark Justice

No Mercy: A Mother's Dark Justice


Tina Garcia's daughter, Candy Leed, clings to life after a terrible accident. She holds on, hoping her doctor father, Leo Leed, will arrive in time to save her. However, when Leo finally appears, he prioritizes his first love and her daughter, who are only pretending to be injured. He rushes them to the hospital and takes good care of them. Meanwhile, Candy, having lost too much blood, tragically passes away as she misses the critical window for treatment. Heartbroken, Tina then learns of the affair between Leo and his first love. Consumed by grief and anger, she vows to make them pay for what they have done to her daughter.

Yo, no tú: Recuperar mi nombre

Yo, no tú: Recuperar mi nombre


Hace veinte años, la criada doméstica de la familia Castro, por error, inyectó somníferos en lugar de nutrientes a la recién nacida hija de Apolo Castro, lo que provocó que la bebé tuviera una respiración débil y estuviera al borde de la muerte. Temiendo las consecuencias, la criada decidió reemplazar a la niña con otra bebé y abandonó a la hija de la familia Castro en la montaña. La niña sobrevivió milagrosamente y fue rescatada por Lía Chávez, quien había ido a enterrar a su propia hija fallecida. Lía la nombró Petra Chávez y la crió como su propia hija. Veinte años después, Petra comienza a trabajar en el Grupo Castro, pero debido a su pobreza, es acosada por Marta Castro, la hija de la criada que la sustituyó. Marta acusa falsamente a Petra de robo y la somete a constantes humillaciones y tormentos...

A Divorced Multimillionaire

A Divorced Multimillionaire


Joy was encouraged by her family to divorce Curtis, a wimpy househusband with no motivation, not knowing that Curtis was the president of a large consortium...

Sorry I'm a Bit Late

Sorry I'm a Bit Late


Five years ago, Ian was drugged, and Sydney was paid to be his antidote, which led to the birth of a child. Sydney lost her memory following a life-threatening ordeal. At that time, Ian was raising his son alone until a fateful reunion with Sydney occurred. Amidst family machinations and a plot to remove her, Ian discovered her possible identity as the child's mother and raced to save her from a deadly surgery.

Sir, You're Merely a Substitute

Sir, You're Merely a Substitute


The Bell Mansion was engulfed in a massive fire, and the young heir, Alex Bell, barely managed to escape the inferno alive. Following his narrow escape, he underwent a clandestine facial transformation and reemerged with a new identity—Joel Clark—with the intention of seeking revenge by approaching his estranged wife, Sandy Lane.Sandy, haunted by lingering emotions for Alex, mistook Joel for her former husband due to their striking resemblance and unwittingly married him. Thus, the tale unfolds as Joel assumes his new identity and the intricate story of revenge, love, and mistaken identities takes shape.

A Lesson in Regret

A Lesson in Regret


Yara tried to stop her daughter Yvonne from eloping with her punk boyfriend, which led Yvonne to resent her. After achieving success, Yvonne, during Yara’s critical illness, denied her a chance for treatment. In their next life, Yara, deeply disappointed Yvonne, decisively signed a severance agreement, allowing her to choose her own path.

The Intern Lady is a Big Shot

The Intern Lady is a Big Shot


She joined the company's annual meeting only to be met with disdain. But when she finally disclosed her identity, jaws dropped—she was the CEO's wife!

A Masked Heart: The Illusion of Love

A Masked Heart: The Illusion of Love


Whitney, the heiress of Sherwood Group, thought marrying Tyrone was a journey of love, only to find herself trapped in a hellish nightmare. First, she was unjustly imprisoned, then ruthlessly crippled. Tyrone appeared indifferent to Whitney's suffering, but when a tragic fire claimed her life, his heart inexplicably hollowed. Yet, a month later, a woman bearing an uncanny resemblance to Whitney appeared at a lavish banquet, introducing herself as "Anna." With a smile as radiant as it was deceitful, she cunningly captivated Tyrone, beginning to spin a web of vengeance...

Spoiled by a Playful Husband After Rebirth

Spoiled by a Playful Husband After Rebirth


In her past life, Christie Reynolds made a fateful mistake in love, falling victim to a misjudgment of character that led to a tragic betrayal. Burned to death as a result, she gets a second chance at life through rebirth. Determined to right the wrongs of her past, she vows to marry the man who had courageously rushed into the fire to save her, even if he was known as a notorious playboy. Initially, she marries him out of deep gratitude, but after the wedding, she finds herself showered with an unprecedented level of affection. It seems she is going to be utterly and completely indulged!

A Heart's Untold Truth

A Heart's Untold Truth


Amelia Russo has loved Shawn Butler for many years, but his heart remains steadfast in its longing for his first love. Determined, Amelia gracefully steps aside to make room for that woman.Shawn deludes into believing his happiness lies in Amelia's absence and jolts by an unexpected revelation upon receiving her medical card. "Shawn Butler, as the final days of my life trickle away, I no longer choose to waste my love on you."

Atardecer de Amor

Atardecer de Amor


En un desafortunado incidente médico, los espermatozoides del presidente de Grupo Owen, Diego, fueron implantados inadvertidamente en el cuerpo de su empleada Anita, quien quedó embarazada como resultado. La novia de Diego, Cristina, se acercó repetidamente a Anita para intentar convencerla de que renunciara al bebé. Mientras tanto, Diego descubrió durante una investigación privada el embarazo de Anita y le sugirió que simulara un aborto para engañar a todos. Ante la abrumadora carga económica de las facturas médicas de su hermano, Anita aceptó ocultar tanto su embarazo como su matrimonio. A medida que compartían su vida cotidiana, también comenzaron a surgir sentimientos entre ellos...

Gilded Cages: A Legacy Unraveled

Gilded Cages: A Legacy Unraveled


Welda, the female protagonist, has always lived in luxury but yearns for an ordinary life. To support herself, she leaves her affluent family and starts working various jobs. Unbeknownst to her, her CEO husband, Crimson, sends bodyguards to protect her on her first day. But when Welda arrives at the company, she meets her old classmate, Maren, who then impersonates her and takes her place at the company, flaunting her newfound power.

Whispers of Pendant: A Forbidden Flame

Whispers of Pendant: A Forbidden Flame


Three years ago, during a fiery incident at Golden Grove where Shannon Bowen caught her half-sister Penny Bowen and Randy Bell in an affair, Shannon lost her mother's jade pendant while rescuing Wayne Pratt, the eldest son of the Pratt family. Despite Wayne losing sensation in his legs due to the fire, he couldn't forget Shannon's bravery and proposed to her. With their hidden secrets, they embarked on a life of mutual testing and support.

A Billionaire Queen's Fight for Justice

A Billionaire Queen's Fight for Justice


Marie, the daughter of the wealthy Salvin family, mistakenly believed scoundrel Bowen was her savior. She agreed to hide her identity as her father requested, pretended to be an ordinary person, and dated Bowen, who used her money and cheated on her with Yadira. On the day Marie returned home after academic success, Bowen and his family conspired to steal her house and then broke up with her. Realizing the truth, Marie revealed her identity, confronted Bowen and Yadira, and demanded restitution. Just then, the head of the Smith family, who had been betrothed to Marie since childhood, appeared to help her reclaim her dignity and future.

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