
The Sister And Her Five Knights

The Sister And Her Five Knights


Yasmine Lynch was switched at birth and raised as the daughter of the Scotts for twenty years. When the Scotts learn the truth, their behavior towards Yasmine changes completely. Mistakenly believing that Kate Scott is his lifesaver, Calix Jacot proposes marriage to the Scott family. Later, he soon discovers that Yasmine also has a similar scar, complicating matters. Yasmine uses this to coerce Kate into funding her to open a store. However, Kate kidnaps Yasmine instead. Upon receiving the news, the Lynches immediately reveal their identity and launch a search to find Yasmine.

Empire of Favor: The Power Play

Empire of Favor: The Power Play


Modern-day doctor Luna Winslow accidentally travels back to ancient times and becomes the unfavored consort of Lord Henry Reign. Little did she know, there was a deep-seated grudge between her and Lord Henry from their past lives. Upon her arrival, she encounters severely wounded patients and narrowly avoids being wrongfully imprisoned. As their paths continuously cross and clash, their relationship gradually transitions from estrangement to closeness, ultimately coming together in true love.

The Grim Warning: Crossing Her Spells Doom

The Grim Warning: Crossing Her Spells Doom


Lily was kicked out of her home by her stepmother and stepsister, leaving her with nothing. Through sheer determination, she built her own business from the ground up. Three years later, to elevate her lover’s financial status and position, she secured a contract worth over ten billion for his company. However, due to an unexpected twist, the contract was intercepted by someone else. Under his mother’s influence, her weak-willed lover cheated on her and demanded a divorce. Amidst the turmoil of the divorce, Lily met another man, someone truly deserving of her love, and together they navigated through the crisis.

Mr. Saul, Your Disguise Is Exposed

Mr. Saul, Your Disguise Is Exposed


In his pursuit of a non-materialistic life partner, a billionaire CEO, Cyril Saul, masquerades as a deliveryman to explore blind dates.During one such encounter, a girl named Sabrina Doris, oblivious to his true identity, makes a startling confession, "I seek no wealth, no lavish homes, nor fancy cars. If you sincerely care about me, I'm ready for a simple life with you. Will you marry me?" By the time they met, Sabrina was having lunch with her snobbish future mother-in-law, who disparaged her modest family background, assuming she was only after money. The woman even presents Sabrina with an unfair prenuptial agreement.

From Ugly to Unbelievable: My Global Glamour

From Ugly to Unbelievable: My Global Glamour


To afford treatment for her beloved grandmother, Chelsea Carver was forced to marry the bedridden "Old Mr. Wynn." A year later, she became a maid for the Wynn family, just as Wynn Enterprises' CEO, Larry, returned home. Although they had never met, Chelsea felt a strange sense of familiarity with him.

Kisah Pernikahan dengan Orang Kaya

Kisah Pernikahan dengan Orang Kaya


Mantan kekasih Daniel menaruh obat pada Daniel demi masuk ke Keluarga Sora, tapi ternyata Daniel melarikan diri dan berhubungan dengan karakter wanita. Mantan kekasihnya takut perselingkuhannya terungkap dan dia memberi uang kepada Marco agar Marco mengakuinya. Sedangkan Angel Liora melahirkan anak kembar empat, tiga lainnya dibuang oleh mantan kekasih Daniel dan sisa satunya dibesarkan oleh Marco. Marco membohongi Angel selama tujuh tahun, dia meninggalkan Angel setelah diangkat dan mendapatkan rumah Angel. Sedangkan Angel berkenalan kembali dengan Marco karena Angel membantu kakeknya Daniel. Orang yang dicari selama bertahun-tahun ternyata ada di sekitarku.

Julie's Way Home: Mom, I'm Back

Julie's Way Home: Mom, I'm Back


The drama unfolds the tale of the Brian family, the most prominent and wealthy household, notorious for favoring sons over daughters. Mia, who married into the family, switched her newly born daughter to a male infant because the family preferred a Grandson. In this way, they successfully inherited the family fortune. She entrusted the female infant to Thea Jake, who took the money but abandoned the baby. Thankfully, a scavenger found the baby and raised her through hardship and adversity. Twenty years later, Sean, the heir to the Brian family, had a one-night stand with Julie Grant, who happened to be Mia's daughter. He was touched by Julie's love for her scavenger father and then married her. However, the unexpected occurred when Thea presented her daughter as the lost heiress to Mia. In an effort to ensure her supposed daughter's marriage into the Brian family, Mia subjected Julie to relentless humiliation and oppression, all to coerce her into divorcing Sean. She even tried to kill Julie to bolster her daughter's position. When the truth is finally revealed, will Julie forgive her mother, who repeatedly sought to drive her to the brink of death?

Kembalinya Putri Kaya

Kembalinya Putri Kaya


Nini Cendana memang putri kaya yang menyembunyikan identitasnya demi cinta sejati. Dia meninggalkan calon suaminya dan memilih lelaki miskin. Namun, ketika lelaki miskin itu sukses, dia berpaling pada perempuan lain dan melupakan semua pengorbanan Nini. Lelaki itu dan keluarganya mempermalukan Nini di depan banyak orang. Setelah menyadari hal tersebut, Nini membuka penyamarannya dan kembali. Dia mengungkapkan identitasnya sebagai putri kaya dan membuat lelaki itu beserta keluarganya menyesal. Di waktu yang sama, lelaki yang dijodohkan dengannya muncul dan menawarkan dirinya untuk menikah.

A Masked Heart: The Illusion of Love

A Masked Heart: The Illusion of Love


Whitney, the heiress of Sherwood Group, thought marrying Tyrone was a journey of love, only to find herself trapped in a hellish nightmare. First, she was unjustly imprisoned, then ruthlessly crippled. Tyrone appeared indifferent to Whitney's suffering, but when a tragic fire claimed her life, his heart inexplicably hollowed. Yet, a month later, a woman bearing an uncanny resemblance to Whitney appeared at a lavish banquet, introducing herself as "Anna." With a smile as radiant as it was deceitful, she cunningly captivated Tyrone, beginning to spin a web of vengeance...

The Unforgettable Love

The Unforgettable Love


"Sir, we found a pregnancy test in one of the items she left behind." Hearing this destroyed him as he accepted it with shaky hands.

Pesona Sang Mantan

Pesona Sang Mantan


Empat tahun lalu, Amai menikah dengan Gala karena kejadian tak terduga. Setelah kematian sang kakek, Gala mengajukan cerai karena kesalahpahaman. Usai bercerai, Gala menyadari bahwa Amai, yang selama ini dianggap pelengkap, ternyata dokter terkenal dan dekat dengan pebisnis, Bhanu, serta berprestasi di berbagai bidang. Amai terus menunjukkan kemampuan luar biasanya, membuat Gala makin penasaran. Dalam berbagai peristiwa yang mengungkap identitas asli Amai, posisi mereka terbalik. Gala mulai jatuh cinta dan Amai menyadari perasaannya makin dalam.

Revenge Rewritten: The Last Laugh

Revenge Rewritten: The Last Laugh


After returning to her biological family in her past life, Ava Devin was severely mistreated by the fake heiress and her three brothers. They even poisoned her and married her off to a dead person. Upon being reborn, Ava uses her past knowledge to send the fake heiress and her brothers behind bars. Eventually, she becomes the chairman of Nash Corp, with absolute authority in her hands.

Dipertemukan Anak Kembarku

Dipertemukan Anak Kembarku


Nita tumbuh besar di desa. Setelah tahu orang tua kandungnya masih hidup, Nita dibawa ke kota. Sebelum itu, Nita dinodai Niko. Siapa sangka, Niko adalah CEO Grup Halim. Saat Niko sadar dan berniat mencari Nita, ternyata Nita dipenjarakan oleh orang tuanya untuk menggantikan adiknya. Kehidupan Nita berubah drastis dan dia merasa sangat putus asa.

Fierce Avenger: The Metropolitan Conqueror

Fierce Avenger: The Metropolitan Conqueror


Wyatt Joyner, with his dual identity as Lord Fortuna and the Lord of Wolfram, has just reclaimed a national treasure from beyond the borders when he learns that his father, back in his homeland, has been persecuted by evil forces and his mother injured in a hit-and-run. Enraged, Wyatt leads the Wolf Legion back to his homeland to track down the perpetrators, launching a vigorous campaign to eradicate the evil forces, uphold justice, and bring relief to the people!

Cinta Tersembunyi Dibalik Dendam

Cinta Tersembunyi Dibalik Dendam


Erika, utang keluargamu padaku, kau yang harus lunasi! Gerald memasukkan Erika ke rumah sakit jiwa karena ingin membalas dendam. Dua tahun kemudian, Gerald malah menikahi Erika, bahkan berkata padanya, "Kalau ini cara lain untuk balas dendam padanya." Erika hanya bisa terus tersiksa sambil mencari bukti untuk membuktikan Keluarga Winan tak bersalah. Kemudian, Erika menemukan bukti, bahkan berkata pada Gerald, Aku tak pernah berutang apa pun padamu.

Flying Back to the Trapped Summer

Flying Back to the Trapped Summer


Tiana, the daughter of the Chudy family, was abducted when she was born. Her brother Bennett, fearing their mother's blame, swapped her with another baby, Roslyn, at the time of the abduction, falsely claiming that the kidnapped child was a janitor's daughter. Tiana was raised by Liala and eventually employed by Chudy Group due to her talent. On her first day at the company, she was bullied by Roslyn for saving a colleague. Bennett noticed the resemblance between Tiana and his long-lost sister, delved further into the investigation, and uncovered the truth, confirming that Tiana was indeed his sister. He vowed to protect his sister from harm. With the mystery of Tiana's identity unraveled, her future got brighter under her brother's protection.

Pak Daniel Hanya Memanjakannya

Pak Daniel Hanya Memanjakannya


Enam tahun lalu, Shisy Ruwana tak sengaja salah masuk kamar, bahkan berhubungan intim dengan Daniel.Tak sangka, sepuluh bulan kemudian, dia melahirkan sepasang anak kembar, melahirkan anak laki-laki dulu, baru melahirkan anak perempuan.Namun, ibu kandung Shisy langsung merampas anak laki-laki itu, bahkan mengatakan ini anak kakaknya.

The Koi Angel

The Koi Angel


Aurora Shea is originally a Koi Angel in heaven. She accidentally falls to the earth and becomes a mortal. She's born with the ability to sense danger. She senses that the baby in her aunt's womb is in danger, but is being misunderstood and abused by her family, which makes her miss her mother very much. Expectedly, her aunt's child is stillborn, and her family blames and abuses Aurora. When Aurora is in a coma, her 4 uncles rescue her and bring her home. She dreams of her master in her previous life, and thus awakening the immortal power, beginning the journey to search for her mother and save her. During the process, her master helps Aurora a lot, and her uncles adore her. She also successfully influenced the people who used to treat her badly despite all the difficulties. In the end, her mother is eventually found and the family is reunited.

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