
Enchanted in Every Step

Enchanted in Every Step


I am a fraud master who manipulated countless men, but a man named Ian Shaw effortlessly overturned all my achievements.

Mr. Lloyd, You've Got the Wrong Lady

Mr. Lloyd, You've Got the Wrong Lady


After a wild night with Ryan Lloyd, her boss and CEO of Lloyd Group, Sierra Jewell fled in a hurry, accidentally leaving her friend Jenny Lynch's resume in the room. Ryan mistook Jenny for Sierra and took her to his villa. Known for her poor makeup skills, Sierra was considered a bumpkin by colleagues and supervisors, so she decided to do her work well as an intern. Unexpectedly, Ryan promoted her to his secretary. Forced to work closely with Ryan while hiding her identity, Sierra gradually won his heart. Meanwhile, Jenny, desperate to maintain her position, she tried everything to seduce Ryan and secretly stabbed Sierra in the back. Using her wits and luck, Sierra overcame various crises and uncovered Jenny's betrayal. In the end, Jenny's true nature was exposed, justice prevailed, and Sierra and Ryan found happiness together.

Liansi Anak Imut: Menyerahlah Ayah Tajirku!

Liansi Anak Imut: Menyerahlah Ayah Tajirku!


Setelah pertemuan tak terduga tujuh tahun lalu, CEO kaya memiliki lima anak imut, tetapi dia tidak mengetahuinya. Tujuh tahun kemudian, ibu si kembar membawa kelima anaknya kembali. Tujuannya bukan untuk menemui sang CEO. Namun, lima anak kembar justru bertemu dengan ayahnya. Bagaimana cara lima anak imut ini menyatukan kedua orang tuanya menjadi keluarga bahagia?

Istri Pengganti yang Sangat Dicintai

Istri Pengganti yang Sangat Dicintai


Monica, adiknya Kathy, mengemudi ugal-ugalan yang menyebabkan adiknya presdir Grup Scott jatuh koma. Ibu tiri dan ayah Kathy menjadikan ibu kandungnya sebagai ancaman untuk menikah dengan Chris. Tapi, sebelum itu, Chris pernah berhubungan dengan Kathy. Setelah menikah, Kathy disiksa oleh Chris dengan berbagai cara. Dia berniat menyembunyikan semuanya hingga rencananya berhasil. Hari demi hari, Chris pelan-pelan jatuh cinta pada Kathy yang berbeda dari rumornya. Hingga akhirnya, Kathy membongkar kebenaran dibalik nama “Monica”, keduanya akhirnya bersatu.

Tiga Bayi Berteriak, Mama Luar Biasa

Tiga Bayi Berteriak, Mama Luar Biasa


Enam tahun lalu, Jihan dijebak oleh ayah dan adiknya dan berhubungan sama Presdir Grup Betran. Kemudian, dia diusir dari Keluarga Suman karena skandal yang dia buat.Setelah meninggalkan Keluarga Suman, dia melahirkan tiga anak kembar, tapi anak pertamanya malah diambil oleh adiknya sebagai alasannya menikah sama Presdir Grup Betran. Jihan akhirnya tahu kebenaran kematian ibunya. Pada akhirnya, Jihan ditolong oleh kakeknya dan melahirkan dua anak lagi.Enam tahun kemudian, Jihan membawa kedua anaknya pulang dan berencana mengambil semuanya kembali...

The Knockout Odd-job Worker

The Knockout Odd-job Worker


Under his disguise as an ordinary odd-job worker, Hugh Lane suffered unending humiliation and witnessed the good, the bad and the ugly of mankind. Now that he had been restored to his former formidable identity, he vowed to make everyone who once humiliated him grovel at his feet!





The Conspiracy Village Escape

The Conspiracy Village Escape


Susie Linch was a college student. Her boyfriend, Justin Canyer, deceived and lured her to a remote village. After realizing something was off, Susie tried to escape with Freya Lee, who was also a victim, but the villagers captured them. Susie's father, Colton, arrived in Cadic Village searching for his daughter, but the villagers, who were in on the plot, repeatedly mislead him. After Justin and his accomplices revealed their vicious nature, Susie decided to take matters into her own hands. In a shocking turn, the evil Justin sold Susie to an old bachelor, Tucker Zoinzee. Just as Susie was about to face her terrible fate, Colton arrived in time to save her. Fearing exposure to their crimes, Justin and his gang kidnapped Susie, but with the help of Colton and Susie's bravery, Susie was finally rescued. In the end, Susie sent all the villains behind bars and dedicated herself to rescuing women who had been trafficked.

The Reclaimed Crown of an Heiress

The Reclaimed Crown of an Heiress


Kimber Klein, a janitor, goes to pick up her child as usual, but she's humiliated by her former classmate, Lara Spencer. On her way home, a convoy of luxury cars passes by, and she learns that her father, who abandoned her and her mother, is now the richest man in the country. Kimber doesn't believe it. Her father, Ronan Klein, hands her a black card and leaves. Kimber takes her child to a high-end restaurant, only to be humiliated again by Lara. When she tries to use the black card, it gets declined, and Lara mocks her and demands she lick her shoes. For her child's sake, Kimber complies. Just then, Ronan's men arrive and turn the situation around. Kimber finally realizes she is truly the daughter of a billionaire, kicking off her journey of revenge and reclaiming her rightful place.

Sir, Ma'am Is No Longer Yours

Sir, Ma'am Is No Longer Yours


On a snowy night, Catherine Smith, despite battling a serious illness, humbly pleads for forgiveness from the man who expelled her from her home. She has never once regretted her love for Irvin Holt...

Dua Hati Satu Rahasia

Dua Hati Satu Rahasia


Nona Besar Keluarga Nicole, Jessy Nicole dibuang ke desa sejak kecil. Saat umur lima tahun, dia menolong Dedi Ben yang terluka parah dan keduanya pun mengikat janji pernikahan. Dua puluh tahun kemudian, dia menikah dengan Aldo Frans yang merupakan Dedi Ben. Lantaran mengingat penyelamat di masa kecil, Aldo tidak bersikap baik kepada Jessy. Namun, yang tidak mereka ketahui adalah pujaan hati mereka ternyata adalah satu sama lain. Kehidupan dua musuh yang bahagia pun dimulai.

The Castoff Wife's Reckoning

The Castoff Wife's Reckoning


Maelis Lovelace, the esteemed Lady Sovereign and heiress of the prestigious Saville family, conceals her true identity to support her husband, Rhett Jacobi, from the shadows. She hopes to reveal her noble status once he becomes her equal. However, instead of gratitude, she's cast out of the Jacobi household, betrayed and humiliated. Following their divorce, Maelis reclaims her position of power and publicly exposes the Jacobi family's corruption. During her journey of revenge, Maelis also confronts the enemies responsible for her mother's family's downfall, determined to settle old scores while restoring her family's honor.

Younger but More Loving Boyfriend

Younger but More Loving Boyfriend


On Lindsey's wedding day, the groom, Ethan, ran away. Lindsey then randomly found a handsome guy, Marcelino, at the wedding venue to complete the ceremony with her, humiliating Ethan's family. Marcelino, wanting to avoid a blind date, used the excuse of dealing with high-ranking executive embezzlement issues at a branch company. However, unexpectedly, he entered into a marriage of convenience with Lindsey and gradually fell in love with her.

Pak Handi, Istrimu Mau Balas Dendam

Pak Handi, Istrimu Mau Balas Dendam


Ina di keluarganya tak pernah disayangi orang tua karena ayah kandungnya yang pilih kasih, serta ibu tiri dan adik tiri yang kejam.Kemudian, Ina bertemu dengan Handi yang saling membantu menyelesaikan masalah, bahkan Ina juga menolong kakeknya Handi, hanya saja Handi tak tahu.Setelah Ina pulang, dia dimarahi oleh ayahnya yang tak tahu seluk beluk masalah, bahkan bilang perbuatannya akan memengaruhi pernikahannya dengan Keluarga Tandi.Lalu, memaksa Ina menikah, tapi Ina tak mau, jadi dia dimarahi oleh kedua keluarga, akhirnya adik tiri yang bertunangan dengan Keluarga Tandi dan Ina menjadi bahan omongan orang.

Pernikahan yang Ditakdirkan

Pernikahan yang Ditakdirkan


Dia putri orang kaya yang hilang! Tapi dia malah dikhianati oleh pria jahat, orang tua angkatnya mau menjualnya pada pria yang lebih tua puluhan tahun darinya! Dalam keputusasaan, dia menikahi penjual sup pedas! Siapa sangka ternyata dia CEO kaya! Sejak itu pria dan wanita jahat terus menyerangnya! Orang tua kejamnya terus mengancamnya! Orang yang dibenci Nyonya,matikan! Benda yang disukai Nyonya, belikan! CEO miliarder yang memanjakan istrinya!

Pernikahan Kontrak yang Manis

Pernikahan Kontrak yang Manis


Demi membiayai pengobatan sang nenek, Misel mengambil pekerjaan sampingan, yaitu menggagalkan sebuah perjodohan dan bertemu dengan David. Sedangkan David yang ingin lepas dari paksaan nikah dari pamannya memilih untuk segera menikah dengan Misel. Kemudian mereka menjadi pasangan kontrak...

Moonlight Taken Away: An Irreversible Regret

Moonlight Taken Away: An Irreversible Regret


Heiress Heather's engagement ends as Cheryl frames her, leading to a tragic suicide deception. Kevin marries Cheryl, unaware of the deceit. Upon uncovering the truth, a remorseful Kevin finds Heather beyond saving, culminating in lifelong regret holding Heather's lifeless body.

Pertemuan yang Ditakdirkan

Pertemuan yang Ditakdirkan


Diselamatkan oleh seorang paman misterius, bahkan sampai berhubungan intim. Ternyata paman tersebut adalah seorang CEO yang dominan. Sejak saat itu, sang istri muda yang hamil dimanjakan habis-habisan oleh sang CEO.

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