
triángulo amoroso

Triángulo amoroso con tres magnates

Triángulo amoroso con tres magnates


Ella es la señorita de un magnate millonario. Para pagar la favor de salvar su vida, ocultó su identidad y se casó con un chico pobre. Sin embargo, después de ayudar a su marido a convertirse en un consorcio grande, en la víspera de la cotización de la empresa, su esposo la echó de la casa y se casó con la sobrina del más rico. Después del divorcio, su identidad quedó expuesta! Ella humilló a su ex malvado y ls mujer despreciativa. El ex esposo se arrepintió, pero desafortunadamente era demasiado tarde, ella había sido favorecida por tres magnates solteros...

Love Triangle with Three Magnates

Love Triangle with Three Magnates


Claire Gould, the heiress of a billion-dollar conglomerate, conceals her identity to repay a life-saving favor by marrying a commoner. Little did she know that after personally guiding her husband's company to become a multimillion-dollar conglomerate on the brink of going public, he callously casts her aside, opting to marry the niece of the wealthiest man in town.Post-divorce, Claire's true identity is exposed, leading to a satisfying comeuppance for the deceitful ex-husband and his conniving new wife. Despite his regret, it's too late for him to reclaim what he lost. Claire finds herself adored and cherished by three influential and eligible bachelors, leaving her ex-husband to rue the day he let go of the woman now embraced by the affections of powerful suitors.

Amante de Mi Esposo

Amante de Mi Esposo


El día del cumpleaños de Pedro, Silvia conducía con Mía para celebrar la ocasión, pero en el camino tuvieron un accidente con Ana, quien también iba a celebrar el cumpleaños de Pedro. Silvia resultó herida, Mía estaba al borde de la muerte, y cuando Pedro, que es médico, llegó al lugar, ignoró la llamada de auxilio de Silvia y decidió primero salvar a su amante Ana y a su hijo Javier. Debido a la negligencia de Pedro, Mía perdió la oportunidad de recibir atención médica a tiempo y falleció. Mientras Silvia estaba devastada por el dolor, Pedro pensó que ella solo estaba celosa, no creyó que Mía hubiera muerto e incluso quiso divorciarse de Silvia. Al mismo tiempo, en el hospital, Ana se enteró de la muerte de Mía y, para forzar el divorcio entre Pedro y Silvia, ocultó intencionadamente la noticia y causó un escándalo en el funeral de Mía, hasta que la policía descubrió la verdad y se la llevó. Pedro también encontró el certificado de defunción de Mía en el hospital, y al confirmar la realidad, se sumió en el dolor y el arrepentimiento, pero ya era demasiado tarde.

Jatuh Cinta dengan Istri Kontrakku

Jatuh Cinta dengan Istri Kontrakku


Vika disuruh ibu tirinya kencan buta, dia asal menarik seorang pria tampan yang bernama Fredi, lalu mencium Fredi di depan pasangan kencan butanya.Meski dia berhasil membuat pasangan kencan buta itu pergi, dirinya malah terlibat dalam masalah lebih besar.Tak disangka, pria itu adalah CEO Grup Lajuna yang datang ke kafe untuk mencari istri kontrakan demi kakeknya yang berharap dia cepat nikah.Alhasil, ciuman pertamanya malah diambil oleh Vika. Lalu, Vika juga diseret Fredi ke tempat tunangan. Dengan begitu, mereka pun melakukan janji kontrak nikah selama tiga bulan.

Istri Pak Liam Magang?

Istri Pak Liam Magang?


Nenek Mia sakit dan dirawat di rumah sakit. Untuk biaya operasi, Mia menikah atas saran Bibi Farah, tapi salah pasangan dan menikah kilat dengan pewaris Grup Hossy, Liam. Setahun kemudian, mereka bertemu lagi tanpa mengenali satu sama lain. Setelah berbagai cobaan, mereka jatuh cinta dan sadar bahwa mereka menikah setahun lalu. Kesalahpahaman ini mempererat hubungan mereka, dan mereka menjalani sisa hidup bersama.

Istri Pengganti Kesayangan Gevin

Istri Pengganti Kesayangan Gevin


Sejak kejadian dua tahun lalu, Gevin terus dalam kondisi koma. Karena Vika tak mau menikah dengan orang vegetatif.Anisa terpaksa menggantikan Vika menikah dengan Gevin, bahkan menjaga Gevin dengan baik sampai mendapatkan kesan baik dari ibunya Gevin.

Setelah Cerai, Baru Tahu Istrinya Hebat

Setelah Cerai, Baru Tahu Istrinya Hebat


Siska Rumadi si wanita yang menjual makanan laut di pasar dihina orang, bahkan dipaksa suaminya untuk cerai.Setelah cerai, Siska baru tahu sifat aslinya suaminya, bahkan memutuskan untuk memulihkan statusnya, tidak berencana menutupi statusnya yang sangat hebat ini.Ayo lihat bagaimana Siska menggunakan kemampuan bisnisnya menaklukan semua orang?

Triple Fateful Blessings

Triple Fateful Blessings


Stella Joe was tricked by her stepsister and stepmother into a trap, leading to an accidental encounter with Jason Low, resulting in her pregnancy. During her exile, she gave birth to triplets. Five years later, to save her daughter Anna, Stella returned to Landon with her children. In a twist of fate, she accidentally brought Jason's child home while he took hers. Her stepsister Yvette Joe had stolen Stella's identity and was engaged to Jason Low. While working part-time at the Low residence, Stella encountered Yvette and her mother, who mistook Lucky Low for someone else. To keep the truth hidden, Yvette scalded Stella's throat, leaving her unable to speak and defend herself. At a feast held by the Low family, Stella met Yvette and her mother again while working. Fortunately, Lucky came to her aid. Stella later discovered that Lucky was the miracle doctor she had been searching for, and he ultimately cured her father and daughter. In the end, Stella and her loved ones lived happily together after bringing the villains to justice.

Kembalinya Putri Asli

Kembalinya Putri Asli


Anna adalah putri yang sebenarnya. Dia terpisah dengan ibunya saat masih kecil dan identitasnya digantikan oleh Rosa. Setelah Anna jadi desainer, Rosa tetap saja mempersulitnya. Di bawah permainan Rosa, ibu kandungnya juga salah paham pada Anna. Untungnya, Anna bertemu dengan Joshua yang selalu memercayainya.

The Underdog's Triumph

The Underdog's Triumph


How does it feel to end up at the wrong table during a blind date? David mistakenly marries a gorgeous CEO, and from then on, his life is completely transformed!

Istri Kesayangan Presdir yang Manis

Istri Kesayangan Presdir yang Manis


Karena tanda lahir di wajahnya, sejak kecil Imelda Sudiro dibenci oleh orang tuanya. Tanpa sengaja, saat ia menolong Marko Saputra, tanda lahirnya pun menghilang secara ajaib. Marko Saputra pun berniat menikahinya.

After Divorce, Stripper CEO and I Dominate Hollywood

After Divorce, Stripper CEO and I Dominate Hollywood


Hollywood superstar Judy's wedding of the century takes a scandalous turn, when her cheating groom's sex tape is leaked to millions of livestream viewers. Is it an accident, or is there a puppeteer pulling the strings? A young showbiz mogul, George, mistaken for a gigolo by Judy, spends a wild night with her and pledges to become her agent. Is that true love blossoming in La La Land, or is there some sinister agenda at play?

Kembalinya Putri Kaya

Kembalinya Putri Kaya


Nini Cendana memang putri kaya yang menyembunyikan identitasnya demi cinta sejati. Dia meninggalkan calon suaminya dan memilih lelaki miskin. Namun, ketika lelaki miskin itu sukses, dia berpaling pada perempuan lain dan melupakan semua pengorbanan Nini. Lelaki itu dan keluarganya mempermalukan Nini di depan banyak orang. Setelah menyadari hal tersebut, Nini membuka penyamarannya dan kembali. Dia mengungkapkan identitasnya sebagai putri kaya dan membuat lelaki itu beserta keluarganya menyesal. Di waktu yang sama, lelaki yang dijodohkan dengannya muncul dan menawarkan dirinya untuk menikah.

My Kick-ass Mom and Her Triplets

My Kick-ass Mom and Her Triplets


Six years ago, at her coming-of-age ceremony, Jinya Shuff was drugged by her father Zeke Shuff and her sister Ruthie Shuff, inadvertently having a one-night stand with Yanis Loew, the CEO of the Loew Group. Zeke and Ruthie drove Jinya out of the family on the pretext of the scandal. Shortly after leaving the Shuff family, Jinya discovered that she was pregnant with triplets. The eldest child was taken away by Ruthie as a pawn to marry Yanis. Later, Jinya learned from Ruthie the truth that her mother was colluded to death by Zeke and others. In the end, Jinya was saved by people sent by her grandfather and gave birth to two more children. Six years later, Jinya returns with her twins, determined to take everything back...

Convertirme en la Suegra de Mi Ex

Convertirme en la Suegra de Mi Ex


Tras seis años en prisión por el crimen de su novio, Crystal es puesta en libertad solo para descubrir una traición de su amado que le romperá el corazón: está prometido con la hija del gobernador. Dispuesta a volver a tomar las riendas de su vida, Crystal comienza un nuevo capítulo impresionante al comenzar a salir con el gobernador y convertirse en la suegra de su exnovio. A medida que el romance se desarrolla, Crystal descubre que se ha enamorado perdidamente del gobernador, a pesar de la diferencia de edad. ¿Elegirá la venganza o seguirá a su corazón en esta inusual comedia romántica?

Reclaimed Kinship: A Father's Triumph Over Betrayal

Reclaimed Kinship: A Father's Triumph Over Betrayal


25 years ago, a sudden car accident struck Seth Shawn with a devastating blow. He lost his wife and daughter, the most important people in his life, a pain that could never be erased. Yet, to fulfill his wife's dream, Seth, with unyielding determination and exceptional business acumen, continued to grow the Solaris Group, a company he had founded with his wife. After years of relentless effort and struggle, he finally achieved his wife's last wish, turning the Solaris Group into the world's leading enterprise, and he became Elariland's richest person. At the pinnacle of his success, Seth felt a deep sense of exhaustion and a longing for the peaceful life he once had, leading him to retire. In his days of retirement, he was immersed in deep memories of his lost family. A twist of fate occurred on an ordinary day as he gazed at the river in contemplation. He noticed a child struggling in the water. Without hesitation and regardless of the danger, Seth bravely saved her. When the child smiled sweetly, he saw a reflection of his own daughter in her, reigniting the paternal love within him. He decided to adopt the child, naming her Tessa, and gave her his precious amulet as a symbol of peace and protection for her life. The arrival of this child was like a ray of light in the darkness, bringing new hope and warmth to Seth's life. He resolved to devote the rest of his life to providing Tessa with endless love, allowing her to grow in an environment filled with affection, making up for the familial bonds he had lost. Seth's story was a legend filled with sorrow and resilience, loss and hope, and Tessa's arrival might just be his chance to embrace happiness once again.

Vengeance's Triumph

Vengeance's Triumph


Jessica Jensen, originally a carefree rich girl, enjoyed the love and protection of her family. However, for the sake of love, she gave up wealth and chose to marry the poor Albert. Ignoring her family's objections, she cut off all contact with them and strived to be a good wife. Unfortunately, Albert cheated on her with her sister, Nana Jensen. This betrayal plunged Jessica into deep pain and despair. Reconnecting with her family, Jessica poured out her grievances and pain. Her father then decided to host a grand feast to welcome her back to the family and seek revenge for her. At the feast, Nana, dressed to impress, believed she was the star of the event, expecting the family to recognize her as a distant relative. Nana used the occasion to show off, but Jessica's three childhood friends appeared one by one, confirming Jessica's identity and shattering Nana's dreams. However, Nana spread rumors that Jessica had inappropriate relationships with the three friends. Jessica's father stepped in, ready to expose everything. Yet Jessica stopped him, choosing to take revenge herself. In the storm of her life, Jessica bravely faced the challenges. Rather than depending on her family, she decided to take up arms and fight back against the betrayers and rumor-mongers. In this battle of revenge, she would emerge victorious with her own strength.

El amor perfecto

El amor perfecto


La vida de la talentosa diseñadora de joyas Ada Prescott ha estado en depresión después de que su novio la engañara y su hermana la acusara falsamente de plagio. Mientras se embriagaba en un bar, conoce accidentalmente al tío de su exnovio, Ian Worthington, heredero de un poderoso imperio comercial. Por equivocación, los dos se convierten en una pareja por contrato. Al principio, Ada no estaba enamorada de Ian y quería terminar la relación, pero a medida que el tiempo pasaba y comenzaron a se llevarse bien. Ada se enamora poco a poco de su consideración. Y Ian sobre Ada es una "premeditación": Ada no lo recuerda, pero hace años, él en realidad se enamoró de ella a primera vista...

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