
when love takes a painful turn

Hello, My Familiar Stranger

Hello, My Familiar Stranger


Eight years ago, Sabrina lost her boyfriend in a car accident. Shortly after, their newborn child was mistakenly declared dead by her father. Determined to keep the bar that witnessed their love, Sabrina poured her heart into running it. Now, eight years later, she meets a man who looks exactly like her deceased boyfriend. Despite their different personalities, both fall for Sabrina. Could he be her ex-boyfriend's twin brother? Was this encounter destined by fate? What will happen next?

The Drillmaster And His Seductive Trainee

The Drillmaster And His Seductive Trainee


C-list actress Noelle Lane falls into the sea after being betrayed by her family, only to be saved by Zac Fulmer, a military instructor. Smitten with him from the start, she decides to pursue a relationship. After winning his heart, she discovers that Zac is the second son of the wealthy Fulmer family in Damswers, closely linked to her father's demise. Despite getting entangled in conspiracies and schemes, Noelle and Zac maintain their trust in each other. As they work together to unveil the truths of the past, their love eventually blossoms to fruition.

Reaching the Pinnacle: The Legend of the Beggar Girl

Reaching the Pinnacle: The Legend of the Beggar Girl


Cleo Waverly, a billionaire CEO, is betrayed by her husband of three years. To escape his attempts on her life, she ends up living on the streets, hiding and surviving as a homeless woman. In her darkest hour, she is rescued by Gus Hastings, the CEO of Apex Group, who is living under an assumed identity while caring for his ailing family. As they spend time together, Gus helps Cleo reclaim her former glory, while Cleo helps Gus confront and heal from the childhood trauma and long-standing emotional wounds he carries. Together, they embark on a journey of mutual redemption.

Atardecer de Amor

Atardecer de Amor


En un desafortunado incidente médico, los espermatozoides del presidente de Grupo Owen, Diego, fueron implantados inadvertidamente en el cuerpo de su empleada Anita, quien quedó embarazada como resultado. La novia de Diego, Cristina, se acercó repetidamente a Anita para intentar convencerla de que renunciara al bebé. Mientras tanto, Diego descubrió durante una investigación privada el embarazo de Anita y le sugirió que simulara un aborto para engañar a todos. Ante la abrumadora carga económica de las facturas médicas de su hermano, Anita aceptó ocultar tanto su embarazo como su matrimonio. A medida que compartían su vida cotidiana, también comenzaron a surgir sentimientos entre ellos...

Return to Glory

Return to Glory


Theo and Rose were a couple deeply in love with each other, but their relationship faced great opposition from Rose's family. As if that was not enough, Theo had to watch his own mother who had died of strange circumstances have her body torn apart by stray dogs, all because he was a child born out of wedlock! It was only after tackling the dogs that he was able to salvage a mere few bits of her corpse. In a rage, he would leave to fight a war in the northern borders. Channel

A Companheira Rejeitada do Alfa

A Companheira Rejeitada do Alfa


Mira mata o irmão do seu alfa em seu 18º aniversário. Para piorar, o alfa é o companheiro da Mira e ele presencia o ato. Mira é relegada a ser uma escrava e trancada em uma masmorra. Ela está em grande angústia. Será que a visita do rei alfa trará uma reviravolta inesperada?

Maturity Meets Innocence

Maturity Meets Innocence


College student Charlotte Sharp encountered with Ryan Church, a successful older man. After a night of unexpected passion, Ryan developed feelings for her and helped with her troubled family. When Charlotte was humiliated on a blind date, Ryan stepped in to protect her. As their bond deepened, Charlotte discovered Ryan's deep affection and responsibility. Despite the challenges of her secret pregnancy and family debt, Ryan remained by her side. Their love strengthened through these trials, culminating in a romantic wedding that proves their unbreakable bond.

A Bond Beyond Farewell

A Bond Beyond Farewell


Childhood friends Stanley McNeil and Madison Snider are bound by a family-arranged marriage, but they’ve never met or even seen each other’s faces. As they navigate a series of misunderstandings and obstacles, their journey to love is fraught with challenges. Will they be able to overcome the hurdles and find their way to each other?

Intimate Deceit: Hidden Roles Revealed

Intimate Deceit: Hidden Roles Revealed


As Chairwoman of an international conglomerate, Nancy hid her identity to pursue her dreams and discreetly supported Raymond, who betrayed her. Rushing into a marriage of convenience with a painter, she unknowingly married her long-time fiancé, Stewart. Amid hidden identities, their love blossoms, leading to a battle against TV villains and betrayal. Nancy ultimately revealed her true self and found her real savior in Stewart, living happily ever after.

Quando a Verdade Veio à Toa

Quando a Verdade Veio à Toa


No dia do aniversário de Caio, Iara dirigia com Lara para celebrar a ocasião, mas no caminho sofreram um acidente com Vera, que também estava indo para a festa de Caio. Iara ficou ferida, Lara estava à beira da morte e, quando Caio, que é médico, chegou ao local, ignorou o pedido de socorro de Iara e decidiu primeiro salvar sua amante Vera e seu filho Davi. Devido à negligência de Caio, Lara perdeu a oportunidade de receber atendimento médico a tempo e faleceu. Enquanto Iara estava devastada pela dor, Caio achou que ela estava apenas com ciúmes, não acreditou que Lara havia morrido e até quis se divorciar de Iara. Ao mesmo tempo, no hospital, Vera descobriu a morte de Lara e, para forçar o divórcio entre Caio e Iara, escondeu intencionalmente a notícia e causou um escândalo no funeral de Lara, até que a polícia descobriu a verdade e a levou. Caio também encontrou a certidão de óbito de Lara no hospital e, ao confirmar a realidade, caiu na dor e no arrependimento, mas já era tarde demais.

Nada se compara contigo

Nada se compara contigo


Para vengar a su padre, Javier Sánchez decidió humillar y torturar a Elena Martínez internándola vilmente en un hospital psiquiátrico. Pero dos años después, él la tomó como esposa: "No te hagas ilusiones, solo estás redimiéndote de otra manera".

의도적인 사랑

의도적인 사랑


타고난 주얼리 디자이너 에이다 프레스콧은 남자친구의 바람과 여동생의 거짓 표절 누명으로 한순간에 나락으로 떨어졌다. 우연히 술집에서 전 남자친구의 삼촌인 재벌 기업 상속자 이안 워딩턴을 만나게 되고, 둘은 술에 취해 계약 결혼을 하게 된다. 에이다는 관계를 정리하고 싶었지만, 사이가 가까워지면서 점차 이안의 사려 깊은 모습에 반하게 된다. 사실 이안은 에이다에게 의도적으로 접근한 것인데 – 에이다는 기억 못하지만 몇 년 전의 만남에서 이안은 그녀에게 이미 첫눈에 반해버렸다…

Bloodline Reclaimed: The Fighter's Return to Fortune

Bloodline Reclaimed: The Fighter's Return to Fortune


Sarah was switched at birth by a servant of the Jenkins family and raised in an abusive environment, growing up to become an underground boxer. Victor, the eldest son of the Dawson family, revealed her true identity to her through an engagement, aiming to expose his brother's conspiracy to take over the family estate. In shock and sorrow, Sarah decided to reclaim everything that rightfully belonged to her.

Heart's Maze: The Boss vs. Her Brothers

Heart's Maze: The Boss vs. Her Brothers


Raised in the wrong family due to a mistake, Peggy was kicked out by her adoptive parents after they reclaimed their real daughter. However, she soon discovered her biological parents were the wealthiest in town, and she had three adoptive brothers who adored her. As she fell for a prince-like man, her adoptive brother Michael also vied for her love. Who did Peggy ultimately choose?

El retorno de mamá

El retorno de mamá


Julia Rosales, proveniente de una familia en ruinas, se vio obligada a aceptar la propuesta de la familia Cisneros y divorciarse de Mateo Cisneros para salvar a su gravemente enfermo abuelo. Según el acuerdo, su hijo sería criado por la familia Cisneros. Cinco años más tarde, tras el fallecimiento de su abuelo y un accidente automovilístico que dejó a Mateo sin memoria, Julia se postuló para ser la niñera de su hijo en la familia Cisneros. Con la ayuda del niño, la verdad de aquellos años salió a la luz, los malentendidos entre los protagonistas se aclararon y finalmente, se reunieron para vivir felices juntos.

Game On: Her Dominant Return

Game On: Her Dominant Return


Believing her husband's words of caring her forever, Elise Shaw settles down as a full-time housewife, thinking that she'll be able to keep her husband with her forever. However, seven years into their marriage, he cheats on her with a female colleague, feeling that Elise doesn't support him enough. Upon discovering this betrayal, Elise promptly divorces him without hesitation. After overcoming numerous challenges and difficulties, she ascends to power and teaches her ex a profound lesson.

Vuelta a la ciudad: La madre con cinco hijos sesudos

Vuelta a la ciudad: La madre con cinco hijos sesudos


Después de una noche de pasión con Fernando Martínez, con quien había estado saliendo durante años, la hija de la familia García, Sofía García, descubre que Fernando ha desaparecido misteriosamente. La hija de su madrastra, Clara García, llega con su padre para atraparlos en el acto, afirmando que Sofía ya había sido prometida a otra persona. La acusan de ser infiel, de deshonrar a la familia García, y la expulsan de la casa familiar. Sofía, creyendo que había sido engañada, regresa al campo y estudia medicina bajo la tutela del médico milagroso. Sorprendentemente, descubre que está embarazada y finalmente da a luz a quintillizos, ¡cuatro niños y una niña! Seis años después, Sofía regresa a su país con sus hijos y abre una clínica comunitaria. Sin embargo, estos cinco adorables niños están decididos a encontrar a su padre...

Daddy, Mommy Loves Us More!

Daddy, Mommy Loves Us More!


After a one-night stand with Hank Frazer, Sibyl Bealor became pregnant and gave birth to twins. Her cousin Elina bribed the doctor to tell Sibyl that one twin didn't survive, but secretly gave the baby to Hank's stepmother, Yildiz Sue. Years later, Sibyl, raising her son Shane, met Hank, who is raising his son Yuri, on a blind date. Due to a mix-up, they took home the wrong child. What a tangled web! Let's see what happens next!

Welcome to our when love takes a painful turn Short Play Series page, where you'll find a captivating collection of short plays to entertain and inspire. Each play is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, offering powerful performances and engaging narratives that will leave you wanting more. Explore our when love takes a painful turn playlets below and discover the magic of our short play series today.
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