
A Mother's Self-salvation

A Mother's Self-salvation


Fifteen years ago, an earthquake struck, trapping the young Yara Grant and Miles Grant. Facing an impending aftershock, their mother made the heart-wrenching decision to save Miles over Yara. Fortunately, a scavenger named Dick Harris found Yara and rescued her. He adopted her and renamed her Claire Harris. Now, fifteen years later, Claire unexpectedly reunited with her biological parents, setting off a series of twisted yet touching events. What decisions will Claire and her family make? Where will Claire's future lead?

Rescued and Betrayed: Wenny's Story

Rescued and Betrayed: Wenny's Story


Wenny, from the largest family in the country, was saved by Jason, and in gratitude, she married him. In order to relieve Jason from pressure, Wenny concealed her identity while being with him, helping him rise to fame. Just as Wenny was about to confess her identity, Jason cheated on her and betrayed her. After seeing Jason's true colors, Wenny took back everything she gave him, returned to being single, and attracted the attention of many outstanding individuals who pursued her relentlessly.

Wedded to My Twin Sister's Betrothed

Wedded to My Twin Sister's Betrothed


Cecilia dropped out of a top university for her boyfriend Federico and stayed at his company as a low-level cleaner, but Federico proposed to the wealthy heiress Shawna. Cecilia was deeply hurt and felt disheartened, but then her life took a turn when her never-before-seen twin sister, Harriet, who was the behind-the-scenes head of Joy Group, found her and asked her to impersonate her...

Konglomerat Berkedok Petugas Kebersihan

Konglomerat Berkedok Petugas Kebersihan


Miko dan Fia berkenalan sejak SMA, kemudian menikah selama 20 tahun. Demi melindungi harga diri Miko, Fia menyembunyikan statusnya sebagai putri konglomerat dan bekerja sebagai petugas kebersihan. Dia juga membantu perusahaan Miko diam-diam. Miko merendahkan Fia, berpikir istrinya nggak bisa apa-apa, dan ingin bercerai. Fia tanpa sengaja melihat Miko bersama seligkuhannya. Ia terluka dan bersedia bercerai. Fia pun kembali ke status asalnya sebagai putri konglomerat. Setelah tumor Fia berhasil diangkat, demi mendapatkan hak asuh Ken, Akbar mengumumkan statusnya sebagai pewaris Grup Agung di acara makan malam. Miko menyesal dan ingin rujuk. Fia menolak dan membawa Ken keliling dunia.

Heart's Maze: The Boss vs. Her Brothers

Heart's Maze: The Boss vs. Her Brothers


Raised in the wrong family due to a mistake, Peggy was kicked out by her adoptive parents after they reclaimed their real daughter. However, she soon discovered her biological parents were the wealthiest in town, and she had three adoptive brothers who adored her. As she fell for a prince-like man, her adoptive brother Michael also vied for her love. Who did Peggy ultimately choose?

Menyesal Setelah Bercerai Denganmu

Menyesal Setelah Bercerai Denganmu


Nia dan Lucas janji untuk menikah saat dewasa. 18 tahun kemudian, Lucas menjadi idiot dan Nia tetap menikah dengannya. Suatu kecelakan membuat Lucas ingat kembali dan mengetahui musuh yang membunuh orang tuanya adalah orang tua angkat Nia. Lucas yang sudah normal melampiaskan amarahnya pada Nia. Saat ini, identitas asli Nia juga akhirnya terkuak.

Liansi Anak Imut: Menyerahlah Ayah Tajirku!

Liansi Anak Imut: Menyerahlah Ayah Tajirku!


Setelah pertemuan tak terduga tujuh tahun lalu, CEO kaya memiliki lima anak imut, tetapi dia tidak mengetahuinya. Tujuh tahun kemudian, ibu si kembar membawa kelima anaknya kembali. Tujuannya bukan untuk menemui sang CEO. Namun, lima anak kembar justru bertemu dengan ayahnya. Bagaimana cara lima anak imut ini menyatukan kedua orang tuanya menjadi keluarga bahagia?

The Financial Queen Michelle's Journey

The Financial Queen Michelle's Journey


After stepping down as the Asia Financial Queen, Michelle worked in a restaurant, where she unwittingly confronted a con artist. Her courageous actions caught the attention of Vincent, president of Green Group, who became a devoted admirer and pursued her despite their age gap. Michelle secretly supported her daughter, Ruby, in building her company into a leader in the domestic smart vehicle industry, but her sacrifices went unnoticed and Ruby dismissed her waitress job. When a foreign invasion threatened Cathaland's stock market, putting Ruby and other companies at risk, Michelle stepped in to turn the tide. Together, they repaired their relationship and united to defeat the Yamaguchi Corporation, restoring the honor of Cathaland's financial sector.

Rebirth: The CEO's Cherished Wife

Rebirth: The CEO's Cherished Wife


Nicole unexpectedly got a second chance at life, and with her memories from her past life, she was determined to change her fate. She encountered Jaden, her ex's charming and composed uncle, and they started developing feelings for each other. As she faced her ex's meddling and family pressures, Nicole bravely moved forward, ultimately teaming up with Jaden to overcome challenges together. Not only did she change her own destiny, but she also impacted the people around her, fostering better family relationships and helping Jaden make some crucial life decisions.

Life's Breath: Struggles of the Heart

Life's Breath: Struggles of the Heart


Twenty-eight years ago, Connor Daly faced a heart-wrenching decision when his wife, Dahlia Bell, experienced complications during childbirth. Choosing to save the baby, he inadvertently caused the death of his father-in-law, Harold Bell. This tragedy ignited a deep-seated hatred in his mother-in-law and brother-in-law, Andrew Bell. Fast forward eighteen years, Connor's son, Valor Daly, is accepted into college, but the family struggles financially. Desperate, Connor attempts to borrow money from the village but fails and is forced to turn to Andrew for help. Initially met with Andrew's cold refusal, Connor reveals that the decision to save the baby had been Dahlia's. Valor, overhearing this revelation, steps in to mediate, leading Andrew to eventually lend the money for Valor's education. Years later, Valor becomes a successful entrepreneur and plans to invest back in his hometown. However, his efforts are thwarted by a local bully, stirring unrest among the villagers. In a moment of crisis, Valor returns to confront the bully and the villagers. When Dahlia gets injured, the villagers even consider expelling Connor from the village. Valor steps in, fights for his parents' justice, and transforms the villagers' attitudes. One evening, Scarlett Ross demands that Valor break off his engagement with her niece, Fay Ross, citing pressure from Joe Payne's powerful family. Valor travels to Ecrin county to speak with Fay. Upon learning the truth, he decides to challenge Joe at the engagement party, determined to protect Fay and their future together.

Gorgeous Turn-back: The Nanny's Path to Wealth

Gorgeous Turn-back: The Nanny's Path to Wealth


On the day of the heiress of Lind Family, Wendy Lind's wedding to Jack Young, tragedy struck when Jack was brutally harmed and left in a coma. That same night, the Lind family's maid, Sasha Jones, found herself in a drunken fling with billionaire Xavier Knowles. Her personal items were discovered at the crime scene, making her the prime suspect in Jack's assault. Wrongfully imprisoned for five years, Sasha gave birth to a son behind bars. Upon her release, Sasha reunited with her son, Cole, and unexpectedly married Xavier. As she navigated her new life, Sasha began to unravel the shocking truths behind Jack's attack and the hidden secrets of her and Cole's origins.

Diagnosis: A Tycoon's Tender Deception

Diagnosis: A Tycoon's Tender Deception


Acacia Walsh, an esteemed andrologist and heiress of the influential Lawson family, is hesitant when her father insists she go on a blind date with wealthy businessman Ridge Coleman. However, fate intervenes when Ridge, donning the guise of a construction worker, seeks treatment from Acacia. Mistakenly believing he is struggling with erectile dysfunction, she navigates an awkward encounter. Meanwhile, her father's mounting pressure for a decision prompts Acacia to suggest a fake marriage to Ridge...

Malam Segera Berakhir

Malam Segera Berakhir


Di saat pengelihatan Elina kembali, dia malah melihat suaminya bermesraan dengan sang pembantu. Elina merasa marah akhirnya memutuskan tetap pura-pura buta untuk balas dendam. Setelah balas dendam, Elina menceraikan suaminya dan pergi bersama putranya. Namun, ketika anaknya pulang, "putra" di depannya bukanlah anaknya. Selama proses pencarian anaknya, Elina bertemu dengan kurir makanan, Rania. Kedua wanita ini sama-sama terjebak dalam kegelapan, dan memutuskan untuk saling membantu. Ada jalan yang tidak bisa dilalui sendirian, tapi dengan saling membantu, maka masalah akan selesai.

Eve's Redemption: From Prison to Power

Eve's Redemption: From Prison to Power


Framed by adversaries, Eve was jailed and forced to take the blame. After her release, her father coerced her into marrying the comatose Mason of the Smith family. Eve revived Mason, disguised herself as the Miracle Doctor for revenge, and sought to rescue her missing son, Adam. As the mysteries of Seth and Adam's identities unraveled, misunderstandings between Eve and Mason faded. Eve protected her family with wit and bravery, ultimately revealing the truth of parenthood and defending her status and maternal love. From adversaries to allies, they faced challenges together and rekindled their true feelings.

Tiga Anugerah Kecil

Tiga Anugerah Kecil


Siren dijebak oleh ibu dan adik tirinya sehingga mengandung anak Javon. Ketika melarikan diri, dia melahirkan tiga bayi kembar. Lima tahun kemudian, untuk mengobati putri bungsunya, Anisa, dia membawa anak-anaknya kembali, tapi anaknya tidak sengaja tertukar. Shanon menggantikan Siren bertunangan dengan Javon. Saat Siren bekerja di tempat Keluarga Ludric, dia bertemu kembali dengan ibu dan adik tirinya. Untuk menutupi kebenaran, Shanon merusak pita suara Siren dan berhasil menipu semua orang. Farel adalah dokter cilik yang Siren cari. Dia berhasil menyembuhkan Pak Markus dan Anisa. Pada akhirnya, keluarga mereka bersatu kembali.

Begitu Cerai, Ketiga Kakakku Memanjakanku

Begitu Cerai, Ketiga Kakakku Memanjakanku


Tiga tahun lalu, Lexa memutuskan hubungannya dengan keluarga hanya karena cinta. Tiga tahun kemudian, Ardi yang berutang banyak berencana menjual ginjal Lexa yang cocok dengan Tuan Theo itu pada Tuan Theo. Disaat Lexa dicelakai Ardi dan Keluarga Loka, bahkan hampir mati, dia ditolong oleh ketiga kakaknya dan baru tahu latar belakang keluarganya, lalu dia mulai balas dendam...

Cute Baby Helps Out, CEO Dad's Wild Chase for Wife

Cute Baby Helps Out, CEO Dad's Wild Chase for Wife


Rachel Jenson's story of how she finds herself in love, family, and career after experiencing family betrayal, memory loss, and mistaken identity, ultimately achieving self-redemption and growth.

Lima Ayah Mendadak Muncul Setelah Perceraianku

Lima Ayah Mendadak Muncul Setelah Perceraianku


Lantaran dia adalah seorang yatim piatu dengan latar belakang yang rendah, ibu mertua menindasnya dan suaminya menganggapnya sebagai aib. Pria jahat yang berselingkuh itu bahkan berencana menceraikannya tanpa memberi uang satu persen pun.Tepat ketika dia jatuh tidak berdaya di malam hujan itu, lima orang ayah tiba-tiba muncul. Ayah pertama adalah seorang konglomerat real estat yang memiliki kekayaan ratusan miliar. Ayah kedua adalah seorang superstar internasional. Ayah ketiga adalah ahli medis terkemuka di dunia. Ayah yang keempat adalah peneliti terkemuka di dunia dan masih ada ayah di luar negeri yang merupakan tentara bayaran!Sejak saat itu, kehidupannya perlahan berubah.Namun, siapa ayah yang sesungguhnya? Itu tidak penting. Yang penting adalah kelima ayah itu sangat menyayanginya. Membuat hidupnya berjalan dengan lancar hingga ke puncak dunia.

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