

The Doctor's Double Life

The Doctor's Double Life


Four years ago, Jane Reid married Jason Hawk under the guise of an ordinary woman to detoxify herself and appease her grandfather's insistence on marriage.

Mindscape: The Daughter Who Sees Inside

Mindscape: The Daughter Who Sees Inside


Six years ago, Jane Soot was set up by her stepmother and stepsister, resulting in an accidental pregnancy. The shock led to her father's death, and her family business was taken over by her stepmother and stepsister, who then chased Jane out of the house. Now, six years later, Jane's daughter, Tina Soot, possesses mind-reading abilities and uses them to help her mother secure a job at Rich Corp, becoming CEO Hans Leed's assistant. Jane's exceptional design skills incite jealousy in designer Sue Ford. Although Sue attempts to frame Jane, Hans sees through the deception and fires Sue. Meanwhile, Zoe Soot fails to cover up her past misdeeds. Hans investigates and realizes Jane is the woman he fell in love with years ago. Zoe tries to keep Hans by her side by attempting to drug him and persuading Hans' grandmother to make Jane leave, but her efforts fail. Ultimately, Hans and Jane work together to expose the truth, and Jane successfully regains control of her company.

Lost Innocence, Found Love

Lost Innocence, Found Love


Yannick Zander and intern Yulia Surrey are tricked into a one night stand by Yannick's stepbrother and Yulia's classmate. Yulia gives birth to Yannick's child, but her sister sells the baby. Yannick's mother mistakenly believes Yulia is a scheming woman who secretly gave birth to marry into wealth, so she buys the child. Without a college degree, Yulia struggles to find a job and lives in poverty. Six years later, Yulia is forced into marriage but accidentally marries Yannick, rekindling their connection. Yannick recognizes her but hides his identity, while Yulia gradually falls in love with him and uncovers the truth about their child.

The Expired Marriage

The Expired Marriage


Lily Sterry was a wealthy heiress disregarded by her family. She married Yoel Simpson, a rich heir, due to a arranged marriage. But Mindy Soal schemed to frame Lily because Mindy wanted to be with Yoel. This made Yoel to mistakenly believe Lily cheated on him. Amidst the entangled love and hatred in this intangible battle, Lily faced immense pressure from both the Simpson and Sterry families with unwavering resilience. Through her relentless efforts, she eventually exposed Mindy's conspiracies. However, by the time Yoel Learned the truth, he was full of regret, but it was too late. Having endured misunderstandings, betrayal, and amnesia, Lily finally regained her strength. She moved abroad and started a new chapter in her life with her two children and achieved great success in the medical field.

Kembalinya Putri Asli

Kembalinya Putri Asli


Anna adalah putri yang sebenarnya. Dia terpisah dengan ibunya saat masih kecil dan identitasnya digantikan oleh Rosa. Setelah Anna jadi desainer, Rosa tetap saja mempersulitnya. Di bawah permainan Rosa, ibu kandungnya juga salah paham pada Anna. Untungnya, Anna bertemu dengan Joshua yang selalu memercayainya.

Pernikahan Kilat Sang CEO Miskin

Pernikahan Kilat Sang CEO Miskin


Lili Jaya menyembunyikan identitasnya sebagai CEO perusahaan saat kencan buta, sebab ingin mencari pria yang patuh. Lukas Liman adalah penguasa saat ini dari Grup Liman, sebab tidak ingin menikah dengan wanita materialistis, dia berpura-pura menjadi orang miskin saat kencan buta. Keduanya merasa cocok dan memutuskan untuk menikah kilat. Namun, mereka tidak menyangka bahwa perusahaan masing-masing memiliki banyak kerja sama. Berkali-kali identitas mereka hampir terbongkar.

A Scorching Hot Marriage

A Scorching Hot Marriage


Three years ago, Sherry, the daughter of the richest man, was saved by Kyle. To repay him, she concealed her identity and secretly helped Kyle. However, his family repaid her kindness with ingratitude. Three years later, she finally realized he was not worth it and went back to being the rich daughter!

Suami Nikah Kilatku Memanjakanku

Suami Nikah Kilatku Memanjakanku


Melani dikhianati adik dan tunangannya! Di bawah suasana hati yang impulsif, dia nikah kilat dengan pengusaha kaya. Sejak saat itu, dia mulai hidup senang, bahkan balas dendam pada mantan berengsek dan membuka perusahaan!Ketika Melani ditindas, pria itu seperti dewa yang turun dari langit untuk membantunya. Ketika Melani ditekani oleh keluarganya, pria itu membantunya menyelesaikan masalahnya.Ketika mantan Melani menyesal dan ingin minta rujuk, pria itu yang menendang pergi mantan Melani, bahkan mengumumkan dengan dominasi, "Siapa yang mengganggu wanitaku, akan dihukum mati!"

Goodbye, My Former Love

Goodbye, My Former Love


Ella concealed her identity and spent four years married to Ash, yet it proved insufficient to withstand the allure of a first love. Consequently, despite being seven months pregnant, Ella had to endure a harrowing Cesarean section. Leaving behind a divorce agreement, Ella reclaimed her status as the heiress of a wealthy family, driving Ash to the brink of insanity.

Steel and Grace: The Heiress' Revenge

Steel and Grace: The Heiress' Revenge


For the sake of her husband, Amy Hill, the heiress of the most prominent family in Valia, keeps her identity under wraps. However, it has never occurred to her that her husband would cut ties with her as soon as she secretly helped him secure a deal worth billions. He seeks to divorce her and even humiliates her. Unable to bear it anymore, Amy decides to strike back!

She's Back With Her Four Babies

She's Back With Her Four Babies


On the 7th day after her mom passed, Serena got handed off to some old man by her dad, but then ended up sleeping with St. Group heir Vincent. Fast forward 7 years, a kid grabs Vincent's leg, calling him 'Daddy'. Vincent's about to shove the kid away when the mom steps in. That's when Vincent recognizes her as Serena from way back... 'Wait, is this my offspring?' Meanwhile, fretting about his grandson's marriage, Vincent's grandma takes a shine to Serena and schemes to set them up. Come the blind date, the two meet, but Vincent's not just after a date. He's eyeing full custody of the little one...





Never Ever Forgive

Never Ever Forgive


Felecia had waited three years for a donor heart to save her son, Dario. Shockingly, her husband, Erasmo, donated it to his first love Daniela's son instead. Devastated after Dario's passing, Felecia confronted Erasmo but was met with contempt. With her son's ashes in hand, a mother's vengeance began.

Tak Ada Yang Bisa Menandingimu

Tak Ada Yang Bisa Menandingimu


Karena ada dendam di antara mereka, Stefan pun memasukkan Kayla ke rumah sakit jiwa untuk disiksa dan dihina.Dua tahun kemudian, Stefan malah menikahi Kayla, bahkan mengatakan, Jangan harap aku mencintaimu. Kamu hanya menggunakan cara lain untuk menebus dosa.

Madam, the World Awaits Your Divorce

Madam, the World Awaits Your Divorce


Linda Sue, the youngest female billionaire, faces a media frenzy upon landing. When asked about her divorce from Ian Bones, she jokes about rushing home to inherit her massive fortune. Ian, equally wealthy, proposes that Linda inherits his family fortune instead.





Tales of the Tycoon and the Pet Shopkeeper

Tales of the Tycoon and the Pet Shopkeeper


Pet shop owner Vivien Jay accidentally ends up in a flash marriage with Shaun Gall, the No. 1 rich man in her city. Due to a misunderstanding, Shaun has to disguise his identity and keep his wealth a secret. What hilarious and unexpected stories will unfold between Vivien, who believes her husband is just an ordinary man, and Shaun, who is a real big shot?

Cinta di Antara Kekuasaan

Cinta di Antara Kekuasaan


Seorang profesi ilmu kedokteran genius melakukan perjalanan waktu dan menjadi Putri Lores yang terbengkalai. Batu saja tiba, dia sudah bertemu dengan orang yang terluka parah dan dia pergi untuk mengobatinya, tetapi dia malah hampir dipenjarakan tanpa alasan. Kaisar agung sakit parah dan dia mencoba mengobatinya, tetapi malah disalahpahami dan dimarahi oleh pangeran yang menyebalkan itu. Mungkinkah menjadi orang baik itu memang sangat sulit? Pria itu bukan hanya terus menyulitkannya, juga mau menikahi selir untuk membuatnya kesal! Si pangeran menyebalkan berkata dengan dingin: "Bagaimana kau bisa bikin aku membencimu? Aku cuma sebal padamu dan merasa jijik saat melihatmu." Keira Lana berkata sambil tersenyum manis: "Aku juga tidak suka pada Pangeran. Hanya saja kita adalah orang berpendidikan, jadi aku nggak mau bertengkar terang-terangan." Si pangeran menyebalkan mencibir dan berkata, "Jangan kira kalau kau mengandung anakku, aku akan akui kau sebagai istriku. Minum obat ini dan hubungan kita putus. Jangan halangi aku menikahi Nona Vina." Keira menekuk alisnya dan melanjutkan, "Pangeran suka banget bercanda. Anda boleh menikah sesuka hati, aku juga boleh membawa anakku pergi dan menikah lagi. Kita jangan halangi satu sama lain. Nanti aku undang Pangeran ke pesta ulang tahun pertama anakku."

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