In a world of wealth and status, Reese's mysterious disappearance leads to a battle of love and betrayal. Follow Reese's journey of resilience, family loyalty, and a dramatic showdown at a grand banquet. Discover the dark truths behind Trio Tycoons Compete For My Heart.
ReadThe Unwanted Bride of Atticus Fawn depicts the heart-wrenching love quartet of Autumn, Atticus, Damon, and Anya in this gripping werewolf romance drama.
ReadSupreme Emperor delves into the consequences of breaking a century-old contract between Alex Yeager, the Supreme Emperor, and the descendants of the nine clans.
ReadMy Exclusive Wish Granter is an epic mini-series of comedic proportions describing the heavenly encounter between gods and men through the power of technology!
ReadMiss Charming and Fierce is about Camila reuniting with her brothers, the three Southham Lords.
ReadTranscendence is an uplifting piece of fiction that reminds us that, contrary to expectations, heroes can often appear in humble garments and feeble bodies.