
Maturity Meets Innocence

Maturity Meets Innocence


College student Charlotte Sharp encountered with Ryan Church, a successful older man. After a night of unexpected passion, Ryan developed feelings for her and helped with her troubled family. When Charlotte was humiliated on a blind date, Ryan stepped in to protect her. As their bond deepened, Charlotte discovered Ryan's deep affection and responsibility. Despite the challenges of her secret pregnancy and family debt, Ryan remained by her side. Their love strengthened through these trials, culminating in a romantic wedding that proves their unbreakable bond.

The Heiress Switch: Truth and Deception

The Heiress Switch: Truth and Deception


In a case of switched identities, a false heiress replaced the true heiress to enter a wealthy family. However, the wealthy father also brought the true heiress back. When would the truth about the switched identities be revealed, and how would the true heiress protect herself?





Melodías de Amor, Nueve de Diez Son Lágrimas

Melodías de Amor, Nueve de Diez Son Lágrimas


A los trece años, Lidia Montenegro conoció al joven Adrián Valverde en el funeral de sus padres. Desde entonces, lo había amado en secreto. Muchos años después, por azares del destino, sus vidas se entrelazaron. Pero Adrián no sabía que ella era la misma Lidia de su juventud, y así empezaron los malentendidos entre ellos...

Nyonya, Pak Eric Hilang Kendali Lagi

Nyonya, Pak Eric Hilang Kendali Lagi


Sara Winata, seorang desainer yang hidup dalam kesulitan, bertemu dengan Eric Finn, seorang maestro fesyen yang angkuh dan terkendali. Eric mencari wanita yang ditemuinya malam itu di seluruh kota, tetapi Nana Ant, sahabat karib yang licik, menyamar sebagai wanita tersebut. Sahabatnya itu tiba-tiba berubah menjadi tunangan sang presdir dan mulai menzalimi Sara di mana pun ia berada. Nana bahkan mencoba membunuh Sara agar bisa merebut identitasnya secara permanen.

Nikah Kilat di Umur 50 Tahun

Nikah Kilat di Umur 50 Tahun


Agnes Yunar, seorang ibu-ibu lajang berusia 50 tahun, tidak sengaja bertemu dengan Rudi Halim, orang terkaya di Barda, yang menyembunyikan identitasnya, setelah banyak pertemuan aneh di kencan buta. Tapi hubungan mereka berdua selalu diejek orang-orang karena faktor usia. Terakhir, setelah mereka berdua menyelesaikan masalah-masalah seperti utang judi putra Agnes dan kehamilan menantunya, hubungan mereka berdua meningkat dengan cepat dan mereka menjadi keluarga sungguhan.

Rencana Menjadi sang Kepala Keluarga

Rencana Menjadi sang Kepala Keluarga


Sena salah menilai Hans, pria kurang ajar. Setelah dikhianati merasa putus asa, lalu tanpa sengaja mabuk dan bertemu Ben, pemegang kuasa Grup Wealth. Keduanya akhirnya bersatu dalam nuansa intim. Setelah itu, Sena hamil dan diputus oleh pria kurang ajar, ditekan oleh keluarga dan membesarkan kembar lima yang dilahirkannya. Saat ini, dia membawa si kembar lima kembali dan tanpa sengaja bertemu dengan sang ayah kandung, Ben.

Life's Breath: Struggles of the Heart

Life's Breath: Struggles of the Heart


Twenty-eight years ago, Connor Daly faced a heart-wrenching decision when his wife, Dahlia Bell, experienced complications during childbirth. Choosing to save the baby, he inadvertently caused the death of his father-in-law, Harold Bell. This tragedy ignited a deep-seated hatred in his mother-in-law and brother-in-law, Andrew Bell. Fast forward eighteen years, Connor's son, Valor Daly, is accepted into college, but the family struggles financially. Desperate, Connor attempts to borrow money from the village but fails and is forced to turn to Andrew for help. Initially met with Andrew's cold refusal, Connor reveals that the decision to save the baby had been Dahlia's. Valor, overhearing this revelation, steps in to mediate, leading Andrew to eventually lend the money for Valor's education. Years later, Valor becomes a successful entrepreneur and plans to invest back in his hometown. However, his efforts are thwarted by a local bully, stirring unrest among the villagers. In a moment of crisis, Valor returns to confront the bully and the villagers. When Dahlia gets injured, the villagers even consider expelling Connor from the village. Valor steps in, fights for his parents' justice, and transforms the villagers' attitudes. One evening, Scarlett Ross demands that Valor break off his engagement with her niece, Fay Ross, citing pressure from Joe Payne's powerful family. Valor travels to Ecrin county to speak with Fay. Upon learning the truth, he decides to challenge Joe at the engagement party, determined to protect Fay and their future together.

Esposa por accidente

Esposa por accidente


Luego de la tragica muerte de Alice, su hermana gemela, Ariel, decide hacerse pasar por ella para vengarse de su prometido que le fue infiel y su manipuladora familia adoptiva. Sin embargo, la misión se complica cuando Ariel conoce al multimillonario Vincent y se casa con él, pero debe ocultarle su verdadera identidad.

The Love Transplanted Within You

The Love Transplanted Within You


Yana Joy, born with congenital heart disease, was coerced by her parents into marrying Yale Joss on her wedding day, but Zach Hall intervened, disrupting the ceremony. It was revealed that Zach was the CEO of Hall Group. His former girlfriend, Zoey Tate, had tragically passed away in a car accident, and her heart had been transplanted into Yana's body. After Zoey's death, Zach conducted a thorough investigation to find Yana and mistook her for his late girlfriend, leading him to develop feelings for her. Yana, upon discovering that Zoey was Zach's unforgettable first love, struggled to accept that his affection for her stemmed from this misunderstanding. However, they eventually clarified the confusion between them. Yana chose to start anew with Zach, motivated by her desire to provide their child with a complete family.

Pernikahan Tak Terduga

Pernikahan Tak Terduga


Saka dan Lila dijodohkan oleh keluarga mereka untuk menikah. Tak disangka, Lila malah hamil dan membesarkan Aksa sendirian. Enam tahun kemudian, Saka yang pulang tak sengaja menolong putranya, bahkan salah paham kalau Lila yang selingkuh. Tapi mereka pelan-pelan saling tertarik saat kerja, bahkan salah paham di antara mereka juga pelan-pelan menghilang. Akhirnya mereka baikan dan hidup senang.

PDG Charmant du Mariage Éclair

PDG Charmant du Mariage Éclair


Trahie par sa sœur et son fiancé, Aurélie Dupont, emportée par l’émotion, a épousé dans un élan spontané un puissant homme d’affaires ! Sa vie est désormais devenue un enchaînement de triomphes. Elle s’est lancée dans un combat sans merci : vengeance contre ce couple adultère, création d’entreprise, récupération de ce qui lui avait été volé. « Je reprendrai ce qui m’appartient ! »Quand elle était dans le pétrin, un homme, tombant du ciel, l’a défendue. Quand elle était confrontée à la pression familiale, il l’a soutenue, balayant tous les obstacles. Son ex-fiancé, rongé par le regret, a imploré son retour, mais il a été rejeté d’un revers de pied par cet homme protecteur.« Il est hors de question de toucher à ma femme, gare à celui qui essaierait ! » a-t-il proclamé avec une fierté dominatrice.

Back in Love After Five Years with Kids

Back in Love After Five Years with Kids


Five years ago, Charlotte married her boyfriend of ten years, but he disappeared without a trace on their wedding night, leaving her pregnant.   Meanwhile, Charlotte's dad and sister, Wendy, expelled her from the Johnson family, claiming that Charlotte brought shame to the family. Alone, Charlotte gave birth to quadruplets, one of whom was reported stillborn by the doctor. Heartbroken, she left that sorrowful place with her children. Five years later, in order to obtain embryo blood to treat her son Hayes' leukemia, she finally tracked down her missing husband, Hector. Wendy, using the "dead" child, became Hector's fiancée, while Hector seemed completely unfamiliar with Charlotte, and the paternity tests he took regarding the children kept yielding incorrect results. Amid their entanglement, Hector's heart gradually softened, and he found himself involuntarily falling in love with Charlotte. The appearance of Elias, a high school classmate who had an unrequited love for Charlotte, led to the complete unearthing of a conspiracy from five years ago involving Wendy. In the end, Charlotte reclaimed her daughter, whom Wendy had stolen and falsely claimed was stillborn, while Hector recovered his memory.

Kesalahpahaman Fatal Suamiku

Kesalahpahaman Fatal Suamiku


Maya Soran mengikuti perintah orang tuanya dan menikah dengan Julian Rosta. Tidak disangka, Julian adalah orang yang selama ini dia sukai. Ternyata beberapa tahun lalu, Maya pernah menyelamatkan Julian, tetapi jasanya malah direbut oleh Anna Wijaya. Julian yang tidak tahu bahwa Maya adalah penolongnya yang sebenarnya, jadi menyukai Anna dan berkali-kali menyakiti Maya. Carlos Graham menyukai Maya selama bertahun-tahun dan terus membantu Maya. Mia Sarda yang menyukai Carlos bersekongkol dengan Anna dan mencelakai Maya berkali-kali, Carlos yang menyelamatkannya. Setelah sadar dari koma, Maya melupakan cinta lamanya, menjalani operasi plastik, dan kembali. Dia terus mendekati Julian dan mulai membuat rencana. Saat kebenaran terungkap satu per satu, Julian baru menyadari bahwa dia telah salah paham pada Maya...

Acting It Out: The Bride We Haven't Seen

Acting It Out: The Bride We Haven't Seen


Jewelry designer Zilla accidentally saved Master Smith, who then decided to match her with his grandson, Yasir, arranging an engagement between them. Displeased with the arranged marriage, Yasir left the country in a fit of anger and spent the next three years abroad. During that time, Zilla and Yasir never met—until their first encounter unexpectedly happened in bed. Unaware of Zilla's true identity, Yasir found himself living with her by a twist of fate. As they started cohabiting, Yasir was torn—on one hand, he wanted to break off the engagement, but on the other, he found himself irresistibly drawn to her mysterious alter ego.

La vida sin Luz.

La vida sin Luz.


Hace seis años——   Luz Soto era la hija caprichosa y mimada de una familia adinerada.   Sebastián Rivera era un joven talentoso e inocente de una familia humilde.   Seis años después——   Luz Soto es una humilde madre soltera que lucha por llegar a fin de mes.   Sebastián Rivera es una influyente figura que aparece en la Revista Forbes con una riqueza sin parangón.   Al volver a encontrarse, clavándole los ojos, le dijo: «Luz, gracias a ti me convertí en este Sebastián».   Luz levantó la cabeza para contener las lágrimas y, sonriendo sin miedo, contestó: «Entonces, deberías darme las gracias. Si no fuera por mí, ¡habrías seguido siendo un pobretón sin futuro!».   Después, Sebastián la arrinconó en una esquina y le dijo dolido y enojado: «Luz, ¿cómo te atreves a casarte con otro hombre y tener hijos?».   Más tarde, ella saltó hacia las profundidades del océano y dijo: «Sebastián, te pagaré con mi vida. Ya no te debo nada». A continuación, Sebastián se volvió loco buscándola. No podía ser alguien con una voz parecida, con una apariencia similar o con una personalidad semejante. Tenía que ser ella. Solo podía ser ella. Y dijo: «Luz, vuelve. Estoy dispuesto a tropezar con la misma piedra, pero, esta vez, puedes matarme si quieres».

Reborn As My Foe's Wife

Reborn As My Foe's Wife


After the ruin of her family, the princess finds herself unexpectedly transported to the present day. To compound matters, her husband is none other than her sworn enemy from a previous life! Undeterred, she resolves not to be underestimated in this new life. With that, she unfolds her journey of navigating the complexities of the modern world with determination and resolve.

結婚当夜 寝たきりの旦那が目を開けた

結婚当夜 寝たきりの旦那が目を開けた


白川悦美は継母に陥れられ、実父から脅迫され、義理の妹の代わりに1年間植物状態であった男と結婚させられた。 みんなが高橋家の三男との結婚は不幸だと思っていたが、新婚当日、姑が彼女に何気なく億単位の銀行カードを渡した。その夜、植物状態であるはずの高橋三男がゆっくりと目を開けた。

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