Pablo Moya es el heredero de la Casa del Dragón. Para devolverle a su esposa María Cruz el favor de salvarle la vida, finge ser una persona común y corriente y sustenta a la familia Cruz en secreto; pero, cuando la carrera de ella se dispara, ¡se divorcia de él! ¡¿Quién es realmente?! ¿Por qué puede hacer que el señor Aguilar se agache ante él? Una historia emocionante está a punto de comenzar…
Luis, de naturaleza bondadosa, es la reencarnación del Emperador Celestial y desde pequeño ha tenido habilidades extraordinarias, aunque no las ha reconocido. Su abuelo, para ayudarle a recuperar el trono imperial, planeó un matrimonio con los Sánchez, pero Paula, al encontrar el Registro de Consagración de Dioses que Luis había arrojado, llegó para cancelar el compromiso. Justo en ese momento, Lisa, la hija de los Blanca, que tenía un compromiso con Luis, fue a buscarlo. Ella ya conocía el verdadero poder de Luis y comenzó a sentirse atraída por él. Paula no pudo hacerle frente a Lisa y huyó derrotada, intentando reabrir el Registro de Consagración para vengarse. ¡Así comenzó el proceso de consagración! Y la lucha por el trono apenas comenzaba.
After a car accident in which he saved an orphan girl, the chairman of Vance Group, Ansel Vance, suffers from amnesia and becomes separated from his family. He adopts the orphan girl, Amy Bennett, and takes on the identity of a labor worker named Bryant Bennett. Eighteen years later, Amy, eager to marry into the Vance family, looks down on Bryant and even severs their father-daughter relationship, unaware that Bryant is, in fact, the long-lost head of the Vance family, the very family she’s trying to marry into.
Luis Reyes, un ginecólogo, descubrió inesperadamente que la mujer sometiéndose a un aborto en el hospital materno-infantil donde apoyaba era su propia esposa, Rosa Vargas. Resulta que la mujer que le prometió amor eterno ya lo había traicionado. Devastado, Luis confrontó a Rosa y le pidió el divorcio. Rosa aceptó sin dudarlo para estar con su amante, sin imaginar que este solo la quería por su dinero. Finalmente, Rosa terminó arruinada, engañada y responsable de la muerte de su propio padre. Consumida por el arrepentimiento, pagó el precio de sus decisiones. Mientras tanto, Luis superó el dolor y encontró la verdadera felicidad que tanto merecía.
Seeing how her bodyguard get flired by a pretty lady, the heroine felt so jealous! "Quite enjoying it, aren't you?" thought she, "Then you may..."
The tragic cable crash left Ben and Lisa Fisk orphaned, forcing them to rely on each other for support. Fifteen years later, they both manage to enroll at the same university. However, their limited financial resources mean they can only afford to fund one of their educations. True to her selfless nature, Lisa sacrifices her chance and allows Ben to pursue his studies. To support her brother, Lisa endures countless hardships, even seeking financial help from the villagers. Five years later, rumors begin to swirl that Ben has committed a serious crime, sparked by none other than Chris Lane. Will the villagers stand by Ben and Lisa, or will Chris face the consequences of his actions? What lies ahead for the Fisk siblings?
計画された結婚式で、楚河は身ごもった女性と結婚するためにあらゆる屈辱を受け、億万長者である姉が式場に駆け付けたところで、弟はなんと、結婚式場で自ら刀を振り上げ去勢しようとしていた……。 あらすじ 主人公・楚河、大学を卒業したばかりの熱血青年だ。彼は柳如煙に騙され、彼女が妊娠した子供は自分の子だと信じ込まされ、彼女と結婚しようとしていた。しかし、結婚式当日、楚河は次々と屈辱的な要求を突きつけられた。それでもお腹の中の子供と義父の期待を思い、彼はプライドと信念を一時的に捨て去った。が、実は柳如煙は地方で絶大な影響力を持つ富豪の御曹司・姜坤の愛人であり、姜坤は幼い頃からの因縁を理由に、楚河を泥の底に叩き落とすための結婚劇を仕組んでいたのだ。しかし、実に楚河は「伏天グループ」という大企業の失われた後継者だった。姉である楚歌は弟を探し続け、ついに結婚式当日に彼を発見したのだ!そして弟のために盛大な結婚式を開こうと準備していた!楚歌が部下を率いて式場に駆けつけたところ、楚河とその家族は正に柳如煙と姜坤の巧妙な罠に追い詰められ、絶望の淵に追いやられていた……。11月15日 18:29
两年前,陆家的一场大火差点夺去陆明非的性命,而陆明非拼死救出的同父异母的妹妹陆星月却诬陷这场大火是他所为,而所有人都相信了这份说辞,陆明非拒不承认,选择独自生活。于是那个名满江城的陆家,和拮据的陆明非看起来完全没有任何的关联。而陆明非也因为骨头硬,绝对不愿意承认那些自己没做过的事,而受尽生活折磨,在饱受冷眼与霸凌后,陆明非在一个夜晚登上天台。而与此同时,当年的大火,陆星月的身世,续弦的不忠,全都被一一呈现在了陆慎庭眼前。当他终于明白儿子眼中的挫败和失望,当他终于回过神去送上那份属于陆明非的成人礼,却只看见天台上他留下的那行字—— “爸,这十八年里,你有为我骄傲过一秒吗?”
Six years ago, Ethan Gray left his rural hometown to study overseas, leaving behind his aging parents and his beloved girlfriend, Luna Kurt. Now, returning as the wealthiest man, he is devastated to find that Luna has gone missing. Through relentless searching, he finally finds Luna. She had been trafficked and subjected to unimaginable torments, leaving her psyche irreparably damaged. Despite her condition, Ethan refuses to give up on her. He takes Luna to numerous specialists, searching tirelessly for a way to help her heal. After facing numerous challenges together, Luna's mental state begins to improve, and their love story finally finds its long-awaited happy ending.
조천우는 딸 세빈이를 데리고 악인의 협곡을 떠났다. 악당들의 추격에도 살아남은 그들은 청주의 미인 대표 이서희를 만나게 되었다. 그렇게 세빈이와 행복한 나날을 보낼 수 있을 거라 생각했지만 이서희는 계속 양씨 가문의 견제를 받았다. 양씨 가문 때문에 여러 위기가 닥쳤는데도 이서희는 조천우와 세빈이의 도움 덕분에 해결해 나갈 수 있었다
Anos atrás, a Família Canto foi completamente dizimada, e a mãe de Luiz, antes de morrer, pediu que ele nunca mais usasse suas habilidades. Anos depois, a jovem da Família Reis participa de uma competição de artes marciais para escolher um pretendente, mas está prestes a perder para um estrangeiro. No momento decisivo, Luiz quebra seu pingente de jade, recupera suas forças e protege a pessoa que ama.
A humble and kind-hearted father from a rural village was abandoned by his wife, who left him for a wealthy city businessman. He managed to raise his son by selling basket after basket of vegetables. But heartbreakingly, the son refuses to acknowledge him after achieving success. Just when all seems lost, the adopted daughter who had gone missing years ago returns, bringing with her success and honors to repay the father's kindness for raising her. A lifetime of good deeds is finally rewarded.
Leon Norwood, the Celestial Grandmaster of the Everpeak Sect, possesses extraordinary martial arts skills. In his quest to provide a complete family for his triplets, he tirelessly searches for answers. When Camille Sutherland finds herself in danger, he steps forward to rescue her. Faced with threats from powerful families like the Sampsons, Leon chooses not to resort to violence. Instead, he uses his wisdom and power to resolve the situation with subtle finesse, successfully rescuing Camille while exposing their wrongdoings.