

Dragon Soaring over the Sea

Dragon Soaring over the Sea


Felix, betrayed by his former wife Quincy and suffering from dementia, witnessed his daughter Nancy being taken away by Quincy and her lover. After the ancestral tablet was destroyed, an ancestor manifested and restored Felix's spiritual wisdom, granting him power. In order to rescue his daughter, Felix accidentally encountered female CEO Yancey and demonstrated his abilities to save his daughter. However, to completely heal his daughter, Felix needed a Viridblood Plant. Yancey, in order to get rid of Dario's pursuit, gave Felix the herb for the condition that Felix save someone and then they created chaos at an auction. Later, Felix went alone to Yancey's ancestral ceremony, even offering three incense sticks to Yancey's ancestors, embarrassing everyone present. This, however, aroused jealousy from Dario's family, who kidnapped Felix's daughter and set up traps for Felix, all of which he managed to overcome. Eventually, Felix married Yancey, and the two lived happily ever after.

The World Shall Tremble Before Hades

The World Shall Tremble Before Hades


He is Hades, master of Hades's Hall, the organization that ruled over the world. He had the millions of people worshipping the ground he walked! When he learned that his wife was being humiliated, he marched back to his home country while burning with fury. Those who stepped on his tail must die!

転生の炎 〜封印された不死鳥の力〜

転生の炎 〜封印された不死鳥の力〜


名門武道流派を統べる三大勢力は、伝説の「炎の印」の力を我が物にしようと、その力を持つ少女・山本優の両親を殺害する。死の間際、父は娘の体内に炎の印の力を封印。重傷を負った優は兄・耀によって天行道場に連れ戻されるが、道場の師範代や門下生たちから差別と迫害を受ける日々が続く。ただ一人、兄・耀だけが優を守り続けていた。 数年後、かつての裏切り者・山本修平が三大流派を率いて天行道場に襲来。道場の乗っ取りと炎の印の奪取を目論み、道場は存亡の危機に瀕する。耀までもが命の危機に陥ったその時、優の中に封印された炎の印の力が目覚める──。

0번 감옥의 역습

0번 감옥의 역습


10년전, 한 소년은 오해 때문에 가족과 고향을 떠나야만 했다. 결국 치명적인 사고까지 겪게된 소년, 그리고 그를 구해준 소녀 한송주. 소년 서현월은 생명의 은인에게 보답하기 위해 한송주의 곁을 묵묵히 지켜왔다. 그렇게 결혼까지 하게된 이 두 사람은 마냥 행복하지만은 않았는데, 삶의 무게가 그들을 무겁게 짓눌렀기 때문이다. 그렇지만 포기를 모르는 서현월은 끝끝내 자신의 노력으로 한송주와 가족의 인정을 얻어냈고 그들만의 해피엔딩을 맞이하게 되었다.

주군의 반격

주군의 반격


3년 전 고주원은 심씨 가문 어르신의 은혜에 보답하려 심씨 가문 데릴사위로 되어 심씨 가문을 최선을 다해 돕는다.그렇게 3년이 지나 마지막 배달 주문을 마치고 동영파 닌자에게 납치당한 재계 여왕 김서연을 구하게 된다. 고주원은 부하에게 뒷처리를 부탁하고 이름조차 알리지 않은 채 떠나지만 김서연은 이미 그에게 한눈에 반한 상태, 몸으로라도 갚겠다며 다년간 경영했던 여운 그룹까지 바치고 김씨 가문의 과거사를 고백하는데...

Beneath the Golden Veil

Beneath the Golden Veil


International financial magnate Angelo returns to Drakelore, stepping back from the public eye. On the eve of his son's wedding, Angelo uncovers his future daughter-in-law's betrayal and learns that his son, Xavion, is being blackmailed. Simultaneously, Well Street launches a fierce assault on the international gold market. Juggling these crises, Angelo fights to preserve his family's honor. On the day of the wedding, as his son stands ready to marry, Angelo makes a pivotal decision that will change everything.

군신이 돌아왔다

군신이 돌아왔다


십수 년간의 혈전 끝에 "군신"으로 거듭난 강무영, 그에게 날아든 친우의 비보. 한 품은 죽음을 맞이한 친우의 복수를 위해 그가 돌아왔다!

Oser faire du mal à l'épouse du milliardaire

Oser faire du mal à l'épouse du milliardaire


Vincent vient d'une famille riche des deux côtés - sa mère est la présidente du Groupe Wilson et son père est un mystérieux seigneur gangster. Il cache sa richesse pour entamer une relation avec Jessica, mais finit par tomber dans un coma pendant trois ans après un accident de voiture, perdant ainsi tout contact avec ses parents. Jessica travaille à temps partiel pour payer les factures médicales de Vincent, mais elle est harcelée par ses proches et ridiculisée par le monde. Lorsque Jessica est à nouveau abusée à cause de Vincent, l'homme qui était dans le coma depuis trois ans reprend conscience. Quand les harceleurs apprennent les véritables origines de Vincent, ils réalisent avec qui ils ont affaire…




นิ่งฮ่าว ประธานแห่งนิ่งซื่อกรุ๊ปและนักวิทยาศาสตร์ชั้นนำถูกสวีหมิงหย่วน เพื่อนสนิทหักหลังและฆ่าทิ้ง แต่เขาบังเอิญได้พกเทคโนโลยีช่องว่างมิติเวลาข้ามมิติไว้กับตัวจนได้ข้ามมิติย้อนไปยังรัชสมัยต้าฉู่ แล้วก็ได้กลายเป็นนิ่งฉางอัน คุณชายสามตระกูลนิ่งที่สติไม่ดี ฮ่องเต้ริษยาตระกูลนิ่งซ้ำยังถูกขุนนางชั่วใส่ร้ายอีก พ่อและพี่ชายถูกประหารตัดหัว นิ่งฉางอันกับพี่สะใภ้ทั้งเจ็ดถูกริบทรัพย์เนรเทศ นิ่งฉางอันแกล้งเอ๋อต่อไปเพื่อปกป้องเหล่าพี่สะใภ้ และในวันก่อนจะถูกเนรเทศ เขาก็ได้ใช้พลังช่องว่างมิติและเวลาย้ายเอาพระคลังและทรัพย์สินเงินทองของขุนนางชั่วไปจนหมด

용황 무적이 되어 돌아온 남자

용황 무적이 되어 돌아온 남자


하늘을 뒤덮을 권세를 가지고 고향으로 돌아온 1세대 용황! 전 세계를 무력으로 떨게 하다!

파혼 군인의 역습

파혼 군인의 역습


이야기는 한차례 결혼식으로부터 시작된다. 남주 조주영은 결혼 지참금 때문에 장모님과 장성 그룹의 도련님 장천호의 모욕을 당한다. 자신이 조주영의 약혼녀와 관계가 있다는 장천호의 말에 조주영의 어머니는 기절했고 병원으로 가야 했다. 하지만 장천호와 약혼녀 일가족은 그들을 보내주지 않았고 끝까지 괴롭혔다. 이 위기의 순간에 Y 그룹의 대표 예도연이 천억의 혼수를 들고 나타나, 프러포즈와 동시에 조주영의 엄마를 구해주었다. 사실 조주영과 예도연은 진작부터 혼약을 맺은 사이였지만 조씨 가문이 몰락하여 연락을 잃었다. 조주영은 예도연의 도움에 고마워 평생 지켜 주겠다고 맹세했다. 비록 처음에는 가족들이 반대했지만, 조주영이 예씨 가문의 각종 곤란을 해결해 주면서 끝내 예도연과 행복한 결말을 맞이한다. 그리고 나중에 조주영의 진짜 신분이 알려지자, 사람들은 깜짝 놀랐다.

From a Jilted Loser to a Big Deal

From a Jilted Loser to a Big Deal


Seven years ago, Jessica was a wealthy heiress who ruthlessly abandoned Seymour, a poor boy. Later, Jessica's family went bankrupt, and her parents passed away, causing her to lose everything overnight. In her desperation to make money, she resorted to any means necessary. Meanwhile, Seymour transformed into a business magnate. Seymour believed that Jessica was trying to approach him to reconcile, but Jessica only wanted to work hard and earn money. Unbeknownst to them, their genius child was actually a millionaire...

Omniscient Eyes

Omniscient Eyes


His mother is terminally ill, and his wife cheated on him! In his moment of despair, Fang Yuan obtained two all-powerful abilities. Watch as he turns the tides and takes the city by storm!

Mr. Wilson's Path: Driving to the Summit

Mr. Wilson's Path: Driving to the Summit


Ten years ago, Wilson's newlywed wife, Whitney, mysteriously vanished. In his search, he adopted a daughter who later became the world's richest person. Now, after finally locating Whitney, Wilson discovered she had amnesia and was a renowned CEO. Taking a job as her driver, he dedicated himself to helping her regain her memories. After overcoming challenges together, they reunite as lovers.

빛나는 두번째 인생

빛나는 두번째 인생


와이프와 그녀의 첫사랑이 계획한 속임수에 넘어가 대출을 감당하고 억울하게 죽은 백도진. 눈을 떠보니 아직 그 모든 일들이 발생하지 않았다 . 이건 하늘이 주신 기회다. 이번 생에는 반드시 그들을 가만두지 않을 것이다!

불굴의 지배자

불굴의 지배자


대하의 만인지상이었던 무안군 진우석은 기억을 잃어 공사장 인부로 전락해 버린다. 열심히 살지만, 불공평한 상황은 늘 그를 괴롭혔다. 그럼에도 약혼녀 문서현은 그를 떠나지 않았고, 두 사람은 출신과 집안 차이를 극복하며 많은 고난을 이겨낸다. 결국 사랑하게 된 두 사람은 함께 인생의 새로운 길을 걷는데….




อิซซาเบล ซีดีโอของเวสตันกรุ๊ปแห่งเมืองนิวยอร์ก อยากจะพาเจอร์รี่ พ่อของเธอย้ายจากชนบทเข้ามาดูแลในเมือง ด้วยเหตุนี้เจอร์รี่ก็เลยเดินทางเข้าไปในบิ๊กแอปเปิล แต่ทั้งพ่อและลูกล้วนไม่รู้เลยว่าการเดินทางครั้งนี้จะกลายเป็นฝันร้าย ไม่มีใครรู้ว่าเจอร์รี่คือพ่อของอิซซาเบล เนื่องจากการแต่งตัวที่ธรรมดาของเขาทำให้คนคิดว่าเขาคือขอทานไม่ก็พวกโรคจิต เจอร์รี่เจ็บปวดจากการโดนพนักงานและพาร์ตเนอร์ของเวสตันกรุ๊ปรังแก จนกระทั่งอิซซาเบลเดินทางมาถึง

늑대의 핏빛 복수

늑대의 핏빛 복수


진태수는 재계 서열1위이자 늑대왕이다. 국보를 되찾아 돌아온 그는 고국에 있는 아버지가 어두운 세력에 의해 박해를 받고 어머니까지 사고를 당했다는 사실을 알게 된다. 격분한 태수는 늑대 무리를 이끌고 고국의 땅으로 돌아와 부모님을 해친 범인을 찾아 나서는데… 정의를 위한 늑대의 통쾌한 복수가 시작된다!

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